I bought myself a new hair dryer this week. The old one was sending out sparks. And unless you’re falling in love, I don’t think sparks around hair is a good thing. Any kind of flame accelerator should also be kept away from the hair. Especially when there’s product involved.

So, while at the Target spending a lot of money on supplies and presents for a certain birthday party that’s happening tomorrow, I remembered that I needed a new hair dryer, and I picked up this little baby.

Not only was it on sale for around $11, but a portion of the proceeds goes to support breast cancer. Now I don’t know how much that portion could be. Probably not that much on an eleven dollar purchase, but it still makes me feel good knowing that at least a few cents of my purchase will be going somewhere good. And it’s pink!

And the new hair dryer? Oh, I’ve forgotten how nice it is to have so much power in my hands. All 1875 watts. I mean, I point that thing at my wet hair and it feels like I’m in a wind storm. How cool is that? I’m so excited, I’ll probably wash my hair again today!