The Trials of a Busy Mom

Category: General (Page 3 of 11)

Winter..whenever it comes

We’ve had an odd winter this year. Not much snow in December or January, then we get pounded the end of Feb and beginning of March. I had a white knuckle drive to Salt Lake on Wednesday night. I was going about 10 miles per hour for quite a stretch on the freeway, just hoping I could stay in my lane and eventually get downtown for rehearsal. Thursday night’s drive home from SLC was not bad until I hit Utah county, and then it was pretty blizzardy.

After the wind all night, what snow we had is now in waves and drifts.

And when I look out at the chicken coop, I see this.

It looks cold out there. I don’t want to go out and feed them, and I’m pretty sure they don’t want to be let into their run, since it’s all snowy and their little feet would be very cold.

Speaking of cold little feet, I told my kids that today was definitely a BOOTS day, with hats and gloves and COATS (not just hoodies like they usually wear). Some of them found those articles, some did not. But off to school they did go. Through the snow.

I was quite enjoying our “California Winter”.

Just a reminder that you don’t want to miss Sunday’s Music and the Spoken Word Broadcast. We will be playing three songs! Two with the choir and one by ourselves, and it’s a majorly hard song, so I hope it works ok.

Now, I’m off to go make Eagle cookies.

Because when I was at the scout store (again) I couldn’t resist this cute Eagle cookie cutter. So, if any of you find yourself in need of an eagle cookie cutter, let me know, I could totally lend it to you.

Paige paints (part one)

I have been hemming and hawing over my bedroom and how to make it into what I want it to be for about 8 years. I’ve rearranged, made curtains and changed the bedding. I’ve even written to Nate Berkus for help. He has not responded, darn. You may remember last year when I tried to win a bedroom makeover by Mandi? That didn’t pan out, either.

This summer, I bought a cute quilt for my bed, and rearranged the bed yet AGAIN, trying to find some inspiration and get motivated to do what I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Paint. But for various reasons, (a-vaulted ceiling, b-can’t decide on a color, c-can’t decide the best thing to do with the dumb windows that are not symetrical, d-where exactly is the best place for the bed, e-it’s a pain) in 10 years that we have lived here, our bedroom was still NOT painted.

Well, about a week and half ago, my husband informed me that he was getting a tv for our bedroom. Not just any tv, a WALL MOUNTED TV. Not a wall mounted TV! Then I’ll NEVER get to paint. It must be done immediately. So, I went to the paint store, and within 20 minutes had picked out my paint. It was a snowy day, and there was a guy behind me in line at Ace Hardware buying salt. He saw me with my paint and supplies and said, “Ugh, looks like someone’s got a painting project.” I said, “I would much rather paint than shovel snow,” and I left happy.

I couldn’t wait to slap some of that color on the walls. But darn it all if I spent most of my day removing faceplates and moving furniture and washing walls so that I could paint. I use the swiffer duster on the high parts of the walls, just to dust before I wash. I couldn’t wait any longer, I had to just see how it looked.

Here’s some before pictures, and please try to ignore the total chaos that is our room. Instead of moving all the furniture out like you probably should do, I just pile stuff on the bed and move things around a bit.

To pick a color, I took my pillow sham in with me, and picked a color that would match the green. I decided to go bold, and choose a paint called ‘Granny Smith’. Here I was comparing it to the bedspread. Isn’t that a great color? I just knew it would make me happy. And I hoped that hubby wouldn’t hate it.

Once it was on the walls, I couldn’t believe how much I liked it. And Look! The windows just seem to stand out and look so white and pretty! When Ryan came home, he was a bit surprised that I went ahead and started painting even though I didn’t have the right ladder. But when he saw what I had done, he said, “I like that color.” Big sigh of relief. I’ve heard that paint color and furniture are things you should never pick out without your husband. Oops on both counts. But he has pretty much given me free reign to decorate how I would like, so I wasn’t too worried.

I love when a color just feels right. I’ve said before that it’s like the walls were just waiting for me to pick the right color and get them painted. And these poor walls have been off white and boring for a long time. Poor walls.

We had to break out the BIG ladder to do this job. That’s actually not our ladder, we had to borrow it from Ryan’s sister and brother-in-law, and it helped a lot. We couldn’t reach the high vaulted ceiling with just our regular ladder.

And can I mention how much I love the paint stick? You suck the paint into the handle, and then there is no need for pouring the paint into a pan. You still have to edge and stuff, but it makes it so much easier to use one of these paint sticks. Of course, this particular model wouldn’t work for me, after having used it to paint the last 3 rooms, so I opened up a new one I had stashed from the last time I found it on sale. It’s a little bit more complicated to put together and more of a pain to clean, but still well worth it for any painting job.

And there’s the old tv against the nice newly painted green wall.

Stay tuned for pictures of the OTHER wall and see what color we painted that, and pictures of the room when I get everything all put back together.

What’s Happenin?

Some of the goings on around here this week.

**Oldest child took the AP Calculus Test

**Then he took the AP Physics Test

**Painted a dresser purple. It could have turned out better. But it looks better than it did.

**Acquired a chicken coop (no chickens yet, but I’m hoping to get some as soon as I get the coop fixed up and painted! Happy Dance!)

**Daughter throwing up

**Youngest son got hits EVERY time he was up to bat! And he can run those bases like nobody’s business!

**Tried to win a car. Did Not.

**Tried out for a play. Not my best audition in the world, but definitely not my worst. I went during the kids audition time because I couldn’t go later when it was my own time slot. It’s a lot less scary that way, too. I’m not competing with a bunch of talented men and women, but a bunch of scared kids. And I think the dance they teach the kids is easier than the adult dance. But I didn’t even make the call back list. In four years of auditioning for this particular community theater, I’ve ALWAYS made the call back list, even when I didn’t get a big part. So I either totally sucked at my audition, or I rocked it and they’ve already cast me in a part. Who knows?

**Tried to win a room makeover

**Got mulched

**Tried the new yogurt place in Highland, the Orange Leaf. Yum. Although I can’t help calling it the “Orange Orange” in my head. (only fans of the show Chuck will get that reference)

**And I’ve been cleaning carpets with the carpet cleaner borrowed from the lovely Julene. It’s gross, yet satisfying to dump out the disgusting dirty water.

So, that’s a glimpse into what’s going on. Want more info? Stay tuned, and have a wonderful day.

Let’s get the show on the road

I haven’t written much here about our upcoming ROADSHOW, but it’s time to enlighten you. Some of the younger generation might not even know what a roadshow is, but Brigham Young is probably the man responsible for roadshows (or you might have called them “trail shows” back then). At least he set a precedent when he instructed the Saints traveling across the vast prairie expanses to gather together in the evenings to sing, dance, and entertain each other. He knew that such celebrations could raise the spirits of his people.

Today’s Saints are still carrying on the tradition, according to Pat Davis, cultural arts specialist for the General Activities Committee. “I sometimes think we don’t realize what we have in roadshows,” said Sister Davis. “Roadshows are a unique LDS art form, and an exciting showcase for talents. Every would-be composer, choreographer, director, singer, playwright, and dancer has the opportunity to hone skills and try them before the public.” Originally the roadshow would actually go ‘on the road’ and be performed at several different churches through the stake. Now, not every building has a stage or place to perform, so our roadshow is limited to one night at our Stake Center.

And who would be in charge of the ward’s road show, you ask? Well, me, of course. Because apparently having a time consuming calling with the Bells on Temple square and another time consuming calling in the primary presidency and, well, you know, my life weren’t enough to keep me busy. Ahem.

In December, right in the middle of my crazy hectic schedule where I spent about half of my month at the conference center in Salt Lake City, I was informed that the young men and young women had scheduled every week in January to work on this roadshow of mine, so would I mind getting off my butt and coming up with a plan? Ok, they didn’t exactly put it like that, but on the day after Christmas, I called together my committee for an emergency planning meeting to figure out what the heck we wanted to do.

I am honestly so IMPRESSED with what we have come up with. Our theme was basically the 13th article of faith, which in case you need a reminder states: We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

We decided to go with a top 40 countdown show, showcasing the songs that are important to our Highland 9th ward youth. We thought of popular, current songs, and we had our youth change the words. For example, instead of Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” we have changed it to “All the Missionaries”. I was explaining to this my parents, and telling them how great it was to see all our young men actually learning this dance (toned down just a little bit. And they do wear pants) and having fun. They said, ‘Who is Beyonce?’ and “What is this Single ladies song?” What? I thought everyone in Northern America had pretty much seen at least one version of this song, but I guess I was mistaken. So, for my parents, here’s the original song.

I won’t post all the lyrics to our awesome song just yet, because there may be other road show writers out there just lurking here to find out our secrets. –What? It could happen!– But just know that it’s awesome.

The kids have been working on choreographing dances and blocking to these songs, and I’ve found that a lot of my job is organizational. When are we going to rehearse each thing, and how are we going to make such and such work. Not theatrical at all. Basically, I’ve been stuck doing all the boring grunt work, with not so much of the creative work. Oh, well. Maybe I’m getting better at the organizational stuff.

We’ve got one song, “Don’t Stop Believing” which is kind of my song. When we chose our songs, and figured out how we wanted to change them, we assigned one or two young people to come up with the actual lyrics. Except when I asked one of the youth to help me rewrite the words (since she WAS on the writing committee) she pretty much blew me off with the excuse that she was too busy. Seriously? Too busy? I may never get over that one, chick. So… I wrote it. It took me about a half and hour. (Too busy? Humph!) As we are trying to teach the youth the lyrics and dance to the song, we found it’s harder to learn when all we have to rehearse are either the original lyrics or the karaoke version with no words. Fine. I’ll sing the song and record the changed words so we can all learn it at our Tuesday night rehearsal this week. It won’t be our performance cut or anything, but it will do.

So I went over to our tech guy’s house, where he’s got the whole ‘garage band’ thing all set up on his computer. He plugs in a mic, gives me a set of headphones and off we go. Now, just for the record, “Don’t Stop Believing” is not the easiest song to sing. It’s high, but it’s right in between my “belt it out” range and my “head voice” range. Never mind. I sang it through once, and then we listened to it. Or rather, he listened to it, and I sat there cringing. Flat note there, not a good entrance there, too loud and a bit screechy there. I sound dumb singing the boy’s part there. And gosh, do I really sound like that? It was painful.
“Do you want to do it again?” he asked. And while I would have liked to do it right and do it again and again until I was satisfied with the sound, I realized that this is called a “scratch recording” for a reason. We’re just going to play it for the kids to sing to so that they can get the words. It’s not for performance.

I cringed and said, “No, it’s good enough. Just don’t tell anyone who did the vocals. Tell them it was your wife or some homeless person off the street who had a ‘will sing for food’ sign.”
He laughed and said, “Right. Let me just download this as my new ringtone, then we’ll be done.”
“You will do NO such thing!” I said a little too loudly.

Now I’m hoping that tonight I can survive hearing myself singing that song over and over and over while trying to teach it to our youth. If I develop a slight facial tick or have a stroke, I’ll let you know.

I should probably prepare by stashing some chocolate and ear plugs in my purse, don’t you think?

Norah Jones “Featuring” review

I received an advanced copy of Norah Jones’ new album, “Featuring” from the One2One Network to review.

Since I have long been a fan of Norah Jones, I was excited to get this CD in the mail. Hubby and I even attended a Norah Jones concert a few years back. I was SO EXCITED, while he was only mildly excited, but he willingly came with me. It was an outdoor concert at the USANA Amphitheater. For some reason the grass was wet, and we were unprepared, with only one blanket. The blanket was soon wet, and there we were, cold and wet on the grass, but still enjoying the music. Good times. It may take quite a bit of convincing to get him to go to a concert there again. But I digress. I was telling you about this great new CD.

This CD will be available in stores on Tuesday, and if you’d like to take a listen, go on over to the Norah Jones Website for a preview.

“…Featuring is a star-studded collection of Norah Jones’ collaborations spanning her entire career. The result serves as a kind of parallel history to her four albums, which have sold over 40 million copies worldwide. ” said one site.

Featuringis a compilation of 18 guest collaborators including Dolly Parton, Andre 3000, Q-Tip, Ray Charles, Herbie Hancock and The Foo Fighters..

“A lot of the people on this record are people I’ve worshiped since I was a kid, and some of them are younger and more my contemporaries,” says Norah. “Even though the musicians are so varied, the vibe of the songs makes sense when we put them all together.”

I must say honestly that I enjoyed this album. But then again, I’m already a big Norah fan. With all these different artists, each song is different. No offense to Norah, but sometimes her music gets to be a little “samey,” and there’s no sameness about this album. Each song still has that wonderful blues quality that Norah is famous for. Some of my favorite songs on the album are Creepin’ In – with Dolly Parton, Baby it’s cold outside with Willy Nelson, and Virginia Moon with the Foo Fighters. Did I love every single track? No, but I do enjoy the CD, and plan to make it a permanent fixture in my car.

Change is inevitable – except from a vending machine.

September. It’s a month of changes, isn’t it? Kids go back to school.

We try to adjust to the new schedules and be efficient with the time we have.
The garden rewards us for our hard work during the summer.
The fruit trees also.
The air starts to cool off and the weather is beautiful.

With all the changes, I realized I needed to change it up, too. I went for a haircut–it had been WAY too long since I’d visited my friend, the stylist. I asked that she put some red in my hair. We had tried to do a little bit of red last time, but it didn’t take, so she went bolder this time. Since I’m not really one to do BOLD in any way, the end result was a bit of a shock to me.

I’ll show you some pictures, but please understand that this is just me, taking one handed pictures of my head while sitting here in my office. Nothing portrait worthy or anything, ok?

Here’s the basic cut. It’s a bit shorter than I was expecting, but nothing I can’t live with. I like how it’s stacked in the back, and I LOVE the color variation in the back.

I don’t know if you can see the different colors, but there’s some pretty strong reds in there.

My 14 year old said, “Mom, those are not natural colors. You would not be allowed to wear your hair like that to school.”
“They ARE natural colors, my dear. It’s not just all MY natural color.” Take that, know it all teenaged daughter.

Anyway, I think it looks really cool, and I love the red underneath, although you can’t really see it in my high quality self portrait.

Speaking of portraits, my sister needed models for a music and the spoken word painting she was doing, so I conned two friends to come and POSE with me. She needed some soccer moms for this story:

Three mothers were sitting together at a school ballgame. Two of them were gushing about their children’s talents and latest achievements. One’s son had just won an athletic scholarship, and another’s daughter had just been chosen as valedictorian. The third mother’s son had no such accomplishments, but she seemed unruffled, even happy about the success of the other two. She almost sounded as proud of those children as their own mothers were.

Later, when asked why she hadn’t felt jealous, she simply explained that it was much easier to celebrate than to compete. She certainly wanted success for her child as well, but she knew that victories for others don’t mean failures for us. She felt confident that her son would excel in his own way and in his own time.

The ability to forget oneself and praise another’s achievement is a key to contented living. It’s natural to feel pangs of envy at another’s success—as if their success cancels out our own. But, in reality, life is a roller coaster, and we each have our ups and downs. When we remember and cherish our own values and growth, we realize we wouldn’t trade places with anyone else. When we are confident in the motives of our own hearts, we can then reach out to commend others for a job well done or good fortune that comes their way.

It was fun, although I think I ended up looking kind of like a spaz. I was not chosen to be the serene mother happy for her friends. If you want to see the finished product, that Music and the Spoken Word will be rebroadcast on KBYU this Sunday at 8, I think.

I also went last week and gave my wedding ring a makeover. When we were getting married, everyone got gold wedding rings. I don’t think there were that many other options. Gold. But I don’t really wear gold jewelry. My watch, my earrings, my other rings are all silver. So for about a year, I’ve been looking for a nice ring I could get as a replacement. Then a friend told me I could just go and get my ring “dipped” or rhodium plated. So easy! I took it to the jewelers, waited 3 days, paid them $36 and got my ring back all shiney and sparkly in white gold.

Again, I apologize for the quality of my pictures. You can’t really see the silverness of the ring, or the sparklyness of the diamonds. But trust me, it’s beautiful. I love it because it’s still my wedding ring, but now it’s silver. It feels like a new ring, and I’m happy with it. Now if I could just keep those diamonds shiney ALL the time. Avoid hand lotion? I don’t think so.

Tomorrow we’re hosting the first ever “day of birthday parties” here. I’ve rented a velcro wall

and we’re having John’s party in the morning and Natalie’s party in the afternoon. So, I just need to go and buy large amounts of food and snacks, and hopefully the kids will entertain themselves!


Six Things I Could Live Without, but It Wouldn’t be Pretty:

– A car

– My washing machine

– Deodorant

– Lipstick

– The Internet

– Mascara

Six Movies I’ve Never Seen Before

– Any of the Godfather movies

– 2001: A Space Odyssey

– Any of the Twilight movies, (although I will admit that I just checked the first one out from the library)

– Casablanca

– Die Hard, or any of the sequels

– Mad Max

Six of My Pet Peeves
(believe it or not, I had a hard time coming up with six things. It must be a good day)

– Signs that are spelled wrong. And not just things like “Krazy Kars” (although I don’t like those, either. Why can’t they just spell things correctly?)

– Car repairs

– People (meaning my children) who take their socks off and just leave them on the floor

– People who leave a tablespoon of cereal (or milk, or juice) in the container and then put it back

– When I have just returned from taking someone somewhere, and someone else says, “Mom, will you take me to ….?”

– Flaky people

Six Things I Really Love Doing


– Laughing with my family

– Cooking

– Singing along to the radio

– Winning things

– Reading

Six TV Shows I Enjoy

– Covert Affairs

– the Amazing Race

– Glee

– Burn Notice

– Chuck

– the Closer

Six Jobs I Have Held

– Party Hostess at McDonald’s party room

– Purchasing Agent at a pool cover manufacturing plant

– Receptionist

– Sandwich maker/ice cream scooper

– Substitute teacher

– teacher/cook at a day care

Six Books I’ve Never Read

– Gone with the Wind

– War and Peace

– Anything by Steven King

– Watership Down (although I started it, but couldn’t get into it)

– Jane Eyre

– Any of The Lord of the Rings

Six Movies I will ALWAYS Watch if I happen to see them on tv
– Overboard

– Napoleon Dynamite

– The Breakfast Club

– Oceans 11

– The Princess Bride

– Sleepless in Seattle

What I’m doing with all my “free time”

School started last week around these parts. So far the kids have attended 3 days of school. All day school, I might add, none of this 1/2 day or three hour stuff for my first grader through high school junior.

I will admit that even though I’m sad to see them go, sad to have to say goodbye to the fun and spontaneity of summer, and sad to jump into the planning, the scheduling and the homework, I have been looking forward to having some time without them to get things done. Think about it. It’s been 16 years since I’ve had a little one at home with me for all or part of the day.

I have plans. Yes, I do. I’m going to work out, clean the house, get myself organized, take care of all my PTA responsibilities, manage the Primary stuff, paint, etc. But it’s amazing how quickly the time goes from the time the last one goes until the first one gets home.

Lest you think I’m a slacker, let me tell you what I got done on the first day of school.
*I took my kids to the back to school breakfast at the busstop
* I went to the Gym. Yes. The Gym. Ahem. I DO know what a gym is. You over there..Stop snickering. I kicked out 30 minutes on the bike, 10 minutes on the eliptical thingy, walked 10 minutes and did about 5 minutes of arm weights. Exhausting.
*I came home and took a shower and got dressed.
*I organized about 6 weeks of coupons that had been waiting for me to organize them.
*Then I took all those newly clipped and organized coupons to our local Smith’s store, where they are currently running their big coupon event, where any coupon that is valued and $1 or less is equal to $1. I saved $50 with my coupons. Yeah, I love that!
*I had time to bring my groceries home and put them away, and then BOOM, the kids were home.

The other days were even less productive, unless you could presidency meeting and visiting teaching as productive. But I am enjoying the time without the kiddos. I get some cleaning done, get myself organized, and then hopefully I can be on my game when they come home and the chaos begins.

If you need me, I’ll be in the laundry room. Just sitting there watching it spin.

My new washing machine, it’s here!

Thursday was my scheduled delivery date, which meant I had to arrange all my carpools to NOT be driving so that I could sit around home and wait all day. You know how it goes….they say they will give you a ‘three hour window’ of when you should be home and wait for delivery, and then it may or may not happen during that time. Yeah, we’ve all been there.

The night before I got a call informing me that my ‘window’ was between 7 and 11 am. And then in the morning, I got a call at 6:55—no joke–telling me they’d be there within 30 minutes to an hour. Wow! I was in the middle of making breakfast for the kids, trying to make sure the Chinese girls were up and moving, and all that morning stuff that I do so groggily. I had wanted Ryan to unhook the washer first so that I could get back there and clean that area, but now that wouldn’t be possible. I hurried up to the laundry room to at least corral all the clothes that seem to find their way OUT of their baskets so the floor was relatively clean, at least. I grabbed the vacuum, but really didn’t have enough time to do much good.

Then at about 7:30, right when the carpool was due to arrive to take my Chinese girls to their school in Provo, the doorbell rang, and it was Jeff. I opened the door and he said, “Good morning. It looks like we’ve got a washer for you.” I said, “You are my favorite person today!” I took him upstairs to the laundry room, and he and Tony got right to work unhooking my old Whirlpool machine.

In just a few minutes, they had disconnected that machine, and were whisking it away.

Here’s the “hole” left when they took that away. You’ll notice that when I painted that room, I didn’t bother moving the appliances. I think husband was out of town when I decided I was going to paint (and it’s NOT my best paint job, can I just say? I’ve gotten so much better and I really do care more about the rooms I paint now. I’m embarrassed to even show you this hideous paint job!), and I did a quick and dirty job. It’s just the laundry room, right? Little did I know that people actually decorate their laundry rooms with coordinating accessories. WHAT?

There on the floor, that’s 9 years of dust and grime that’s been hiding under that machine. I was feverishly vacuuming, sweeping and wiping, trying to get it at least dusted and cleaned up a little bit while they hauled one washer down the stairs and out to the truck and brought the new one up the stairs. Those two guys were remarkably fast! I could barely get the STUFF that was stuck behind the dryer out before there they were with the new machine.

As they came back and I was still on my hands and knees scrubbing like a crazy person, Jeff asked me, “Do you need another minute before we install this one?” I automatically started to say ‘no’, just to be polite, but then I changed my answer. If I didn’t clean it now, who KNOWS when I’d have another chance, so I said quietly, “Yes.” and kept cleaning. Just for a minute. Then I got out of the way and let them work on installing my new, beautiful washing machine.

Yes, those are my cleaning supplies all lined up on my (gasp) windowsill. And there’s a pile of crap on my dryer. I’ll admit it. I’m NOT the cleanest person in the world. I do have dust and clutter and messes in just about every room in my house (double gasp). Especially the room that is dedicated to dirty (and clean clothes).

But look how happy it looks there in it’s new home. No, we did not get the pedestal or the matching dryer. Maybe someday.

As soon as it was done with it’s test run, I fired it up. Wow–you can put SO MANY clothes in there! Of course, with a full load, it takes my old dryer a LONG time to get them all dry, but that’s ok. And it’s so quiet!! There’s no thumping or whirling sounds. It’s wonderful. After I did all the whites I could find, I did a load of towels and a couple of rugs. Still no noise! And it uses like 1/4 of the water that the old machine used. I’m thrilled.

Is it sad that a new washing machine makes me so happy? Kind of. But when you have as many people living here as we do, you really should have a washing machine that works. I’m sure the newness and the excitement will wear off soon. I mean, it’s still laundry, and it doesn’t fold or put away itself, now does it. But for now, I’m going to go upstairs and happily wash another load.

Nothing, honey. I’m just sitting here at the computer.

I hate it when my kids ask me what I do all day.

Isn’t it obvious?

I keep this place running!
I do the laundry,
I clean the toilets,
I grind the wheat,
I bake the bread,
I buy the birthday presents,
I clip the coupons,
I shop the sales,
I buy the groceries,
I buy the socks,
I wash the socks,
I look for the socks,
I mend the socks (ok, I don’t really mend the socks, but I do occasionally mend OTHER things),
I take kids places,
I pick kids up from places,
I organize the fun,
I carry out the fun,
I go to meetings of all sorts (PTA meetings, Relief Society Presidency Meetings, planning meetings),
I volunteer at the school (did you not SEE me in your classroom grading spelling workbooks?)
I volunteer more at the school, (skirts? Remember the skirts?)
I volunteer with the PTA,
I vacuum,
I dust,
I wash walls,
I unload the dishwasher when certain children forget to do it before they go to school,
I go visiting teaching,
I weed the flower beds,
I plant the flower beds,
I plant the garden,
I plant the garden AGAIN when my garden dies from a late spring snow,
I unclog toilets (OK, I may not be the best toilet unglogger in the house, but I do unclog my fair share)
I paint bedrooms,
I organize and reorganize,
I switch our phone plan to try to save us money,
I call the repairman,
I wait for the repairman,
I host playdates,
I get books from the library,
I try to find the books that go back to the library,
I pay the library fines,
I plan the vacations,
I try to win the vacations,
I make breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinner,
I clean up from those breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners,
I sew curtains for your bedrooms,
I sew curtains for other people’s bedrooms,
I help with homework,
I read with kids,
I help with the piano practicing,
I gently remind the kids to do the piano practicing,
I drive the kids to the piano lessons,
I drive the kids to sports and sports practices,
I schedule the dentist and doctor appointments, then drive kids to those, too.
Sometimes I even exercise.

I’m not perfect. Sometimes, I admit, I sit and watch tv. Usually I stand and watch tv while I do some of that other stuff.
And yes, sometimes I blog about all of this.

So when you come home from school and say, “What do you DO all day, Mom?” and I look at you in befuddlement, do NOT say, “I know, I know, you were Blogging.”

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