The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: October 2011

Fabulous Friday Frivolities

I have a few random thoughts to share with you today. Not enough for their own posts, so I’ll just combine them in a random fashion.

—We’ll start with the chickens. The new chickens seem fine in our backyard. I can’t really tell if they are happy with their new arrangement or not, but I’ll assume they are. But they are so much LOUDER than our last group. The first day we got them, I kept thinking something was wrong or that the nasty dogs had wandered in and were terrorizing them. I would run to the back door to check on them, or go out and see. Their previous owner had said that they were very proud when they laid an egg and that they got pretty loud in sharing with the world about their accomplishments. So, I would hear them cackling and think there must be an egg waiting. Nope. They are just loud. I looked them up online and think that they are New Hamshire Reds

In the description it says they are “Friendly,Easily handled,Bears confinement well, Noisy, Docile” Loud. Great. Thankfully our neighbor’s houses aren’t right next to ours, and there’s only one neighbor that I’m worried about hearing them, but now it’s getting cold so our windows will be closed. Won’t have to deal with the loudness till spring. Hopefully. And hopefully I won’t worry about them constantly. And about dogs.

I am a little concerned about keeping them warm enough. We’ve got to get their windows covered with plexiglass or plastic (or make them some cute shutters or curtains…wouldn’t that be cute?) and I’m going to look for a heated water dish and maybe hook up a light in there to keep them a little warmer. The forums are split on heating their coops, though. Some say they need to get used to the cold, others mention that they can get frostbite, so… But we definitely can’t have them out there with open windows.

—Our Japanese exchange student experience is going well. Except that all the fun things I have planned have not worked out. Thanks, FAMILY. “I have volleyball”, “Basketball starts tonight”, “Don’t forget about pack meeting,” “I have to work late to take a conference call”, “My friend is having a party, can I go?” Even my plan for Saturday’s outing isn’t going to work unless we flake on two volleyball games and a basketball game. Ugh. But we have managed to take him to the Dinosaur museum, to OraNGE lEaf for some yummy frozen yogurt, and to Wendy’s for fast food.
We’ve taken him to basketball and played Wii. Tonight is our ward party, and we’ve told him we are all dressing up in Halloween costumes. I think he’s excited about it (or maybe nervous, now that I think about it) because this morning he asked, “Is today Halloween?” and I told him that yes, it was the Halloween party. Let’s hope we don’t scar him too badly.

–I’ve entered a contest (of course I have) and would appreciate your votes. I could possibly win an I-pad. Wouldn’t THAT be cool?! You don’t have to register or anything, just go to this website HERE and vote for my picture

There’s only 15 pictures entered, but I think you can only vote once per computer, because I keep voting, and my status isn’t changing. Maybe I need to go to the Library and vote from there. Or YOU could vote, right? Thanks!

–Halloween decor. Megan and Ryan (mostly Megan) made these cool window monsters that look really cool at night.

If you were to come trick-or-treating at our house, you would see them in their full glory. Fun! And free!

I’m trying to decide what to dress up as for Halloween. My parents came over and took some costumes for their party. I was surprised that they chose a devil and Nemo costumes. Don’t I have fun parents?

What are YOU going to be for Halloween?

A breather

It’s busy around here. Let’s face it, when is it NOT busy around here? Monday night we picked up our Japanese exchange student, Kodai. He is a nice 15 year old from Osaka, and we’ve got a whole week of stuff planned for while he’s here. But that meant that Monday we had a lot of cleaning to do to get our house guest ready. Ugh. Why are we all such slobs? Anyway…

Tuesday I spent a few quality hours canning applesauce with my mom and dad. They have the system down, and with three people it goes a lot faster. They are so awesome, they even let me take home most of the finished applesauce! So, now I have 20 quarts of yummy applesauce, 5 quarts of apple juice and some lovely apples. I know I could just buy applesauce at the store for not that much money, but have you eaten applesauce in a can from the store? My point exactly. And they have all these beautiful apples that are need to be used up, so it’s a good thing.

Last night we took Kodai and the kids to John’s first basketball game of the season. It just worked out that everyone was able to go, so it was a fun little event. But dang it if I can’t find John’s basketball shirt. I might have –gasp–thrown it away. If that’s the case, I’m in trouble. Afterward we went to one of our favorite places, the Orange Leaf, for frozen yogurt.

Today is Wednesday, and it’s wonderfully quiet here. I made breakfast and got everyone off to where they need to be, and now I have NOTHING planned. Seriously! No meetings, no sub jobs, no pressing activities that just HAVE to be done, it’s just me and the laundry! I’m so excited! I have been so busy with my PTA stuff and this “working” thing that it’s been a while since I’ve had a day to myself. Enjoy it, I will.

I have some organizing to do in my office and some bulbs to plant, some washing and folding, etc, and as soon as the kids come home, it will be go, go, go, again, but for a few minutes, I am going to enjoy the day. Alone!

There’s a new coop in town

Not to dwell on the bad, but last week a dog got the last of my chickens. The worst part was that I looked out one morning and saw the dog with my chicken in her mouth. I ran out there in bare feet to try to rescue her, but it was too late. I screamed at the dog and she slunk off. I broke down and cried. Actually, I cried a whole lot. She was my favorite chicken. My only chicken left, and I couldn’t get the image of the dog killing her out of my mind. I think because I had not cried when the other ones were killed, but this time the kids were gone and wouldn’t see me crying.

I did contact the dog owner, though. (Not right then, but a day later, when I could speak of it calmly without crying.) They were very sorry and offered to pay for chickens and punish the dog and keep her in their own yard. I can’t say it won’t happen again, but we will reinforce the dog run so that chickens can’t fly out the top when a dog comes barking. We will try again. Even if we are in a neighborhood full of dogs and our yard is not fenced. I don’t want to be the girl who had chickens once. That day I started looking on the internet for “dog proof chicken runs” and “How to keep chickens safe from predators” and looking on for chickens for sale.

Because now that we’re all into this chicken project, I was authorized to spend some money instead of just relying on things I could get for free. And I had been complaining about the coop and how it needed this modification and that fixing. Ryan wasn’t thrilled about fixing up what he called a piece of junk coop. Somehow one of the kids suggested I should call my ‘friend’ Nate Berkus
and ask him to design a chicken coop for us. While that’s not a bad idea, and I am certain that any chicken coop designed and/or built by Nate would be FABULOUS, I don’t really think he’d jump at the chance to do that for his show. But I might just send him an email anyway.

When I started looking, I found that there are a lot of chicken coops for sale! Fancy ones, HUGE ones, little ones, etc. Wow.
I found this ad that had just been put up, and I called.

It seemed sturdy, safe, and oh, so cute! I arranged to come and pick up the coop and his three chickens on Friday. Ryan was off work, so he and I took the truck up to Riverton to pick up this coop. The bad thing was that this coop built out of an old playhouse was wider than the gate, so we had to lift the whole thing up OVER the 5 ft fence. Somehow we managed with the three of us. The coop barely fit in our small truck. It had to sit on top of the wheel wells and was hanging out the back. But we used the trusty tie downs and took it slowly back home. I had the three chickens in a rubbermaid box on my lap. They did not enjoy the ride, I tell you.

We got home and had to muscle it out of the truck and put it in the garden area by the other coop.

Look at that metal roof! No rain or snow dripping on the chickens in that little house.

The little run is quite short, and we still have this dog run, so we want to figure out a way to attach that and give them a little more room to run around in, and still be safe from dogs.

But it makes me happy to have chickens again. And who doesn’t love a coop built from a cute pink play house?! (Ryan says we should paint it barn red, which would also be cute. We’ll see about that.) On their first day here they laid three eggs for us, so I’m pleased with their work, as well. We are returning the loaner chicken to her rightful owner, and going with these three. They came prenamed, so I guess we’ll stick with that, even though I don’t think that Lexi, Juliette and Violet are great chicken names. They even have little colored bands on their legs and a key written on the inside wall of the little house that says which color means which name (Violet is the blue one, etc.) Cute. So we’ll just go with that. If you’d like to come and visit our new little family of chickens, feel free to come on over. We’ll even give you a fresh brown egg if you’d like.

What a success! (I say as I pat myself on the back)

This week we had our Hawk Walk awards assembly. It’s the final activity of the fundraiser that I was in charge of for the PTA. If you’d like to read more about our actual walkathon which was held last month, you can read about it HERE. Our theme has been, “We need to raise SUMO money.”
After that we had a lot of lap card counting and tabulating to figure out the top walkers in each grade, the classes who walked the most laps, judge the coloring contest, count money that came in and figure out which classes brought in the most percentage of their envelopes and also the $100 club, or the kids who brought in over one hundred dollars. All of these winners get prizes of some sort. I had planned on treating the class that walked the most laps to lunch from Chick-fil-A WITH the Cow! But we had a little problem with the laps. You see, there were two tracks, and they were both 1/5 mile long. But on one, the track took a slight jog in and out to make it long enough, and come to find out some of the kids just walked straight, which made that lap shorter by about 50 feet. Big deal, right? Oh, the complaints from the teachers! “That track was shorter, and so it’s not fair that my kids were walking on the other track.” Hmmmm, when I look at my schedule, Mrs. We-Have-to-win-at-everything, it shows that you were supposed to walk on that track. If you had only walked on your assigned track, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, would we? (No, of course I didn’t say that! That’s why it’s not in quotes, silly!) I just smiled and said we would take that into account. But then that made me really want that class to NOT win. As I counted the lap totals, I adjusted for the shorter lap, etc. Two classes were neck and neck. Really, it was too close to call it. One was ahead in laps, until I made the adjustment for the cheaters who didn’t walk the actual lap, then the other class was slightly ahead. I wanted to throw out both of those classes (because they ALWAYS win at everything. Overachievers) and say that someone else was the winner. But, even though I am in charge of the event and can really do whatever I want, that would probably be wrong. So, I called those two classes AND the next class that was only a fraction of a lap behind the winners. THREE CLASSES as winners. But then I had a problem. How could I crown three classes the winner, and would I have to change my prize of lunch from Chick-fil-A? ARgh. I called Vern, my super great contact at Chick-fil-A, and we worked something out. I paid as much as I could possibly afford, ($100), and he covered the rest of the cost (which was about $230). They have been SO generous with us!

So, I made certificates, divvied out prizes, stapled the free sandwich and free kids meal gift certificates for every student in the school, distributed all these into the teachers boxes, and was ready for the assembly the next day.

I went Tuesday night to pick up the sumo suits so that I wouldn’t have to rush and get them the morning of. I had asked if that would be ok, but I failed to call the day of and remind her that I was coming to get them. I got there after 7:00, and when I rang the bell, no one was there. This is a home based business, so I could understand that they had stepped out. I called both numbers I had listed, sent a text, did everything I could to contact her, and then came home. I was frustrated and disappointed and kind of mad that I had just wasted an hour (and the gas) driving out there and gotten no sumo suits. I was going to let my kids play around in them that night, too. Darn. As I got home and sent her an email, the horrible thought came to my mind….”What if she’s out of town and I can’t get the suits for tomorrow?!” Then the panic really started to kick in. It had been a really bad day, I was feeling fluish, and just wanted to go to bed, but I was worried about the suits. Thankfully, she called me back at about 8:45 and apologized over and over and over. I understand that these things happen, and I told her I would just come in the morning at about 8:30.

The next morning, I picked up the suits and floor mats without incident, went to the school to do my last certificates, and set things up. The principal even let me drive my car around to the back to set up. I felt like SUCH a rebel!

(Here’s a suit waiting to be worn)

The weather was perfect! I had worried that it might rain, but it was wonderful. Chilly but not too cold (although cold is good if you’re going to be throwing yourself around in a huge sumo suit). The sun was shining, and the kids were excited.

(especially this cute kid!)

We started the assembly, and I got to thank them all for their hard work and tell them how successful our event was. We actually raised more money than we EVER have doing this thing, so I feel pretty good about that. I announced the names of the fastest walkers and the $100 club, but I didn’t call them up. They get their certificate back in class and then we don’t have to deal with a bunch of confusion with kids coming up to get their prizes (yes, I’m brilliant!). I made a big deal about how we had THREE class winners, and there was much cheering when I announced those classes. Then I turned the time over to our principal, and they had a whole schtick worked up.

First came the silly string. There must always be silly string.

Then the office ladies came out as witches to pronounce a hex on the teacher who was wrestling the principal. It was so cute!

Such fun! Such drama! Then they wriggled into the suits and had the actual SUMO part.

I was laughing so hard! It was GREAT!!
We declared the teacher the winner and let them get out of their suits. I thanked the kids again, and sent them back to class. And it was over! Well, not quite over. I had to pack up the suits then get ready for our reward lunch, which was happening in about 45 minutes.

The lunch with the cow was also a big success! The kids got to come down early and eat chicken nuggets and brownies and lemonaide with the fun and friendly cow, and it was a lot of fun.

We were a bit stingy on the chicken nugget distribution, and therefore ended up with quite a bit left over. Looking back, we should have given all the kids one more nugget each, and it would have been about perfect, but we didn’t want to run out at the end. We made up plates for the office lady, the principal, the teacher who wrestled, and the custodians. We also had some. There was still enough for me to bring home and feed my family for dinner.

So now it is over! Me and the cow and the sumo suits, we throw a great party.

And I couldn’t be more pleased with how it turned out! Hooray for me!

When sad things happen

As I was driving with my carpool peeps to bell choir rehearsal the other night, my friend Marie, said, “Paige, how do you keep so upbeat all the time?” I laughed and said, “I do a lot of yelling at home.” And then I laughed some more and tried to explain. The yelling is not HOW I stay upbeat. I was just trying to explain that I’m NOT upbeat all the time. Not by a long shot. It made her feel better to hear that I do my share of yelling.

And let me assure you, I’m far from upbeat right now.

Yesterday I subbed for a junior high German teacher. The German part was fun, but the subbing part was ok, but still exhausting. I wasn’t here when the kids came home from school, and that was a day when I really should have been home. As I drove up, I knew something was wrong. There were a lot of white feathers all over in the front yard, and even out into the street. Not a good sign. I pulled into the garage and was met by texts from Natalie on my phone as well as a couple of crying kids.

Something had attacked the chickens. Two were found dead close to their run, one was missing, and one had been found in a window well. Somehow all of them had gotten out of the pen and something had attacked them. But who would let them out? And who lets their dog run wild into other people’s yards and lets it attack innocent chickens? Had one of the kids left the door open in the morning? They assure me that they didn’t. Did some neighbor kid come over in the morning and open the door? Did some malicious person purposely let them out? They can’t open the door themselves. I had to deal with the sad and crying kids, and take care of the dead chickens. “Why did the dog attack OUR chickens?” John said, “Why don’t they attack those chickens that we saw on the side of the road?” It’s difficult to comfort a sad child who doesn’t understand why when you do not understand the why yourself. No time for my own sadness. We disposed of the bodies and went looking for the other chicken. We didn’t see brown feathers so we had hope that she had gotten away. Maybe she would come back when it got dark. Sadly, I soon found her body, too. In the neighbor’s yard. I hurried and cleaned that up before their kids came out and witnessed the carnage, as well.

As the older kids came home, they already had heard the news, thanks to the texting skills of their sister. Megan was extremely upset and crying, and I had to start a new round of comforting my children.

Was this chicken thing a mistake? Should we not have named them, treated them like loved pets? Should we not be so concerned with their comfort and just consider them ‘farm animals’ and not pets?

I had one chicken left. One sad and lonely chicken who had witnessed the attack of her friends, and she had barely managed to escape. And now she’s alone. I called my friend who I consider an expert on chickens, and asked if I could borrow one of her older chickens. She had recently told me that she needed to get new younger chickens because hers were getting older, not laying, and she was considering giving them to another neighbor. If she was going to get rid of them anyway, would she mind lending one to me so that my poor little Gabby wouldn’t have to be alone. She readily agreed. John and his friend, Tucker, picked a chicken out from their chickens, and brought it over.

What a friend to give up one of her chickens for me! I asked Tucker what the chicken’s name was, and he said she didn’t have a name. John named her Thunder. She looks pretty mangy right now. I guess she’s molting, but my friend assures me that this is one of her nicest chickens. So far the two chickens are NOT acting like friends, and I am still worried about both of them.

Soon it was dinner time and I had nothing made. Kids had to go to soccer and volleyball and I had to go to an orientation meeting about our upcoming Japanese student. Throw something in the oven and get going.

By the time I got home from the meeting, I was spent. It had been a very long day. A day of sadness, and I hadn’t yet had the chance to cry. Instead of crying, I decided I needed to laugh, so I pulled Ryan into the family room to eat a Magnum bar that I had in the freezer for a time such as this, and we watched Modern Family.

Yum. And the laugh was good, too.

Exhausted, I hauled myself up to bed, hoping I could get a good night’s sleep this time. I hadn’t slept well the night before. I was a little worried about waking up in time to get to the sub job, and I got home late from bell choir rehearsal. I slept for an hour or two, then woke up. Worry, anxious about the chickens, and sad. Not the restful night I had needed.

While I was a little relieved to see both chickens out there, it still made me sad to think about them. And I can’t stop thinking about their dead little chicken bodies and remembering scooping them up to dispose of them. But life must go on, and I had to get myself ready and the kids ready for the day. Kindergarten this time, and thankfully, only half day. I can do anything for half a day, right?

It still doesn’t make any sense.

One of my neighbors, a dog owner, said she saw the feathers when she walked by with her dog at about noon, and wondered if we had caught the culprit on our porch cam. She said she hopes it wasn’t her dog, and to please tell her if it was. Unfortunately, our porch cam doesn’t isn’t hooked up to record everything that happens when we aren’t there right now, and it’s only in the front of the house. There is no chicken cam, although maybe we need one. The only clue would be if her dog had a mouthful of feathers. And would I really want to know? If I knew who’s dog it was, would I say something to the owner? What can they do to make it right? Buy me new chickens? Maybe. Keep their dog in their own yard? Maybe. Maybe not. But would it cause bad feelings between me and my neighbors? I don’t want to hate all the neighborhood dogs. And I don’t want to hate my neighbors because they have dogs that they don’t keep contained in their own yards. But right now, to be honest, I kind of do.

I know they are just chickens. It’s not like a member of my family was injured or something. I’m trying to convince myself that I am overreacting and need to not let it make me so sad. I’m working on it. I am also wondering if I can handle being a chicken owner. This will probably happen again sometime. There will always be dogs. Sigh.

So to Henrietta, Pirate and Carmel, we will miss you. You were good little chickens. We loved you. The kids know that you are happy in chicken heaven.


I’ve been substituting for about a month now. I’ve worked something like 5 days and made about $250. Seriously. If you need money to escape somewhere tropical, this isn’t the job for you. I’m not sure if it’s even the job for me. But I’ve noticed a few things in my short working career.

-Sometimes when you are subbing at a new school you feel VERY alone. There I am, in my little classroom full of kids, with NO OTHER ADULTS AROUND. If they overtook me and tied me up with jump ropes and stoned me to death with picture books, they could probably get away with it because NO ONE would hear me screaming. Or if they did, they may not think much of it. Seriously. I check in at the office in the morning and then…there you go. The other teachers don’t say hi, at recess duty, none of the real teachers talked to me, and at lunch I just ate in the classroom because I didn’t want to wander the halls and look for the faculty room. If I needed help, I could dial the office, but good luck getting to the phone in time if those little monsters decided to attack.

–I need my own whistle.

–Junior high teachers get a prep period every other day. If you happen to be subbing on prep day, then you get a nice break, so make sure you bring a book, cause it’s awful boring sitting in someone else’s classroom with nothing to do. And on days like yesterday, when the air is still on and the heat is not, it’s VERY COLD.

–Bring a sweater (see above). It’s COLD in some schools. I feel sorry for those scrawny 13 year olds pulling their arms in to their t-shirts because they are so cold.

–At the Jr. High level, some schools give you a free school lunch when you sub. One school gave me a candy bar when I checked in. Small perks, yes, (especially considering they are paying me barely minimum wage to babysit their little monkeys) but still nice.

–Kids love a good brain teaser. Thankfully, there are a few nice ones in my substitute book that Kelly services gave me. How about this:

al me lm
em la ae

(3 square meals)

O or: be sick ed

(sick in bed)

r this one r/e/a/d/i/n/g

(reading between the lines)

If I write a couple of those on the board and have them there all class period, they wonder about it, and then we can discuss it and give the answers at the end of class. A few good jokes don’t hurt, either.

–While in some ways subbing is easier than being a regular teacher (you don’t have to deal with parents and you don’t have to make the lesson plans), being a sub for the day is EXHAUSTING! You don’t have the threat cred that the regular teacher has, and kids have that mentality that “it’s just a sub, so I can act up”. It takes a LOT of energy to stay on top of them, and I come home dragging. I couldn’t do this full time. I can barely do one or two days a week. Although maybe it gets easier. We’ll see.

–This week, as I was attending parent teacher conferences and helping at the book fair, I put a note in the teachers boxes telling them that I was available for subbing. Today I got a call. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

–I realize the difference between the honors classes and the regular classes. I’m going to MAKE my kids take honors classes from now on, even if they are not honors students and they don’t want to. There is just such a HUGE difference in the amount of teaching that can be done, and the caliber of kids. Wow.

–I subbed for my 7th grader’s math class, and she did NOT want me to acknowledge her. I wrote my name on the board, but none of them realized that I was the same Erickson as her. She doesn’t really know many people in that class. I did NOT say she was my daughter, but I did walk by and casually give her notes that said, “How’s your day going?” “Having fun?” and “Love you, Mom.” It was fun.

–Since I don’t have people calling to request me, I have to keep checking the Kelly website (since all subs go through Kelly now). If you see a job available, you have about 10 seconds to decide if you want to take that job, because if you don’t jump at it, someone else will. It’s a lot of pressure when you see a job appear. Do I want to work today? Can I be ready to work in 25 minutes? Do I want to go to that school? Do I want to do jr High? And then if you click accept, it’s kind of the same feeling as winning a contest. I got a JOB!!

Family Pictures

This week we were brave and had family photos taken. Those of you with families know what a HUGE pain it is to have family pictures taken, especially for the mother, who has to find a photographer and set an appointment, decide on a color scheme and find clothes for everyone that sort of match, then worry about hair and faces and accessories. Honestly, I worry more about how I look than anyone else. I’m sure they will all look fine, but I spend a lot of time yesterday picking out clothes that didn’t make me feel or look extra fat, that I wouldn’t worry or feel self conscious in, and then did my hair extra cute and even wore eye shadow and jewelry. Sadly, I got myself all cute looking before I had to go and do my “work” at the school. I had planned on delivering large amounts of books to the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders (long story, I’ll share it with you soon). That meant hauling boxes of books from the storage room to each classroom, getting the boxes open, saying my little shpeal to each class and handing them out. I did four classes and was going to do the next when the teacher said it was a bad time. I realized I was getting sweaty (NO! Not SWEAT!) and decided it was a good time to stop this nonsense and come back again the next day and maybe get one of my PTA peeps to help me distribute these books so that it:

a)wouldn’t take all day
b)it wouldn’t matter so much if I got sweaty
c)it’s always more fun with a friend.

I walked out of the school and it was raining. Not pouring rain or anything, but a nice sprinkling to make sure that my hair went even flatter.

I went home and realized the chickens were hungry and would like to be let out of their pen. I took my Kindle outside to read, and not one minute after I let them out and sat down to read, it started to rain again. Ugh. Getting those chickens back in their pen is not always easy, so by the time they were in, the hair was super flat.
I put my velcro rollers in again, but didn’t know if I had any hope of getting the hair back to the state it had been in the morning. I did some more fiddling with my hair until it looked pretty good. By then the kids were coming home, so I tried to get THEIR hair to look good.

Then there’s the clothing choices. I picked out everyone’s clothes or told them what they could wear. When we were all dressed, Ryan breezed in at the last second and I told him what shirt to put on.

The photo shoot itself was far less painful than getting ready. Our photographer was fun and relaxed, and got a variety of shots. Want a sneak peak?

Our photographer, Julie, put some up on her website today. We only met with her 3 days ago, so I think that is AMAZINGLY fast! I am so excited to have a good family picture of all of us!

This is one of my favorites.

Thanks, Julie!

After our photos, we went to dinner at Winger’s to celebrate the birthday of our 13 year old. A good time was had by all.

It’s like an Easter Egg hunt every day

My chickens, who I love & am not tired of talking about, have finally started laying eggs!

Not a TON of eggs, but they average two a day. And it’s always a surprise, too. You don’t know if you are going to find a brown egg or a white egg, a really really small egg, or a big egg with double yolks! On Sunday Ryan made omelets with our very own eggs from our chickens and our home grown tomatoes. We didn’t make our own cheese (no cow, but maybe that’s next year), but we still felt very farm-y eating our omelets.

So each day when we go out to feed the chickens or let them out to play or to put them to bed, we check to see if there are any eggs. And they aren’t all in the upstairs of the coop like you would think they would be. One chicken, probably Gabby, lays her eggs in the same place every day, but the others are in random places. You have to watch your step because there might be an egg sitting in the dirt or the grass. It’s like an Easter egg hunt EVERY single day!

Oh, and speaking of eggs, check out THESE eggs!

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