The Trials of a Busy Mom

Category: contests (Page 4 of 7)

Dear Applebee’s

Congratulations to you. You must be doing something right if people are willing to put up with the lousy treatment, and to actually pay you for it. You have a really great marketing team, I guess.

On Monday, it was my birthday. We had a bunch of gift cards to chose from, and I let my kids decide where we should go out to eat. They chose Applebee’s. We have had fun and good food there in the past, so we went for it. It must have been “gift card Monday” –you know, that first Monday after Christmas when everyone goes out to eat to use up their giftcards– for when we arrived at 6:30, it was already very crowded and we were told we would have a 30 -35 minute wait. We weighed our options and decided that 30 minutes was manageable, and we squeeeezed into the already tight lobby area, to wait it out.

Now 30 minutes may not seem so long to you and me, or to my husband who started reading a book on his PDA, but to a small child (or even a big one) 30 minutes in a very confined space with nothing to do is like an eternity. I tried to cheer them up and make it a little more fun when they were whining and complaining. “Remember when we were at Disneyland and we waited all that time in line to ride the new Finding Nemo ride? That was a longer wait than this, and it was raining? Remember?”
Only grumbling from the masses.
“Or for Tower of Terror. That was kind of a long line, right?” I tried lamely to continue.
“That was a short line, mom.”
Tough crowd. Well, never mind, then.

About 40 minutes into our 30 minute wait, I searched my purse for some kind of food for the poor kids, who were REALLY hungry by this time. All I had were Altoids, which don’t do much for the hunger. I encouraged the kids to stretch their legs and go for a little walk to the bathroom. My five year old had really had it by this time, and he looked at me with all the menace he could muster and said, “WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE?!” I tried to tell him that I had wanted to go to Olive Garden and YOU KIDS were the ones who voted on Applebees, but really, what’s the point. I sat on the floor and held him in my lap and tried to comfort him. “Do you want to hear a story?” I asked.
“No, I want some food!”

I lost track of how many “How much longer”s it was before they finally allowed us to sit, but by 7:30 we were squished into a too tight booth. We are a family of seven people, and the only thing they had for us was a four person booth. No WAY were they going to let us have a larger table, because it was still SO crowded. There was some arguing over where everyone was to sit, and some changing sides. Since there were no chairs and no hooks to hang our coats, and I wasn’t about to put my wool coat on the floor, I held my coat on my lap, hoping there was nothing gross or disgusting on the bottom of the table.

Soon our sweet but frazzled waitress was there to take our drink orders. The poor thing was so busy with so many tables to wait, I really did feel bad for her. It only took a few minutes for the kids’ root beers to arrive, but she didn’t have the chocolate milk for the other two. She said she’d be “right back” with it. We ordered our dinners and tried to have some fun while waiting. I mean, we were finally sitting down, right? But my youngest two kids still didn’t have drinks, and after 15 more minutes, we finally managed to stop our sprinting waitress and ask about the chocolate milks. She gave us a confused look and said, “I got those out, didn’t I? I’m so sorry! I’ll get you those in just a minute.” I again felt bad for her, and wondered if I could just walk over and get some drinks myself to save her the trouble. But soon someone else brought two kid size chocolate milk, which helped placate the hungry little ones for a little while, at least.

To kill some time, somehow we got on the subject of weird things you can do with your face. We had a fun contest to see who could wiggle their ears, roll their tongue, raise one eyebrow, flare their nostrils, etc. Soon we were all laughing and having fun, although still hungry and squished.

The people sitting in the booth behind us had had enough. I kept hearing remarks like, “This is ridiculous! We’ve been here TWO hours!” I think they were a couple with a two year old and another mom with a two or three year old. They had been pacing the restaurant, trying to keep the hungry kids happy. Finally they left in a huff. “We’ll go to McDonalds!” they said to the kids. I didn’t blame them for leaving, really. How long can you expect a hungry two year old to behave? I felt a little bad for the waitress when they brought out their food a few minutes after they had left. But I wondered what they had ordered and who was going to eat that food.

We had reached the point of EXTREME hunger by the time they brought our food. But imagine my little boy’s face when he was handed his plate of Kraft macaroni and cheese, but no fork. His sister was SO lucky–she had ordered a hamburger and could eat it without silverware, but here he was, without even so much as a french fry to scoop up his mac and cheese. I’m not joking when I say it took us 5 more minutes to track someone down who could give us the precious silverware. And they weren’t going to give us more than we REALLY needed, either. “Oh,” said the server, “how many of you need silverware?” Well, all of us, wouldn’t you think? But no, they only had enough silverware for the people who actually NEEDED their fork, and couldn’t just pick up their food. Forget napkins for everyone. I usually like to ask for extra napkins, since we do have a bunch of kids, and I’m a fan of napkins, myself. But I wasn’t going to mention that to the waitress or server–if I could even find one.

After we finally had food AND silverware and were all devouring it like hungry hyenas, the waitress came by to ask if the food was all right. She hadn’t wanted to stop by BEFORE. Probably because she was scared we might just eat her. I’m sure she’s seen her share of hungry people before, and she knows to avoid them, if possible. My husband reminded her that it was my birthday and asked if they did anything to celebrate birthdays. “Sure!” she said. I have to say that my trio platter was delicious and filling. The kids enjoyed their burgers, although my son’s “Frito chili burger” had chili but no fritos. Oh well, just eat it, we had told him. My husband’s steak was good, and the macaroni and cheese was…well, just like the macaroni and cheese that we make at home, but it only costs me 50 cents for the whole box, instead of $2.99 for a plate of it.

Then it arrived–the Birthday Freebie! The coveted brownie, ice cream covered creations that the whole family can take a bit of, and …what? What’s this? A shot glass filled with ice cream and hot fudge? And one spoon. “Usually we have the waiters come and sing for birthdays,” apologized our poor waitress, “but they are all too busy. So… Happy Birthday.”

Oh, the disappointment. It’s my birthday, for heaven’s sake. I’ve waited 365 days to be treated like someone special, and this is the free dessert you bring? We all took a bite (with the one spoon. One of the lucky ones who had a fork used their fork) and the “special dessert” was gone in seconds.

Check, please.

Now, Applebee’s–I know you can’t pack any more people into your restaurant. You’ve tried. I know it’s not your fault that everyone and their dog decided to “eat good in the neighborhood” that night. I understand.
But when a family goes out to eat, and is willing to part with over 50 of our hard earned dollars, they expect to be treated better than mere cattle. May I suggest you call in a few more waiters or maybe another cook so that people aren’t waiting over an hour for their food. Or maybe give the kids some crackers or a basket of bread to nosh on while they are waiting. A little bit goes a long way to assuage the hungry and the grumpy. And your birthday treatment? Well, let’s just say that when my precious one day a year, right after Christmas birthday comes around again, I won’t be spending it with you.

The 12 days of Christmas

Today we start our 12 days of Christmas for a neighbor. That is when we give them a little gift every day that loosely correlate with the song. This year we picked a couple that doesn’t have little kids at home, so some of our stupid toy gifts may have to be changed. Here’s a run down of what we did last year. So, I think we’ll do pears or something with pears or partridges or trees or something like that for tonight. Too bad I don’t have a partridge family lunch box, and we could put pears in it. But I don’t, so it’s time to do something creative.

But in blog land, there are several people doing 12 days of giveaways contests.

There’s one at

Design Mom has some contests going on HERE.

Alpaca Farmgirl has twelve giveaways on her blog, too.

So, even if you aren’t doing anything special to count down the 12 days until Christmas, you can always enter some fun contests!

I don’t think I’ve complained enough

For the amount of work I’m doing for this PTA job, I really should have been complaining more. Because we all know that complaining makes EVERYTHING better.

After my horrendously busy week a few weeks ago, I kind of just ignored the pile of reflections entries sitting in my office. Until yesterday, when I found out that they were all due to the council level on Friday. So, I began the long and arduous process of recording and getting them ready. The worst part is calling all the parents who didn’t sign a Media Release form, which they could have easily printed off the internet. Now I have to call them, have them go into the school or bring it to me. Ugh.

I think I need some chocolate and a diet coke to help me get through the morning.

On the upside, though, I won a nice little prize on Monday. I’m not going to say what it was here, but if you go to this advent calendar, and scroll over the number 1 (because I was the first), you’ll see what I won. Even though that’s not the most useful gift in the world and I would have preferred cash (Gosh, how ungrateful I sound! Those reflections must really be bringing me down!), it’s a fun thing, and I’m sure the family will love it.

So, I will go now and plod through some more entry forms, call some more parents, and eat some more chocolate.

Rejoice and be Merry

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE a contest. I just love to win things, don’t you? Well, I also love to give things away, and so do a lot of other bloggers out there. Hence, the Bloggy Giveaways Carnival was born. You can click on over there to enter lots and lots of contests this week, if you’d like.

As for me, I’m in the celebratin’ mood. And it’s NOT too early to start listening to Christmas music, contrary to what my husband thinks.

I would like to offer you, lovely reader, a copy of the newly released CD Rejoice and be Merry! Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle featuring the King’s Singers.


This concert last year was absolutely fabulous, and I enjoyed being a tiny part of it. My hands down, listen to it over and over again song from this concert would have to be “O Holy Night.” You can listen to it here, if you’d like a little preview. As I listened to the King’s Singers performing this song, I thought, “this is what heaven sounds like”. Is that not the most beautiful arrangement of ‘Oh Holy Night’ you’ve ever heard? And I think it would be worth it to buy this CD JUST for that song. But no, that’s not the only song on the CD! My other favorites include “Sussex Carol”, “Rejoice and be Merry”, and “Angels from the Realms of Glory”. Why yes, those are all songs with featuring the handbell choir, how did you know?

And on a personal note, when you click on that link, see if you can find me. If you do, and tell me where you found me, I’ll give you an extra entry for this contest. What do I look like?

smiling paige

(Ok, I have to clarify here. I’m not IN the video, but I am SOMEWHERE ON THE PAGE that the video is on. Kind of like a where’s Waldo. You should be able to see me before you actually play the Oh holy night video. Does that make sense?)

And how do you enter? Just leave a comment. Tell me your favorite Christmas song. That’s all. See how easy it is to win things here. Of course, if you win, you will be required to be forever my friend and loyal reader and commenter here on the blog. But that’s not asking much at all! So go ahead, enter the contest, and enjoy entering all those fun contests this week. I’ll be drawing a winner on Saturday, November 1st. Good luck!

Saturday Silliness

Saturday was our last parade of the summer. It was Alpine Days, and Cole was marching (of course), and I was also walking the parade with my Alpine Community Theater buddies. It was so fun to see them, since we haven’t been together since the play ended.

Although we had to wait for a LONG time at the staging area (over an hour), at least we weren’t the last entry in the parade, like Cole’s marching band. When we finally got moving, it was fun. Some people rode in the truck and trailer, but I chose to walk along behind or on the side. That way I could give out more candy. We threw t-shirts, sang and walked along and had fun. It was hot and muggy, yes, but the parade wasn’t very long, only about a mile and a half, so it wasn’t exhausting.

But with Ryan gone, and Cole and I in the parade, we had to have adult back-up to sit with the kids. Thanks to my parents for coming and watching the parade with them. They haven’t seen Cole march, yet, so hopefully they enjoyed it.

The afternoon was spent like a nice lazy Saturday. The kids played, but were also bickering. Jenna went to a birthday party. But by the time 6:00 rolled around, things had deteriorated.

Ryan called while we were in the middle of utter chaos.

John had fallen asleep on the couch, which he tends to do since the stubborn cuss won’t take a nap, and then he often doesn’t control his bladder when he’s asleep. I tried to wake him up for about 10 minutes, but he was groggy.
“John!” I said, “You need to wake up and use the potty!”

“I’m already using the potty,” he said groggily.

“NOOOOOO!” I pulled him off the couch, and sure enough, it was wet. He was wet, his clothes were wet, and the couch was wet.

That’s when the kids handed me the phone. Oh, it’s Dad calling from Hong Kong. Great!

I had to hand him off to talk to a child while I dragged my half asleep little boy into the bathroom and had him change his clothes. Then I went to work on the couch. Microfiber can only take so much, I’m thinking.

I was also irritated with Cole because I’d asked him all day to mow the lawn, and he complained and whined about how it was taking so long–it’s so long (well, that’s because no one’s mowed it all week!). I asked him to please finish, and he told me he would. Then I realized that for the past two hours he had been goofing off with his sisters and hadn’t finished mowing. And now it was raining.

It just wasn’t a calm moment in my life, and I was showing signs of stress. I’d had the kids alone for a week, and they were all cranky and getting on each others’ (and MY nerves). When I talked to him, I tried to keep it together, but it was obvious, I’m sure, that I was not being calm about things. “You probably don’t even want to come home to this mess, but I hope you do,” I told him. “I miss you.”

Let’s hope he wasn’t scared off, and he’ll really make it home tonight. I don’t mind it so much when he’s gone, but it’s getting old, and I’d like him to come back now.

Thankfully, we had someplace to go last night. We had a neighborhood pot luck scheduled at our friend’s house. I gathered up the YaHoos, got my berry cream pastry cut up and ready to take, and we got ready to go. Some of the kids wanted to walk, but I had too much stuff to take, so I took the car.

By the time we got there, the wind was really picking up, and there were a couple of people discussing what to do. We can’t have a barbeque in the rain, can we? Hoping it was just going to blow over, we set up a table in the garage. Then we walked around the yard to look at my friend’s lovely garden. By the time we were done with the garden tour, the rain was coming down, and even though we had about four families by then, we were still undecided as to what to do. “Let’s just eat inside,” my gracious friend said, “then we can watch the Olympics.” It ended up to be a great party. With just a few of my favorite neighbors and their kids, we ate and chatted and watched the Olympics. Then when the rain let up and it was clear outside, the men and the big kids went outside to play football. My friend looked out the window and said, “This is just how I like it. The boys can play outside and we can sit inside and talk.” I agree. It was nice to connect with my friends again, and have adult conversation without the kids hanging on me. Thank goodness for friends.

Can you be brave? (with a giveaway!)

Oh my goodness, but I’m excited today.

You know I LOVED Wicked. Ryan and I saw it when we were in New York and were both blown away. I then ran out and got the Wicked soundtrack and we’ve listened to it lots and lots. The kids know all the songs, too.

Then when Enchanted came out, I thought, “there’s something familiar about that lady who’s playing Nancy”. It didn’t come to me right away until someone mentioned that it was Idina Menzel who played Nancy. Then it came to me. She’s Elphaba! Now, when I saw the show, Idina wasn’t playing Elphaba, but she was the original! The Soundtrack Elphaba! The one we sing along to in the car.

Well, she’s not just a fabulous Broadway star and movie actress, folks. Idina Menzel has a new CD out! Take a listen here:

Her song “Brave” is a great one! We all need to take a turn to be brave? And she has such a powerful and strong voice, I really enjoy listening to her. I’m so excited to listen to the whole album.

And now for the fun part!

The One2One network is generously donating a FREE copy of Idina’s new CD “Stand” and an Idina tote bag to one winner! To enter, you will need to tell me in the comments the first role and show that earned Idina a Tony award nomination (before Wicked). You can look here at her website if you need help answering that question. You can also listen to more song clips there.

From the correct answers, I’ll draw a winner’s name and they will receive this great prize! The contest deadline is August 18th (my anniversary, by the way!). To receive extra entries, you could blog about this contest, or send me and my sweet hubby an anniversary card!

Wow, thanks Ryan

I had asked Ryan a while ago to please change my blog look, and look at that, he did!

Thanks, Ryan!

Of course, Ryan and I haven’t seen much of each other lately. I have to be at rehearsal at 5:00 every day this week, and he doesn’t get home from work by then. Last night Cole and I dragged in at 11:45. Of course Ryan was still up, so we took a few minutes to talk over the day’s events.

I volunteered Cole to help out in the booth for the play with his friend Hayden. I knew that Hayden was one of his friends, and on the first night that they gave us all our microphones, I told Hayden that if he needed some help, I was sure Cole would be available. The next night he told me that he could really use Cole’s help. So, starting Monday, Cole’s come with me to rehearsal. When we’re all done, it’s me waiting for Cole to finish up, since we all have to untape the mic, take it off, and put it back in the right place. And we have brand spanking new wireless microphones that we get to wear!

Tonight is our last night of rehearsals, and we’re going to run the show twice again (we actually made it through twice last night, hence the lateness of the hour). Oh, the joy. It’s quite exhausting, but still really fun. Last night was our Hair, Make-up, Wigs, Costumes, sound and lights rehearsal. It was fun to see everyone in their wild costumes (this is Dr. Seuss, after all, and people have gotten really creative!), and it makes it much easier to stay in character. Of course, there was a bit of a problem with my costume. Originally they had told me they had a wig for me, and they did the whole thing up and all that. I was ok with the wig idea, especially when they told me it wouldn’t stay grey, but they would color it gold or brown. Then on Monday, when it was full dress rehearsal for just the leads, the wig was there, but it wasn’t done up and it wasn’t colored. The make-up lady told me that they would have it for me the next night. Tuesday the make-up people were not even there, so there was no wig. Last night everybody is all in their cute “Who hair” and make-up, and we’re all looking spiffy. And there’s the wig sitting on the table still looking grey and limp. When I could get the lady’s attention, I asked about the wig. She told me that someone had said they would take it home and get it done, but it didn’t happen, but it would be ready by tomorrow. Ugh. I just felt so ignored. If I had known I wouldn’t have a wig, I would have done my own hair, but instead my hair was not curled and pretty flat, and I didn’t even have a comb or hairspray or a curling iron or anything. There were some curling irons in the dressing room, but honestly, the bird girls were all using them (which only seems fair, since they Brought them). I was frustrated and sad.

I asked one of the other ladies who was helping with the hair and make-up if she could help me with the wig, and she started to work on it. I didn’t want to be all prima donna about this, since I am in no ways the star of the show, and honestly, we already have some people who consider themselves more important than everyone else. I didn’t want to be a bother, I just didn’t want to look stupid up on stage, especially when it wasn’t my fault. So, another make-up volunteer took pity on me and did my hair for me. She curled it and ratted the heck out of it so it was quite big! Then she put some yellow flowers in it and made it look positively who-ish. Thanks, Kelly! I made sure to let her know how grateful I was for her help and sorry to add to her already busy work-load.

After the first run through, the make-up lady came up to me in the hall. “We had a pow-wow about your hair, and we think we’re going to scrap the wig idea. Your own hair just looks so good.” Oh, that was a surprise. “Just come in hot rollers tomorrow and we’ll help you style it,” she said, “Oh, and by the way, your make-up is too light and you look washed out on stage.” Oh. Thanks. I should have told her that that’s why they call me “pale Paige”, but I didn’t think she’d appreciate the joke.

So, hopefully tonight we can go through it with no wig/hair drama, and I can scrape up the last bit of energy I have and make it through the rest of this week.

Wish me luck!

Paige’s Picks

I think I’ll start a new feature here on Superpaige’s Pad, and that would be “Paige’s picks”. I’ll just let you know some of my favorite things. It won’t be weeky feature or anything like that, because really, I don’t know if I can commit to a schedule or anything structured like that. But here today, we have a few of my new favorite things.

Say by John Mayer. One of my favorite new songs. I loved it when Kristy Yamaguchi danced to this song on Dancing with the stars. I haven’t yet seen the bucket list but I might just need to.

SEI Tumble Dye
It’s fabric dye that you just spray on! No more mixing the dye and then dipping the shirts in. We did tie dye for Activity Days yesterday, and it was much easier for the girls to manage than the old dipping method. Of course, the color doesn’t really saturate as much, so you have a lot more white, but it’s fun and easy to mix colors. You can buy it at Robert’s Crafts for $2.99 per bottle or so. My fingers are blue today, but I guess they would have been if we had dipped, too.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

I don’t remember who sent me this book, but it’s been sitting around in my stack of books to read for a while. Last week I picked it up and decided to give it a try. And since I’ve been sick, then laying around and reading is at the top of my list of things I want to do (that and blow out a pound of snot through my nose). I read it and really enjoyed this book. It wasn’t too preachy, as I was afraid it might be, and the story was compelling.

Here’s a review from Amazon: In this splendid retelling of the biblical story of Hosea, bestselling author Francine Rivers pens a heartbreaking romance between a prostitute and the upright and kind farmer who marries her; the story also functions as a reminder of God’s unconditional love for his people. Redeeming Love opens with the Gold Rush of 1850 and its rough-and-tumble atmosphere of greed and desire. Angel, who was sold into prostitution as a child, has learned to distrust all men, who see her only as a way to satisfy their lust. When the virtuous and spiritual-minded Michael Hosea is told by God to marry this “soiled dove,” he obeys, despite his misgivings. As Angel learns to love him, she begins to hope again but is soon overwhelmed by fear and returns to her old life. Rivers shines in her ability to weave together spiritual themes and sexual tension in a well-told story, a talent that has propelled her into the spotlight as one of the most popular novelists in the genre of Christian fiction. This is one of her best.

I would, in fact, like to give this book away, since I enjoyed it so much. I’d like one of you to get the chance to enjoy it, too. I’ll leave the comments open until the end of the month, and then we’ll pick a random number and send it off to you to enjoy. (That is, if you can indeed comment. I haven’t really had any comments since my administrator installed the new version of WordPress on here. Is anybody out there?)

Edited to add: has chosen Michelle as our winner! Congratulations, Michelle!


We’ve chosen winners, and they are Kathleen Marie for Kite Runner, and Cynthia for 8 minutes iin the morning!

I’ve got a couple of books to give away this month. Because I’ve got SO many books to read, and I’ve just got to pass a few of them on. The idea is that you, in turn, will then pass this book (or another one) along after you finish reading it. A perpetual stream of book giving, that’s what it is!

So, first is the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Although I thought this was an excellent book, I found it very disturbing. But I guess that’s the point. It’s supposed to upset us. You can read about it here.

The next book is 8 minutes in the morning

Yes, it’s a fitness book. I think this has some good ideas. And hey, 8 minutes? Really? If that’s all it took I think we’d all be thin by now, but maybe it’ll work for you.

So, if you would like to enter to win either of these books, just leave a comment about which book, and I’ll do a drawing on the 13th of June. Thanks for playing along!

Adventures in shopping

I spent the entire day yesterday away from my family. The whole day.
I started out with a play rehearsal at 8:30.

I left there at noon, and met my sister so we could go to South Towne Mall so that one of us could hopefully win a new car. Unfortunately, this was not the car for either of us, and we didn’t win. I hope the lady who won really enjoys her new pink Ford Fusion. I would have loved driving around in a pink car. At least the contest was quick and didn’t drag on for hours like these things sometimes do.

After the car thing, my sister met up with a friend, so I was left alone. At the mall. I had to decide if I should go home, only to be there for two hours and then get in the car again to drive to Salt Lake to meet my dear friends for dinner, or just use the time to get some shopping done. I called home to make sure everything was moving along fine without me, and chose to stay and shop. Before you think I was just out shopping for the fun of it, it was shopping with a mission. You see, for this play I’m in, I am supposed to wear all yellow. Yellow, people. With my white skin and blonde hair, yellow is not a color that I wear. Ever. I do not own a single yellow thing. So, to tell me to find a yellow skirt and blouse and shoes is like….I don’t know. Mission impossible? I started at JC Penney, since they had big signs advertising a huge sale. And a sale it was. I found many cute items on sale. Many of them were even yellow. I ended up picking up a yellow and brown swirly print sweater thing that reminds me of something a “Who in Whoville” might wear. And I also bought a really cute shirt that is NOT yellow, but it was indeed on sale. But then to find a skirt to go with it? Not so easy. I went in EVERY store in the mall that I thought might remotely have my size (that means I didn’t go into the 5-7-9 store or the men’s clothing store). I was just zooming in on yellow, which is easy to spot, so that’s a good thing.

After an hour and a half of this, my energy was waning, and I realized I’d had an apple and a granola bar to eat all day, and was therefore getting very hungry. But I was meeting my friends later for dinner at the CHEESECAKE FACTORY, and didn’t want to eat something before that, so when I came to the “free samples” at the energy drink kiosk, I was game for a sample. She gave me a whole water bottle and mixed in the little packet. Of course I had to listen to her talk about the product and act like I might be interested in purchasing some of the product, but then said I’d think about it and walked away, thankful to have something to drink at least, and avoiding the food court.

Finally, at the end of the mall in a store called “urban” something, I spotted them: yellow skirts! And not just one ugly yellow skirt, three or four different patterned yellow skirts! Hooray! I walked into the store, picked up one of each of the skirts in an XL, glancing at the price ($19.99, which seems reasonable for a skirt) and went to try them on. Unfortunately for me, their XL is not quite extra large enough for me. This was, after all, a trendy junior’s store, and XL was probably meant for a 14-16 year old, not a 40 year old with 5 kids. I managed to get the skirt ON–kind of. But I had to hike it up so high that it was hitting me at above the knee, and would NOT look good. I wonder how much weight I can lose by July 11th? I think. Never a good thing to have to say to yourself when you are trying something on. I “tried on” (and I’m using that term a bit too liberally) each of the five yellow skirts I had found, but unfortunately, they were all the same brand, and therefore pretty much all the same size and cut. Darn. But while I was in there, I changed our of my pink shirt and into the cute new silvery shirt I had bought. The pink shirt was seriously stinky because I had been sweating at rehearsal. I felt much fresher and better able to face the shopping nightmare in a cute shirt.

With only one or two more stores that I hadn’t tried, I walked into the Mervyns. It looked like they were having a “big sale”, too. But really, when aren’t stores having sales? There’s always some sale going on. As I trudged around, I realized I should be ENJOYING my alone shopping time! After all, I didn’t have any kids trailing after me asking me for stuff! How long had it been since I shopped by myself? At a mall, no less! Years. Too bad I was on a yellow quest and couldn’t just look at anything. I picked up anything that looked remotely promising, and ended up with a couple of skirts (not yellow), and a couple of shirts (one yellow, and one on sale). At least I knew that Mervyn’s carried my size. I found a great linen/rayon skirt ON SALE for $15! No, it wasn’t yellow, but it was white, with black flowers embroidered on the bottom–which could be dyed, right? I considered buying two of them. One to keep white and one to dye yellow. But I decided on just the one. I think I might get in a couple of wearings before I try to dye it, just in case the dye job goes badly and I completely ruin the skirt. (By the way, the Mervyn’s web site is completely un-navigateable. I was trying to find a picture of the skirt and post it here, but no such luck. Same for the sweater from JC Penney, so you’ll just have to use your imagination.)

Finally satisfied that I had found something to work with, I trudged out of the store. On the way out I saw that there was a nail place right by the exit. Dang. I could have gotten a pedicure. Oh well. I was out of time. Off to meet my friends for dinner–Hooray!

It was a fabulous dinner with my oldest group of friends, and it was a wonderful evening of good food and laughter. Aside from the fact that Lisa’s dinner arrived and wasn’t at all what she ordered and she had to wait and wait for them to prepare the right thing, it was all good. I brought home half of my dinner and half of my cheesecake to share with Ryan.

Ryan, by the way, was no slacker at home. He and Cole found the leak in the sprinklers, which involved no small amount of digging and at least one trip to the plumbing supply store. They also spread the truckload of mulch around on the flower beds, and burried another length of sprinkler pipe that has been out and sitting on the grass for some time. Megan got her packing for girls camp done, and Natalie went to softball practice. Go, Ryan! He did forget about John and his lack of potty enthusiam, however. When I got John changed into his pajamas, he had a very full pull-up, and I don’t think he had used the potty all day. Gross, I know.

But they did manage without me for the whole day (well, 12 hours of it) and that’s encouraging.

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