The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: September 2006 (Page 3 of 3)

Music and the Spoken Word

Thanks to everyone who watched Music and the Spoken Word and saw me. Honestly, how could you not see me. I was on camera a lot! Which was kind of a surprise. After we had finished the third song, I sat down and I thought, “I don’t think I smiled that whole time, I was so nervous.” I made a mistake in the first song, so that threw my confidence off, and then rest of the time, instead of enjoying the moment, I was just hoping to hurry and get it over with before I made another mistake. So, although I wasn’t hugely smiling, I at least wasn’t scowling, and I’m relieved.

I’ve had several people from church comment on how they saw me and how great the program was, which is always nice to hear. The best comment was this morning as I was going to a new aerobics class we’re starting up at the church. I walk in, and Ella, the little 3 year old daughter of one of my friends in the ward said to me, “You were on the movie at our house!” Wow! I was floored by her recognition and great memory.

If you’ve not been to an event in the conference center yet, you simply need to go. It’s so amazing! The music sound so incredible when you are actually there, and can see the grandeur that is the choir. I’m still in awe that they let me and and our little group perform with them. We are thrilled to be there, and nervous as heck. I mean, it’s the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, for heaven’s sake!

If you didn’t get to see it and still want to,
there is a replay tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11:30 am on BYUTV. If you don’t get BYUTV, or if you are stuck at work, you can watch on their live internet stream:, at the same time.

So much to blog, so little time

–Last night Ryan and I had a lovely date. It’s great to have a 12 year old, if only for the fact that you can say, “Hey, would you like to babysit for less than half of what I pay a real babysitter and I’ll give you absolutely no notice? How about right now?” And he says, “Ok.” I didn’t really say that part about being cheap, but that’s what I mean. So, Ryan and I escaped from the little rugrats and went to dinner at Bajio and saw a movie. We went to “Invincible” with Mark Wahlberg.

Even Ryan agreed that that Mark Wahlberg, even dressed in his funky 70’s clothes, is pretty easy on the eyes. I must say, he’s got a great butt. It must have been all that time he spent running around with monkeys helped him get in shape for football. And, it’s a great movie. I got a phone call at the boring football part, but Ryan filled me in with, “It’s a really tough game,” and I saw the “feel good ending”, so I didn’t hardly miss a thing. Good movie to take your husband to, since there’s football, drinking in a bar, no sex or crude language, and you get to look at Mark Wahlberg.

–My sister, the one who has 8 children, is having her second child be baptized today. They are also blessing their new baby at the same time. There will of course be a big family celebration afterward. My sister is also incredibly paranoid about germs and sickness and throwing up. Granted, when one kid gets sick in her house, it usually means that some or all of the kids will get sick, and they throw up for a long time. So, we all understand her phobia and paranoia.
So yesterday, as I’m standing in line at Costco (I got out of there spending under $60, I’ll have you know), my phone rings, and it’s this sister. “Have you had any contact with “sister B” (my other sister), recently?” Isn’t that an interesting way to start a conversation? “Because she called me and told me that her son is throwing up today, so they won’t be coming tomorrow, and I just wanted to know if you had seen them in the last 10 days or so.” Well, I hem an haw a bit, trying to figure out when I last saw this sister and her kids. I know I babysat for them a week or two ago, but since I can’t remember exactly when it was, I tell her it’s been about two weeks, and that nobody in my family is throwing up, or been sick in a long long time. It’s the standard speech I give her if we’re ever going to come to her house. She goes on to tell me that this sister was going to visit mom and get some peaches, and when she heard this from our mother, she said to her “Mom, you know if you have contact with her, you will be unclean, and then you can’t come to the baptism!” So, my mom put the peaches on the porch and only said hi to my sister when she came to get them.
So, after I got off the phone with my germophobe sister (I can say that because I know she’ll never read this blog–at least I hope she never will), I called the other sister and said, “I just got off the phone with “Sister A” and she has pronounced you unclean, and anyone who has contact with you is also unclean.” We laughed a bit, because we understand and love our sister, and if we were in her shoes we would probably be just as paranoid. Isn’t family funny?

–Speaking of family, it’s John’s 3rd birthday today! johnHappy Birthday and Hooray! We’ve got a few festivities planned, but I won’t go into that until I can throw in some pictures.

Sunday morning

To borrow a quote from Sharmyn’s hubby: “I demand this – nay I command and order you to watch Music and the Spoken Word on Sunday morning!!! So let it be written so let it be done.” I changed the middle part a little bit to suit my needs.

We’re playing 2 songs with the choir and one song on our own, and it sounded great in rehearsal last night. I’m excited. Except for the fact that he wants us dressed and ready to rehearse at 7:25. That means we need to get there about 7:05-7:10. That means we need to meet the carpool at 6:30. That means I need to leave my house at 6:15. That means I need to get up when?! Too early.

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