The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: February 2007 (Page 3 of 3)

What’s in a name?

At my little exercise class this morning, there was a lady there who had brought her son named Chase (it’s at the church, so lots of people bring their kids, and they play in the other half of the gym while we work out), and he kept running around, and she kept saying, “Chase, No running,” or “Stop chasing her, Chase.” And I was just giggling inside, thinking, Why would you name your son ‘Chase’ if you don’t want him chasing.  Am I just weird that way?

I may soon be blacklisted

Me and the library just aren’t the best combination sometimes. I guess I need to pay more attention to what I still have out, and what I’m retuning. Here’s the story:

After picking Jenna up from school, we headed off to the library. We had a backpack of stuff checked out that couldn’t be renewed any more, and I needed a book for my ward book club. So, before we left, I had gathered all the books I could find (leaving out at least 4 that I know of) and put them all in the big library bag. We went in, (which is quite a production with a wheelchair bound 6 year old and a 3 year old and 2 bags of books) returned all the books, participated in story time and gathered some books. When we checked out, I went ahead and paid for this book, since we’ve had it checked out for months now and just can’t find the dang thing. Hopefully, since we own it now, we’ll be able to find it soon.

Amazingly, we didn’t have any other fines today, so we loaded up all 3 stacks of books and made our way slowly back to the car. On the way home, we decided to drive through Hogi-Yogi (since Ryan was working from home today and therefore I could use my BOGO coupon for a free chicken bowl) and get lunch. While collecting our food through the tiny drive up window, my phone rang. It was Ryan, who said that Natalie had just called from school because we turned in a school library book to the Lehi Library. I guess the Lehi library called the school librarian, who looked up who had checked out that book and called Natalie in class. She called Ryan at home, who called me. I had just barely left! But I wasn’t far, so I went back, rescued her school library book from the Lehi library, and brought it back home.

This isn’t the first time I have inadvertently returned a book to the wrong library, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. I guess that’s just the price you pay to use a library. And since I want to encourage reading at home, I’ll just keep trying. I just wish we had a library closer to home.

My baby’s learned to crawl!

Jenna had a fun party on Friday! The cake was great, although I don’t think the kids thought it was all as cute as I thought it was. We did eventually cut into the cast part and even eat the little toes. I’m glad I had a whole bunch of party games on the list, because some games, like this one, didn’t go over too well, and were over in about 30 seconds. The steal my heart game was fun, and I might just use that one for a school party.

Over the weekend, Jenna decided that she could crawl. I’d been trying to tell her that for a few days, but she was a little bit hesitant. Then on Saturday, I went into her room to see if she wanted to go downstairs, and she wasn’t there! I went down to the family room, and there she was! It’s a little bit disconcerting to have her moving around all of a sudden, though. For the last two weeks, I knew she would be where I put her. Now, she could be anywhere. She goes up and down the stair, and pretty much all over the house. Ryan was concerned that the fiberglass cast might scratch the wood floor, so we put a big tube sock over her cast to avoid scratching.

She also went to church and used the wheelchair. She made a big splash with that one. Although in our ward wheelchairs are not uncommon, as we have about 4 people who regularly use them. But they were surprised to see Jenna in one, as she’s not a regular wheelchair driver. Ryan and I taught Jenna’s primary class, and at the end of it, I let each of the kids have a wheelchair ride down to the drinking fountain and back (you got to use what you have to keep those kids quiet!).

Cole also survived his Klondike derby weekend, although he came back very thirsty (I guess drinking freezing water wasn’t his thing) and with a tiny scratchy voice. After sleeping a lot on Sunday, he’s back to his usual self, and I’m proud of him that he made it through the cold. I don’t know why I bothered sending him with 10 hand warmer packs–he forgot to use them. Silly kid.

Oh, and one more thing–the girls’ tamagotchis came on Friday, so we had a lot of happy tamagotchi owners over the weekend.

So, that’s the report. And how was your weekend?

This is the cutest cake ever!

For Jenna’s birthday, my sister-in-law Julene made this cake for Jenna. How cute is this?

My favorite part are the little toes! Too cute to eat. And the whole leg part is made out of Twinkies! Julene is so talented, and we are thrilled to serve this cake. The funny part is, it looks JUST like her cast!

Here she is the day she got the cast on, sitting in her now favorite chair. Today is her party, and we’re going to have little sitting down games. I’ll have to post more about that later, but here’s a few more pictures just in case you, like me, can’t get enough of this cutest cake!

Just hanging in here

Thanks to our friend DaNae, who loaned us a wheelchair. It’s a big hit and EVERYONE wants to ride in it. That’s why it’s staying in the car only to be used at school or church or other places if we need it–not at home. The last thing I want is the kids careening out of control giving each other wheelchair rides. Jenna said to me yesterday, “Mom, I don’t EVER want to walk.”

What? I wasn’t sure I got that right. You don’t want to walk? Because you think it will hurt?

“No,” she said, “because I like riding in the wheelchair.” Great.

This is how she's spending a lot of her time

It’s Thursday night, so that means Mr. MythTV (Tivo’s younger brother) will record all my favorite shows for me. Thanks Myth!

And something totally unrelated (because that’s how my brain works) If you want to check out some new drugs for women, click here.

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