The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: March 2007 (Page 3 of 4)

Wow, it really is spring

Today was a glorious day!  I think it reached 70 degrees here.  My crocuses are blooming, the tulips and the daffodils are pushing their little green leaves up, and I really need to get out there and weed.  Are you enjoying the spring weather?
True to my promise, today I cleaned out the mudroom.  I didn’t get to the counter yet, but I got all the gloves and hats put away, all the boots went downstairs, all the shoes that fit no one put away, and the extra shoes that aren’t being worn are now on their way to bedroom closets.  I also threw away tons of crap, filled an extremely large garbage bag with stuff for D.I., and took out all the coats and hung them in the closet.  The floor, although not mopped, was thoroughly vacuumed.  It looks about a hundred percent better in there, and hopefully now I won’t be tripping on backpacks and coats all over the floor.

It’s 7:15 and my kids are playing happily OUTSIDE!  The trampoline is back up (we took it down for the winter) and the kids are playing on the playground.  Oh, the joy of spring.  Now I need to make a canopy for the playground.  I took the measurements today and I’ll start working on it tomorrow.  Or the next day.

spring forward

It’s daylight savings time, and that means that not only am I tired, but I’m confused.  My computer, the clock in the car and most of my watches say it’s 2:20, while the kitchen clock and the watch I’m wearing say it’s 3:20.  It’s enough to make one miss soccer practice entirely (I wish).  But besides losing an hour of sleep, daylight savings time reminds me that it’s time to go through the pile of stuff that is winter outerwear around here.  I think every person has at least 2 coats, a pair or two of boot, several gloves,  a few scarves and multiple layers of sweatshirts.  All of these items are in a heap on the mudroom floor.  Oh, there are the token few that have been hung up, and most of the shoes end up in the shoe basket, but the majority is just an unorganized mess.  So, it’s my job to discard the coats that are either too small or have broken zippers, and put away nicely the ones that can be saved for next year.  I’m sure once I get everything put nicely away, we’ll have another big snowstorm, however, so I’m not rushing over to do it right this minute.

So close, but still no mouse ears

Today was the last day of a certain radio contest in which they give away a set of 4 Disneyland Hopper Passes to the winner.  The winner who is caller 19 when they play the song of the day.  Well, I’ve been glued to the radio for the past three weeks and have only been a measly “caller 4” or something like that.   Today it was ringing, and when he answered it he asked how are you doing, fine, etc.  Then asked if I had ever kissed my brother.

What?  Yes, actually, I have.

No, I mean really kissed your brother, like slipped him some tongue, the guy says.

Well, no, that I have not done.

Well, this is going to feel as bad as kissing your brother, because you are caller 18.


But, since today is get over it day (see previous post), I will have to let it go, and not stress about the fact that I was this close to taking my family to Disneyland.

Get over it!

Did you know today (Friday the 9th of March) is National Get over it day?  Well, it is.  so, if you’ve been holding a grudge, offended by someone or something, it’s time to get over it.  (Especially if it’s something I did–you need to just forgive me and get over it.)

So, let it go.  Breathe in, Breathe out.  Get over it.

Adventures in Shopping

I didn’t go to aerobics this morning because I’m just barely getting over that monster cold.  It has nothing to do with the fact that Kohl’s sent me a 30% off coupon good on my entire purchase that starts today.  Ok, it may have had something to do with that, but the sick excuse still stands.  So, after dropping John off at preschool, I headed to Kohl’s to see what I could find.  I found some GREAT clearance items, especially in shoes.  I bought the cutest boots in “Megan pink” (it really says that on the box) for the girls.  They are in Megan’s size, but I’m sure she’ll hate them because, after all, they are boots, and they are pink.  But I have two more girls coming up after her, and for $11.00 minus 30%, that would make them….somewhere around $7.  Wow!

In wandering around the store I found a few other things to make my bargain happy self smile.  I was just heading to the kids’ clearance racks, when the lights started to flicker.  Interesting.  I’ll just continue looking at these two red shirts to see which one I like better; I mean at $7.99 minus 30%, I could probably get both, but–Yep, the lights came back on, and I continued on my way.  Then they went out again for about 5 seconds.  No worries, they came back on.  Then they went out again, and after about 20 seconds, a nice Kohl’s employee comes by telling us all to go to the front of the store, please.  What?  But I’m not done shopping.  I was just going to see if there were– “Please, everyone, go to the front of the store.”  Darn.

So, they herd all these women to the front of the store (there are never any men shopping there, I wonder why?  Oh, yeah–they all must have jobs or hate shopping or something like that), and the cashier is franticly checking someone out.  Apparently they have a few minutes of computer power when the power goes out and they can ring a few lucky people out.  But alas, the computer also went dead.  Nina, the sweet sales girl told us that because of all the new businesses opening up around there (in the Meadows in American Fork), every time a store opens up they usually have some kind of a power outage.  Usually, she explained, it comes back in about 5 minutes.  So, we could put our stuff on hold and come back later, or we could just wait.  Well, I’m not in a huge hurry, so I just wait.  After all, I had all my stuff spread out on the counter ready to check out.  The lady behind me said, “I’m just glad I don’t have my kids here.  They’d go crazy.”  Amen, sister.  That’s why we do this without kids.  One poor lady didn’t have it so lucky.  She’s pushing a double cart with two kids in it, plus she was wearing what looked like a tiny baby in a sling.  How can she even push the cart with that thing on?

Anyway, I digress.  After about 8 minutes, they told us that the manager decided to close the store.  We all had to leave our precious items and come back at some later time, but for our trouble, nice Nina would give us all an additional 15% off.  Wow!  I guess I can come back later for 15% off.

When I left, I found that it wasn’t just their store that was out of power.  Even though Smith’s (across the street)  had power (so I could buy my Cheerios for 50 cents a box), all the lights along State Street in American Fork were out.  So, whatever construction was going on, they must have really hit something big.

So, have you experienced a power outage while shopping before?

It’s rebate time–Wahoo!

I got my Costco American Express bill a few days ago, and this time it was met not with dread, but with anticipation. You see, it’s rebate time! If you use the Costco American Express Card, you get a rebate on everything you buy–from 1% to 3%. We try to use this card for everything, and I’d like to figure out how to pay bills with it instead of bill pay from the bank just to up my rebate. So, our rebate check is for … $381.62! I’m thrilled.

On the upswing

Thank you for your well wishes. I am thankfully getting over that monster cold, but it’s been a rough week.

Yes, I did take my children to the Discovery Gateway on Monday, as promised. They were so excited, and cleaned their rooms and even vacuumed them before the 9:30 deadline. I dragged my sorry self and a purse full of kleenex to the car, packed the kids in the car, and off we went. Luckily, I had four free passes, so I only had to pay for two of us because, Man, that place it a bit on the expensive side, don’t you think? $8.50 per person. Wow! But, anyway, the kids just LOVED it!! They played with those balls in the tubes for a very long time. They would have stayed longer if I hadn’t dragged them on to the next station. John especially liked the building zone where he could operate the little crane, and Natalie enjoyed being a letter carrier. Jenna had fun in the farm, and playing in the water, and Cole and Megan tried the rock climbing wall. It was fun to make our own little movie and comic strips, too.      Oh, how much I would have enjoyed it if I weren’t sick. Yes, I was still very sick, and went through my whole stash of Kleenex. I had to resort to using long strips of toilet paper I pinched from the bathroom. I looked a sight, too, what with my red nose and super chapped nose and lips. I’m sure the kids and other parents were scared.

Monday night Ryan went and got me some actual drugs from behind the counter that have the actual effective ingredients in them. They worked MUCH better. I have to thank Ryan for taking care of me, and taking care of the kids when I didn’t do much this weekend. He’s awesome.

Oh, and as promised, here’s just a little picture of my curtains, which are finished and hung. Unless I decide I don’t like it and start over. Don’t laugh, it could happen.

Sneeze and sniffle

You know that cold that I mentioned was threatening?  Well, I got it.  Full blown sick.  I’ve got the sneezing, the stuffy nose, the sinus pressure, the achy head.  In fact, if it were physically possible to blow the nose right off of my face into the Kleenex, I’m sure it would have happened.  All the garbage cans are full of Kleenex, and there’s a little pile of Kleenex by my bed, where I’ve been tossing the Kleenex, but they don’t quite hit the garbage can.

The kids have been quite sympathetic, asking if I’m feeling better, telling me they hope I feel better, and asking if there’s anything they could do to help me feel better.  Jenna even wrote me a cute get well card and taped heart balloons on it.  Isn’t that sweet?  You say to yourself.  Those kids must really care about their mom.  Well, kind of.  But mostly, it’s that I promised to take them to the new children’s museum at Gateway on Monday, since they have the day off of school.  We talked about this on Friday, and they can hardly wait.  John asked that night when we were going to the museum.  He thought we meant we were going right then, not in 3 days.  Well, if Mom’s sick, she won’t be taking anyone to the childrens’ museum, right?  So, they are really hoping I’ll get better so I can take them where they want to go.

Actually, I am feeling quite a bit better this evening than I was last night, and even this morning.  I lazed around all day, didn’t go to church, and pretty much stayed drugged up on Tylenol cold.  I’m not sneezing so much, but I wish I had the use of both of my nostrils.  If I can breathe tonight, then I’ll sleep.

So, be sure to disinfect your keyboard and mouse after reading this, so you won’t get it, too.  And wish me luck at the children’s museum tomorrow.

A goal

This week I would like to get myself back into the habit of reading my scriptures.  Every day.  Even if it’s just for a few minutes, I need to have some personal scripture study.  Our family scripture reading is going ever so slow.  We read a verse or two each before dinner.  It’s not the best, but right now it’s the best we can do.  We just finished 2 Nephi tonight–hooray!

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