The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: July 2007 (Page 3 of 3)

Apparantly this blog is not for kids

Online Dating

The reason? Because I used the word “death”. Hmm. I would have thought it was because I complain about my kids occasionally. Well, in that case, I’ll feel free to complain about them even more, and use words like “crap” and “Oh my heck!” and “death” all I want.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and put the little monsters to bed.

Just for fun, try this

I’ve got an idea! When it’s over 100 degrees and your poor kids can’t go outside to play, why don’t you have all the carpets cleaned, so that all the kids (and you) are confined to all the non carpeted areas of the house. And let’s clutter up those non carpeted areas with coffee tables and chairs and plants and everything that can be moved out of the carpeted areas so that you can’t even walk on the wood floor. And then lets see if Mommy’s head really does explode!


And for contest news, thanks to all who played along with Superpaige’s first contest.  I’ll have to do that again real soon!  And the winners are…..drumroll…….

Tess wins the Rocky on DVD, Lisa wins the scrapbook puzzle pieces, and Janice wins the spatulas.  Congratulations!  If the winners are not able to fulfill their responsibilities as contest winners, a substitute will be chosen in their stead.  Thank you.

We sure know how to celebrate around here

Shall I lavish you with tales of our annual kid’s bike parade or just show you the pictures. Ok, we’ll cut to the chase and say it was fun, and here are the pictures to prove it.

There were lots of kids on lots of bikes and other wheeled vehicles.

Then all the kids dumped their bikes by our house, and we served up some ice cream.

There were even rides in a pony drawn carriage cart.

So, enjoy your 4th of July where ever you are.  Happy Independence day!

It’s a contest!

By now, anyone who’s read this blog for more than a day or two should know that I love contests. No, Really? REALLY. When a friend and I were at a re-grand opening of our local Roberts, store, they had a little “musical chairs” type game. Every 15 minutes or so, they’d tell everyone to stand by a number in the store, then they would call out 3 or 4 numbers, and if you were standing by that number, you would win a prize! The girl who was doing the announcing on the PA was having fun, I’m sure. Because really, next to winning things, giving things away is almost as fun. “I should do that job.” I told my friend. “You mean the announcer?” she asked, “then you couldn’t win anything.” Which is true. I would rather be winning.

This got me to thinking. There are a lot of blog contests out there, with several give-aways that I have seen (and many that I have entered). I’ve actually won a blog contest drawing, and it was very cool to receive a present in the mail from someone that I don’t even know.

So now it’s my turn to give something away. To you, the readers.

What are the prizes? you ask.

1-Rocky on DVD. New in the package. Even though Ryan has NEVER seen Rocky (can you believe there’s a guy alive who has never seen Rocky? Or Rocky II or III or any of them!?), we’ll probably never watch this movie. But maybe you will.

2-A cute pink puzzle letter set from Li’l Trinkets and Treasures. It was in a little scrapbook kit thing, and since I really don’t scrapbook, I can’t think of a great use for this, but maybe you will.

3-My favorite Ikea spatula set.

Yes, it’s a random grouping of things, I know. And no, they aren’t super great or expensive prizes. But this is my first blog give-away, so maybe I’ll get better at this in time, who knows. Or maybe nobody will even enter and it will be a flop. We’ll see.

So, just leave a comment and let me know you’d like to be entered into the drawing. If you advertise for me on your own blog and link back to this post (increase readership, you know!), you’ll be entered twice. On Thursday, we’ll have our high energy drawing, and I’ll contact you if you win! It couldn’t be easier. You don’t even have to be caller 10.

The tragic tale of scout camp

I mentioned in my previous post that Cole and 4 others had come home from scout camp last night. And after they left, two more came home, dry heaving all the way. I just got a call from one of the leaders, and our conversation went something like this:

Mr. Scout: Hi, this is Bob, and I just brought two more kids home from scout camp.

Me: Oh, my word! Is there anyone left up there?!

Mr. Scout: Well, we’ve got three boys up there right now, and the Scout Master.

Me: So, do you think it’s the flu or food poisoning? (I’m sure hoping it’s food poisoning!!)

Mr. Scout: Well, what we think happened was, one of the boys’ families had this last week (I won’t say which family it was, to protect the guilty). It went through the whole family, and then “this other kid”, who had gone over there to play, also got it, and was sick the day before camp. He got better, and his parents brought him up a day late to camp.

Me: Oh, no. So we could all be getting it.

Mr. Scout: And we’re just checking on the boys to see how they are doing. I’ve got to go back up there, since Mr. Scoutmaster isn’t supposed to be up there alone.

Me: I’m so sorry. Good luck. Oh, and is Cole’s gear still up there?

Mr. Scout: Yes, we brought them all home without their gear, so I’m not sure how we’re going to be getting that all home. (If I were him, I would have been crying by now. Screaming out something like “Don’t make me go back there!”)

From the parents who I’ve talked to, all of their boys had it way worse than Cole did. Cole was sick a couple of times, not all night or every 15 minutes like some of his friends.

But, in order to keep those germs confined to Cole, I’ve just banished him to his room. “I know you are feeling better, son, but in order to preserve the rest of my family (and myself!) I’m going to have to send you to your room for a while. Step away from the computer while I clorox the whole thing, and have fun reading in your room. Or take a nap. I’ll send you up some food later.” I’ll just keep these Clorox wipes handy just in case I need to redisinfect anything.

(It’s a good thing my paranoid sister does not read this blog, or I and my family would be banned forever. And she would never send any of her children to scout camp. Ever.)

My other camper, Megan, came home a little while ago. She’s bright eyed and bushy tailed and trying to tell me all about camp. When I showed her her newly cleaned and organized room, she said, “Cool!” Wow! Quite different from Cole when he comes home from a camp-out. She must have slept some. Being the nice mom that I am, I told her I would love to hear all about it…..after she had a shower.

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