I’m happy to join in with another Pay it forward book exchange.
I’m offering up a book that I enjoyed, called I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. I read this book some time ago, and then bought it at a garage sale recently, not remembering that I had already read it.  Please tell me I’m not the only one who can’t remember what they have or have not already read.  When I opened it up and started to read it, I thought, “wow, this is really familiar,” and then realized that yes indeed, I had already read it.  And enjoyed it.  So, if you haven’t read it yet, here’s your chance to snag it for free.  Just leave a comment on this post by October 8th, and if I pick your name, it will come to you in the mail.
If you’d like to enter other book drawings, check out Overwhelmed with Joy and the other contests going on.