I’ve used the random number generator to pick three numbers between 1 and 94. I can’t believe that many of you entered! Now if you’d only stick around to read when I’m NOT linked to a huge contest.
Anyway, the winners are: Trina wins the Mormon Tabernacle Choir CD,
Linda SS wins the Kimberly Locke CD,
And tonsofsons wins the Weight Watchers tapes.
Now I hope you know, you lovely winners, that if you win something on my blog, then you are forever tied to me through the postal service, and you will now become a faithful reader and frequent commenter forever more. If you cannot carry out your duties as winner, faithful friend and commenter, your runner up will assume those responsibilities for you. Ok? Ok.
And speaking of winning, I’m in the running to win this lovely pink jeep tomorrow in a contest. I would really love to be driving the kids around in that baby, wouldn’t you? So, I need your good thoughts and good karma to help me win tomorrow, ok? Great!
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