The Trials of a Busy Mom

Category: I love to laugh (Page 3 of 4)

Three things

My little guy, John, has this weird thing about lunch. Every day when he comes home from a tough day at kindergarten, I make him lunch. It can’t just be any old sandwich slapped together and thrown on a plate, though. There must be 3 things on his plate for lunch. And in his words, “Drinks don’t count.” What? Who made this rule? I humor him, and when I make macaroni and cheese, for example, I’ll be sure to add two more sides to his plate, maybe a couple of apple slices and a cookie. Usually it’s not a big deal. But some days I just can’t seem to come up with two more things that he will eat. It’s about all I can do to scrape together a peanut butter sandwich. But no, that’s not good enough. Every day he demands his “Three things” for lunch.

Last week, I went to the BYU women’s conference on Thursday and Friday, so I was gone at lunchtime. Ryan worked from home those days so that he could be there when John came home and fix him lunch. I called one day a little after lunch to see how things were going, and he said, “What’s with John wanting ‘three things’ for lunch? Where did that come from?”
Oh, the 3 things rule. Did he mention anything about a drink in his demanding of three things? I asked.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, “Drinks don’t count.”
How is it that my child has turned into such a picky little person? Who says you have to have three things for lunch? It’s a good idea to eat a variety of foods, of course, but why three?

A few days later I asked John why the infamous three ingredient lunch law. Did his illustrious teacher tell them something about nutrition? Did a friend tell him there must be three foods at lunch? “John,” I said, “Why must there be three things (not including a drink, of course) for lunch?”
His answer was quite simple.
“One day I was hungry, and I ate three things, and then I was full.”

Well, then. That explains it.

Tulip Festival?

I’ve been wanting to take the kids to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving point. I thought we might go yesterday, since the weather was nice, but we ended up working in the yard and garden, which is also a good thing.

But it looks like we’ve got our own tulip festival going on here. Ryan was so kind to post this little video onto youtube so that I could share it with you. It starts slow, and it’s not all that exciting, but take a look at the kind of visitors we have late at night around here.

I guess I need to get more irish spring around those flowers if I want to save them.

And in the spirit of strange things that the porch cam has recorded, here’s another one. It makes me laugh every time I watch it.

And we did ask Cole if it was ok to make fun of him on the blog. He’s a good natured soul so he didn’t object too much. I don’t know what he was making a face about, but it just cracks me up.


Today is Dr. Seuss’ birthday, and that makes me smile.

Last night I read Green Eggs and Ham as a bedtime story.

I tried to point out the message that you should always TRY the food before you stubbornly refuse to eat any of it, but I think the point may have been lost on the 6 year old.

Let me share a few of great Dr. Seuss quotes, in honor of the very creative man who was Dr. Seuss.

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. (the Lorax)

Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them.

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.

And my personal favorite, since it reminds me of the massive amounts of fun we had doing Seussical,

paige seussical

A person’s a person, no matter how small.


Speaking of the theater, Megan asked me yesterday “Why do you do those plays every summer?” My answer to her was, “Because they don’t do them in the winter.” I thought it was a pretty clever answer, myself.

So have yourself a wonderful day, and remember not to take yourself too seriously.

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” –Dr. Seuss

Superpaige’s Superpower

I have a superpower.
It’s my amazing sense of smell. It’s not a very unique superpower, as I’m sure many of you have experienced bouts of supernose, as I have.

(Ok, this is so funny, but every time I try to type “superpower” it automatically comes out “superpaige”)
I may have already mentioned my extreme dislike of the immitation maple smell that seems to plague me, as well as my talent for sniffing out the one sour towel.

When we went on our recent vacation, I had several packages of this new Trident fruit gum, in both the apple and the strawberry flavors.
I didn’t buy them because I really like them, but because they were free with coupons. I think I ended up getting five or six packages of this gum, but when I tried it–ICK. Let’s just say I am not a fan of fruit flavored gum. I like my gum to be minty. So, since I didn’t like the gum myself, I let the kids have it. The problem was, if they were chewing it in the car, the smell was overpoweringly “fruity” to my sensitive nose. At one point I turned to them and said, “Stop chewing with your mouth open! I can smell that gum from HERE!”

They laughed at me. Me and my super sense of smell.

A day or two into the vacation, Ryan and I went to the grocery store to stock up on some groceries and snacks to last us the rest of the week. As we came out to the car, I could SMELL that dang strawberry smell! “Those kids must have opened another package of that DANG smelly gum!” I ranted just a little. I looked around and couldn’t see any gum. I might have accused or blamed one of the kids. Might have.

After we got our expensive groceries, we opened up the back of the suburban and the strawberry smell was OVERPOWERING. What the what? I looked, and there was the 5 pound bag of gummy bears my friend Jenny had sent me for correctly guessing the birth date of her darling baby. She had sent me this huge bag of gummy bears as a prize!
Now I don’t want to sound ungrateful for those yummy gummy bears, but they were stinkin’ up the back of my car! Luckily I had bought ziplock bags from the store and was able to divvy up all the bears in smaller portions, and we enjoyed them for a lovely theme park snack. And the smell was contained.

So, let’s hear it, what’s YOUR super power? The ability to find that one lost sock? Great parking space finder? Amazing organizer? Juggle things with your toes?

Don’t let your ponytail sag

I was doing daughter’s hair this morning, (and by that I mean putting it into the standard ponytail) and I placed the ponytail 3/4 of an inch higher than she usually wears it.

Let the freaking out begin.

She HAS to wear her long blonde hair in a ponytail every. single. day. and she won’t let me vary that ponytail in the slightest. Even when I pointed out that her hair is starting to break off from the constant pressure of the ponytail. I calmly stated that we need to at least vary the height of the ponytail, either putting it slightly lower or slightly higher. Or perhaps a braid or two ponytails.

Not happening.

So, this morning, I put the ponytail slightly higher than normal, told her stop freaking out and I would give her a brownie for her lunch. Seriously. It looks the same. NO ONE is going to notice if the ponytail is the tiniest bit different!

As she was leaving (stomping out the door, actually), I called, “Don’t let your ponytail sag.”

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“You know, like it would sag if it weren’t happy. You want to stay happy, keep your ponytail nice and perky and happy. Don’t let your ponytail sag. It’s my new slogan.” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. I had it coming.

So, there you go, folks. It’s my new catch phrase. “Don’t let your ponytail sag!”

Yes, the human.

My 6 year old was looking around the office at some of the gifts I have laying around waiting to be wrapped (not for him, but for cousins, friends and people that don’t live in this house). Whose *** is that? (I won’t say the specific gift because I’d hate to ruin the surprise)
“That’s for Rachel,” I said.
“The human?” he said.
I looked puzzled for a minute, wondering what in the world he was talking about. Of course it’s for a human. OH, I see, the HUMAN Rachel, a cousin, as opposed to the TURTLE named Rachel that lives upstairs in Cole’s room. “Yes, John, the human.”

Inappropriate Christmas gifts

Utah Cosmetic Surgery—Seriously? Your radio commercials say something like, “You’ve been taking care of everyone else, isn’t it time you did something for yourself for Christmas? How about a breast augmentation or that tummy tuck you’ve always wanted?” Give me a BREAK! Do you really think a boob job is an appropriate Christmas gift? Is that something YOU’D like for Christmas?

Or this one..

But it goes both ways, here…

Or maybe I should enter this contest, because THIS would be a great Christmas present as well.

So there you have it, folks. Lots of ideas for those “hard to buy for” loved ones. You’re welcome

Dear Son

Dear Son,
I’m so glad you had a fun time on your mountain biking trip to Moab with the scouts. I’m very glad you have great leaders who love you boys and are willing to take whole groups of sweaty boys on long drives.

I just have one small request; in the future, could you please not just dump all your dirty laundry out in the laundry room? Since your clothes were covered in red dirt, perhaps a more appropriate place to empty out your duffel bag would be, oh I don’t know, OUTSIDE, perhaps? Let’s try to keep these things in mind the next time you go on a scout trip. If there is a next time.
Your laundry slave,

How about a joke?

There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields. The first cow said, “I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. They say it is spreading fast; I heard it hit some cows down on the Johnson Farm.” The other cow replies, “I ain’t worried, it don’t affect us ducks.”

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