The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: April 2006 (Page 3 of 3)

On Quilting

I had this dream (oh, no, not another weird dream) that was so real I just have to share it. My friends and I were going to start up a quilting group. Originally we had planned to go to Juno, Alaska for a month to quilt, but realized that wouldn’t work. So, we started out meeting at Lisa’s parent’s house. Her mom and sister Susan were there, too, and teaching us the basics of quilting. The deal was, we each had to make our own quilt top (pieced together, of course), and then we would get together as often as possible to quilt them. We were going to donate them to a church relief mission that would auction them off to raise money for a special project in Africa.

One day while we were together, Charri had brought a whole bunch of old things that we had all given her for Christmas or Birthday presents YEARS ago. She wanted us to sign the bottom and put the date if we could remember what year it had been. She had boxes of stupid silly gifts that we had bought for her (ceramic penquins was one I remember) or made for her. We all laughed at the stupidity and total uselessness of these gifts that we had been so proud to give her, and laughed and wondered more at the fact that she still had them.

When I woke up, I was still in the middle of this dream, so I don’t know if we ever accomplished great things and made beautiful quilts, but I will assume we did. It just made me so thankful that I have had a wonderful circle of friends who stuck by me through all the years (some of them for over 30!) and that I can still count them as friends today! Oh how lucky I am!

Yep, April Fools

Ok, everyone, *April Fools* on that last post. It’s nice to know I can still shock a few people, and that you would miss me if I moved. It was fun to see the reactions that one got. Ryan was more excited than I was if I fooled anyone. He probably checked the blog 8 or 9 times in the past two days and would tell me whenever it got a new comment. In all fairness, Melinda posted a disbelief comment 1st, but I deleted it because I wanted to give the rest of you a chance to be fooled. So, Happy April Fools to all of you.

In other news, because of daylight savings time, John waited until 7:20 (instead of the usual 6 something) to come into bed and hold mom’s hair this morning. It’s kind of sweet, the little ritual he’s got going. He wakes up and comes immediately into our bed. He climbs into the middle of the bed, pushes Dad aside if he’s in his way, asks me to turn over if I don’t have my back to him, snuggles up close and plays with my hair. He’s a squirmy kid, though, so it’s not like I can sleep through it, but it’s kind of a sweet way to wake up. Even sweeter if it’s not in the 6:00 hour!

Brace Yourself

Well, it’s official.

Ryan has been frequently traveling to Las Vegas to help some company with their equipment and set up. He’s probably been 4 times in the last two months. Well, this company decided they would like Ryan to be there a little bit more often, and offered him a job as their systems manager.

After a lot of discussion and much back and forth, he’s decided to accept their offer. That means we’ll be soon moving to Las Vegas. (Try to contain your cheers and excitement!) Ryan will start the end of April, and do the commute thing. I think he can go down on Monday and come home by Friday. We’ll be going down after Easter to find a place, and put our house up for sale. Ryan’s got a good friend who lives in Summerlin, which is just outside of Las Vegas, and we’re going to look for a house around there. We won’t have our big yard anymore, but who wants to do yardwork in Las Vegas in the summer. Maybe we’ll get something with a pool, instead.

We won’t be moving until after school is out for sure, and I’ve got my Bells concert June 2nd and 3rd. I’m so sad to have to leave the Bell Choir, but I’m so absolutely grateful that I had this marvelous opportunity for the past year. I’ve made so many new friends and can’t even say in words how much I’ve grown musically.

I know this is a Shock to you. It was a total shock to me, too. I haven’t mentioned anything on here because we were quite up in the air about the whole thing, and didn’t want to say anything until we knew for sure. I mean, we’re not the kind of people who just pick up and move every couple of years like *some people* we know (yes, you know who you are–and I’m not saying that like it’s a bad thing!).

We’ve prayed about it and feel good about it. It will be extremely hard leaving our wonderful neighborhood and being so close to family and friends, but now you’ll have a place to stop and visit on your way to Disneyland, right?

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