The Trials of a Busy Mom

On Quilting

I had this dream (oh, no, not another weird dream) that was so real I just have to share it. My friends and I were going to start up a quilting group. Originally we had planned to go to Juno, Alaska for a month to quilt, but realized that wouldn’t work. So, we started out meeting at Lisa’s parent’s house. Her mom and sister Susan were there, too, and teaching us the basics of quilting. The deal was, we each had to make our own quilt top (pieced together, of course), and then we would get together as often as possible to quilt them. We were going to donate them to a church relief mission that would auction them off to raise money for a special project in Africa.

One day while we were together, Charri had brought a whole bunch of old things that we had all given her for Christmas or Birthday presents YEARS ago. She wanted us to sign the bottom and put the date if we could remember what year it had been. She had boxes of stupid silly gifts that we had bought for her (ceramic penquins was one I remember) or made for her. We all laughed at the stupidity and total uselessness of these gifts that we had been so proud to give her, and laughed and wondered more at the fact that she still had them.

When I woke up, I was still in the middle of this dream, so I don’t know if we ever accomplished great things and made beautiful quilts, but I will assume we did. It just made me so thankful that I have had a wonderful circle of friends who stuck by me through all the years (some of them for over 30!) and that I can still count them as friends today! Oh how lucky I am!

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Adams

    Have you been reading the elm creek quilt series of books? Your dream sounds a lot like those books. I love them and would pick it for book club but the libraries don’t have enough copies.

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