
Megan is 10 today–again I can hardly believe it. She’s a great girl with lots of spunk and she keeps it interesting around here. She is a talented artist, a great soccer player, and does well in school. She helps out with her younger brother and sisters, keeps Cole moving in the morning, and always seems to have plenty of money. If she practiced the piano without a fuss and cut the backtalk, she’d be perfect!

She could never decide what she wanted to do for her birthday (maybe I gave her too many options), so on Sunday I decided we would throw a surprise party for her. I called 9 of her friends, and they should be coming over around 5. We’ll surprise Megan, do some step mania, play a couple of low-key games, have pizza, open presents and watch the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, which I bought today. I hope she likes it!