The Trials of a Busy Mom

Party on, Dudes!

Well, Megan’s Surprise party went quite well, if I do say so myself. I had told her friends to come in the garage at 5:15, and then when they were all there, I asked Megan to go and get something out of the garage for me. She went out there, and her friends jumped out and yelled “SURPRISE!”, and Megan, not being a child of great emotion, said, “hi.”

But she seemed to actually enjoy the party. so I hope I’ve done well. As far as parties go, this one was pretty easy once we got started. We played a little game, and then I took them down in the scary, disasterly messy basement (which I didn’t even TRY to clean up–yes, I’m that much of a pig) and let them all play step mania, which they really liked. Then I just had to wait for the Pizza guy to come, call them up all to eat pizza (the cheers went up to the ceiling on that one) and have root beer and creme soda. After they ate their fill, Megan opened up her presents.

And since I had bought “The Chronicles of Narnia” yesterday for her birthday, we opened it up and let the kids watch it. We took a little break for cake, and that was pretty much it. Some of the girls got bored with the movie and wanted to play outside, so I let them do that. I ended up taking them home about 8:30, and I think they all had a fun time.

And this morning Megan told me thanks for her party, so I guess she had fun, too.

And the good thing is, that after the bridal shower that’s here this Saturday (which I haven’t even starte on), I’ll be done with parties–for a little while, at least.


  1. Amy

    Done with parties? What about the Easter party in a week? I guess it doesn’t require planning fun games and entertainment, so I guess it’s technically not a party?

  2. Superpaige

    Oh, yeah, and there’s an Easter “gathering” at our house next Saturday, too. Thank you, Amy, for reminding me. But after that, I really think we’re out of the party business for a week or two.

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