The Trials of a Busy Mom

Month: February 2008 (Page 3 of 3)

Sometimes you just get those urges, you know?

This morning at around 10:00 I got the urge. No, not that kind of urge, you silly. I got the urge to do something, Anything, to change things around and spice up the house. It’s probably because I’ve spent so much time inside, lately. That would be due to the 2 feet of snow and the 21 degree temps outside. We don’t do a lot of outside socializing in the winter. So, cooped up as I am, and not really able to go out and buy anything new, although I have got my eye on some new chairs. Something like this would be nice.

Or these
more chairs

But I don’t really have it in the budget for new furniture, so I decided at 10:00 this morning that I would MOVE around the furniture I have. So, I set about moving the living room couch and loveseat to the family room, and the family room couch and loveseat to the living room. That’s no small feat for one person, but I did it. Well, John helped push a little bit.

And I like it. It’s not a major transformation or anything, and I didn’t have time to put the living room back together right, but it will do for a while. Just to change things up, you know.

This is what I have to do in the dead of winter to keep from going crazy, I guess.

And no sugar. All day. Yea for me.

Is it that time again already?

Wow. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday that marks the beginning of Lent. Which means no sugar for 40 days. Ugh. I know, I know, I’m not even Catholic. We’ve been over this before, folks. Robin and I have been giving up sugar for Lent for years and years now. Not for religious reasons, but just to prove to ourselves that we can do it. Sugar is an addiction, and it seems that I am indeed an addict.

So, to gear up for my 40 days of no sugar, after I went to Curves to workout this morning, I had the breakfast of champions today–a brownie. Yum. And then I found some Lind chocolates that a friend gave me for my birthday. I’ve eaten most of those, too. Woo-Hoo! Got to eat all the sugar I can, so that tomorrow I can give it up.

Wish me luck.

Oh, and by the way, my American Express Bill came today. Last month my bill was $3400 or so. This month, my bill is (drumroll please)… $1100. And most of those charges are for gas at Costco and food. Only one little trip to the auto place, thank goodness.

So, I’m pleased that I could indeed curb my shopping urges for a month.

But that’s over. Yesterday I went to Target, and it was as if the sale racks were saying, “Hi, Paige, where have you been? We missed you!” I did buy myself some cute shoes (because nothing cures the blues like a new pair of shoes), but sadly I won’t be wearing them for a long long time because I have to wear these blasted BOOTS every day. I’m getting to hate my boots. And my coat. Which really needs to be cleaned. And speaking of things that need to be cleaned, all of our vehicles are so disgustingly dirty it gives me the heebie jeebies to even get inside. I actually stopped by the car wash place yesterday to see if I could at least clean off the top layer of grime and salt, but they were closed due to the weather.

So, that’s the latest. Shopping–back on. Sugar–on it’s way out. Wish me luck, folks. I will need it.

Mormons cancel church?

We awoke to about a foot of new snow outside (have I mentioned that I’m tired of winter already? Well, I AM!), and later got a phone call that church had been canceled for today. Wow! I only remember church being canceled one other time, and that was when we were newly married and living in Provo. I think we actually went to church and there was nobody there. This time we must be more loved, because we got about 4 phone calls to let us know that there would be no church. So we can shovel out. Our snowblower died an early death this year, so we have been at the mercy of our neighbors to help us clear our many feet of snow this winter. Thankfully, our neighbor to the north has a four wheeler with a plow, and he frequently plows our driveway, and our neighbor to the south just bought himself a new snowblower, and he’s cleared our front walk a few times. I doubt we’ll be that lucky today. Ugh. We’ll wait for the snowplows to come and stay safely inside.

For our “church”, we’ve stayed in and watched the rebroadcast of President Hinckley’s funeral. It was a beautiful funeral and there have been many wonderful tribute programs on this past week. It’s a nice substitute for church.

Last night we went to see the Blue Man Group. It was GREAT! Although this isn’t video from this exact concert, we saw something like this

Although the band that was with them was good, I thought they drowned out the percussion of the Blue Man Group, and wished there was less band and less singing. It was a fun date for us, and I’d pay that much for tickets again anytime!

Yesterday we celebrated Jenna’s birthday. It was a fun little party, even though only 3 of her friends came. I guess we should have invited more than 8 people. It was a fairy party, and we had wings for all the girls (and the boy) who came. We made butterflies, , had a treasure hunt, and even painted fairy fingernails and toenails. I had a few games planned that we didn’t do because there were only a few kids, but we watched Fairytopia and had the ever popular whacking of the pinata. And with pinatas being the cheap things that they are, the handle quickly broke off, and we had to call in the pinata repair man to rig up the pinata.

I had the idea to make a forest of toadstools for the cake. I seem to always overestimate my abilities when it comes to cake decorating, and this was no exception. What began as “good idea” quickly turned frustrating, but I just went with it. It’s a good think I was going for the mushroomy look, because the little toadstools were less than pretty. Jenna did all the decorations on the top with “fairy dust” and she thought they were pretty, so I guess it was a success. Once we put on the fairies, I thought it actually looked cute.

Here’s one of the fairies close up.

The girls got to take their fairies home, along with lots of candy from the pinata. I’m glad that it turned out well, and Jenna had a fun party. And I’m glad it’s over.

So, that’s a weekend update for you. I hope that wherever you are, you are warm and dry inside. And could we please stop it with the snowing?

And the winner is…

And the winner of the muppets VHS tape and the Spamalot CD is….. Karen at Mommy of Three. She was lucky number 100 that generated for us.

Thanks so much to all of you for entering. I had no idea the muppet show would be so popular. My kids had a fit when I told them I was giving away that tape, so we had to watch it yesterday just for fun. It was fun to get so many comments, and to check out so many people’s blogs!

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