The Trials of a Busy Mom

Is it that time again already?

Wow. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday that marks the beginning of Lent. Which means no sugar for 40 days. Ugh. I know, I know, I’m not even Catholic. We’ve been over this before, folks. Robin and I have been giving up sugar for Lent for years and years now. Not for religious reasons, but just to prove to ourselves that we can do it. Sugar is an addiction, and it seems that I am indeed an addict.

So, to gear up for my 40 days of no sugar, after I went to Curves to workout this morning, I had the breakfast of champions today–a brownie. Yum. And then I found some Lind chocolates that a friend gave me for my birthday. I’ve eaten most of those, too. Woo-Hoo! Got to eat all the sugar I can, so that tomorrow I can give it up.

Wish me luck.

Oh, and by the way, my American Express Bill came today. Last month my bill was $3400 or so. This month, my bill is (drumroll please)… $1100. And most of those charges are for gas at Costco and food. Only one little trip to the auto place, thank goodness.

So, I’m pleased that I could indeed curb my shopping urges for a month.

But that’s over. Yesterday I went to Target, and it was as if the sale racks were saying, “Hi, Paige, where have you been? We missed you!” I did buy myself some cute shoes (because nothing cures the blues like a new pair of shoes), but sadly I won’t be wearing them for a long long time because I have to wear these blasted BOOTS every day. I’m getting to hate my boots. And my coat. Which really needs to be cleaned. And speaking of things that need to be cleaned, all of our vehicles are so disgustingly dirty it gives me the heebie jeebies to even get inside. I actually stopped by the car wash place yesterday to see if I could at least clean off the top layer of grime and salt, but they were closed due to the weather.

So, that’s the latest. Shopping–back on. Sugar–on it’s way out. Wish me luck, folks. I will need it.


  1. Mom

    Goodness, I don’t know how I could possibly do without sugar. Do you use substitutes? Are you still going to have diet cokes? I want to know if you ever lose weight in those 40 days you go without sugar. If so, maybe I’ll try it.

  2. Amy

    Hey, we were thinking about stopping by Krispy Kremes with a buy one get one free coupon–I should have brought you a free box of donuts! As it was, we were too busy and ran out of time.

    I think I’m going to ADD to my diet for Lent–I’m adding eight cups of water per day. I have a hard time subtracting for 40 days.

  3. Overwhelmed With Joy!

    Well, thanks for the reminder about Ash Wednesday. I’ll have to check our church for mass times. Not sure what sacrifce I’m going to try to make yet.

    Hey, I wanted to let you know that I’ve got some free books up for grabs as part of my February Pay It Forward Book Exchange. Stop by if you’re interested in a chance to win. 🙂

  4. Janice from Book Club

    I’m on a shopping hold myself. And, February is an easy month to do it because it is the shortest!

  5. Christina

    This year for Lent I am giving up giving up things.

  6. Robin

    Go Paige! Almost 2 days down and going strong!!! 😉

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