The Trials of a Busy Mom

Warm and fuzzy

I am almost through my mountain of refl***##**s papers, after calling all the parents who didn’t bother to include the d*** media release form. If I don’t have their form tomorrow when I turn the stack in to the council person, then….oh well. I guess that entry won’t move on. Nothing more I can do, right?

I’m trying to be more Zen like in my attitude. This morning I went to my favorite yoga teacher. Ryan took the day off because he has to take like one day a week off for the rest of the year. Tough, I know. This is what happens when you don’t take a vacation. Because whenever he plans to take the day off, it seems, he’s got a meeting or a conference call or something important that day and can’t take that day off. So, really, he was going to take Friday off, but there’s a conflict, so he took today off. Why am I telling you all this? Because that’s why I was able to go to yoga today. Because Ryan was home to keep an eye on the little boy, and I was free to go to yoga. This yoga teacher is AMAZING! I do things I never thought I could do, and then I watch other people do things I know I NEVER can do, but I don’t feel bad that I can’t do it. “Let it be ok!” She says. She also said, “The only way to take in a new breath is to let out the old one. How can you expect to take in new things if you can’t let go of the old.” Think about that one. And “The only way to be in the moment is to actually BE in the moment. You can’t think about being in the moment or want to be in the moment. Just BE.” Anyway, it was great, and my muscles were shaking when I left. I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow, but in a good way.

I wanted to also let you know about a little friend of mine.

Parker is a little guy with a big smile. He also has big medical bills, and a family who has no possible way to pay all those bills. Insurance only covers so much, and there are a lot of things that it doesn’t cover at all. Well, some really nice people have set up a raffle for a beautiful quilt.
For a donation of $5, you will get a raffle ticket and a chance to win this amazing Christmas quilt. And even if you don’t win the quilt, there are some other fun prizes, as well. And even if you don’t win anything, you can still have a warm fuzzy feeling that you are helping out a family who could really use a little help. Well, they could use a Christmas miracle, but I don’t know if that’s something we can deliver. But we can help out in small ways.

If you would like to read more about Parker or make a donation, click here. Because we could all use some more warm and fuzzy in our lives, especially at Christmas.


  1. Tammy and Parker

    What a sweetheart you are!

  2. Amber

    You are indeed a sweetheart, dearie. Question, though–I found it confusing to figure out where to leave comments on your new format and almost didn’t. I finally just clicked on the title to access the comment section but it’s not obvious for those of us who are slow. 🙂

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