The Trials of a Busy Mom

I’ve got the blahs.

I’m feeling kind of blah today. Tired and out of sorts. No energy and grumpy. It could be because my painting did not go well yesterday, and what I thought would be finished by now is now unsatisfactory. It could be that time of the month (well, I know it IS that time of the month, but that may be why I’m a little discouraged), it could be that summer is ending and I want to still do fun things with my kids, but don’t want to expend the energy to do any more fun things.

And in trying to plan my son’s birthday party that he’s told me ALL about what he wants, I can’t find instructions. I was pretty sure there must be a Star Wars jedi training party out there, since all of his friends have had star wars parties lately, and I’ve been searching the family fun website, but I can’t find it. And there’s that yoda pinata that he wants. *Sigh*

I want to give myself permission to do nothing. Can I do that? Can I just not do anything productive today without considering myself a failure?

What do you do when you feel like this?


  1. Robin

    If the question is “Can I”…then that is up to you. Will you allow yourself to??? Go put your jammies back on…(I know you have already gotten dressed)…and just lay around doing nothing. I don’t think you can do it. Pretend you have the flu for one day…only you can actually enjoy lying around doing nothing. (It might prevent future illness) Maybe you should wait until your kids are in school…spend one day getting the house clean…and then just lie around…doing what you want to do. Maybe you’ll even spend 2 days…once you realize how nice that was. Good luck!

  2. Janice Johnson

    You have my permission to do nothing. Good luck. 🙂

  3. jenny denton

    Two words: nap and chocolate.
    Tucker helped me do Micah’s Jedi party, and, although it was low-key, we did have a blast breaking the pinata with light sabers and having a demonstration on light-saber combat from 17-year-old brother. Just knowing you, you are the kind of mom that throws great parties, so now you have a lot to live up to. I’ve always been lame, so my kids have low expectations!

  4. jenny denton

    And BTW: I’ve missed your posts!

  5. Melissa

    I felt like this a couple of days ago. I cried all the way to church, after getting into a tiff with Jason before we left! It feels like it SHOULD be that time of the month, but it isn’t, so it makes it even worse.

    I give you permission to do nothing. I’m in the media, so my opinion totally counts.

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