The Trials of a Busy Mom

Me and Michael? We’re like this (crossing fingers)

Last night I went to see Michael Buble in concert, and may I just say it was Awesome!

My dear friend Lisa went with me, and we had a great time. As we were going to find our seats (on the floor), I could hardly believe that our seats were so great. We kept walking forward and forward until we were there on the second row!

The opening band was Amazing. They are called Naturally 7. Vocal percussion and instrumentation at it’s best. You can take a listen HERE.

Then the Man Michael came out, and the party really got started.

It was so neat to be RIGHT there. Instead of just listening and watching on the big screen, I could actually see the band, the piano player, the guitar player, and Michael. He was interacting with the crowd, the people on the first row, and this cute little girl off to my left. What a blast! I knew almost all the songs he played, and it was just so much fun.

Unlike the past few concerts we’ve been to, this one wasn’t too loud. I didn’t even need my earplugs! The sound was perfect. Of course that may have something to do with where we were sitting, who knows?

Oh, I fear I may have ruined my chances for ever enjoying a concert again. It was so NICE to sit up front and pretend I was one of the beautiful wealthy people who pay hundreds of dollars for concert tickets! I may not enjoy the WAY back seats anymore. I have been RUINED. Ruined, I tell you! But it was worth it. To be close enough to see him as an actual person, not just a HUGE face on the screen. OH, it was an experience I’ll remember.

I wish you all could have been there with me. Maybe next time.


  1. jen

    Lookin beautiful with the beautiful people! If you had to be ruined for concerts, you picked the best. Lucky dog.
    Next time you win tickets, request up front or decline. Now you can afford to be snobby!

  2. Vern

    You are the 2ND friend of mine to have gone to his concert and may I just say I AM SO JEALOUS!!!

  3. emily

    Sounds fantastic! We saw Harry Connick Jr in that hall, and it’s just a great place. Love the smaller feel.

  4. Christine

    Ack! I’m a little jealous over here. I love Michael Buble and he seems like he’d be so much fun in concert! Glad you got to you and enjoy it 🙂

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