The Trials of a Busy Mom

So it ends. And let the summer begin.

Last day of school! How did the school year come to an end so quickly? It’s not even warm yet! Oh, well, despite our many complaints about the cold and rainy spring we’ve had here in Utah, school is indeed over. How did we get here? One party at a time, my friends. One party at a time.

We started out with our back to school breakfast at the bus stop.

and before we knew it, John’s birthday was upon us.

We had a double birthday party day with John and then Natalie and a big blow up velcro wall.

Megan and I took a little road trip to the Shakespearean festival in October, and came back just in time to celebrate Natalie’s birthday and then Ryan’s birthday.

We had our hawk walk tug of war,

got witchy with some friends,

then welcomed Kazuki into our family for a week at Halloween.

There were school parties, church parties, and work parties, which was a good thing because the actual trick-or-treating was VERY cold and wet.

We made houses of gingerbread and frosting,
null & turkeys of oreos and candycorns.

Trees were decorated, concerts were played,

More concerts, in fact

and recitals.

Plays about gingerbread were produced. Before we knew it, Christmas was here!

January brought a new year and new adventures. A quick family trip to Disneyland was a highlight!

Jenna turned 10,

We went to lots and lots of basketball games.

We formed a band.

Then the roadshow took over our lives.

Valentine’s Parties,

and a big fancy anniversary party for Ryan’s parents.

Ryan and Paige had trip to New York, and that was pretty much a great big par-tay!

Cole had a birthday,
Megan had a birthday, and everyone continues to get older.

Before we knew it, Easter was upon us.

Then it was all a downhill slide toward the end of the year. We had Lagoon days, end of the year class parties, teacher gifts, advancement assemblies, more concerts and recitals, and even some finals.

Yearbooks have been signed and phone numbers exchanged. Today is it. The LAST day of school.

The kids have had some wonderful teachers, and for that I am grateful. John went from a reluctant reader to a “I love to read” kid who does not shy away from chapter books, even. His teacher was organized, firm, loving, and fun. It was great to volunteer in her classroom and also help out with parties. Natalie and Jenna both had men teachers (one of whom is retiring–sad) who, with their relaxed attitudes and love of fun, gave both girls a wonderful experience for the school year. Cole survived two AP classes and did very well in them. He also survived his second year of spanish, and while he certainly doesn’t speak it fluently, he will have at least a base knowledge of the language, should the need arise to learn and speak it later. Megan was the top of the food chain in junior high this year. It’s good to have those “oldest” moments, and I think she really enjoyed her 9th grade year. She loved being on the basketball team and I am proud of her doing so well in her classes as well.

I am very proud of them all and looking forward to spending some lazy days ahead.


  1. Janice Johnson

    This is such a great post.

  2. vern

    I have always wanted to try out those velcro walls!! How much weight can they hold? 🙂

  3. Cole

    Hooray! No more Spanish for me. I wouldn’t use the word “surviving” when describing my AP experience, if anything the AP teachers “survived” me. And next year I’ll be “surviving” four more AP classes.

    All-in-all it’s been a great year.

    By the way to Vern up yonder in ^ comment: those velcro walls can support a lot of wight, the question is are you willing to put that much force on yourself. It’s the velcro suits that hurt your legs, arms, and other assorted body parts when you’re hanging on the wall.

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