The Trials of a Busy Mom

Chest pains of a different sort

I’ve been suffering from chest pains today.  STABBING chest pains.  Before you get all alarmed and tell me I should be going to the ER for things like that, let me explain.  The underwire has escaped from my underwire bra and is protruding about an inch, giving me periodic stabbings.  I keep trying to shove it back in there, but without taking the darn thing off and doing some serious work on it, it doesn’t help.

After dinner Ryan gave me a hug, and I said, “Watch out, I may stab you.”  And then I broke out singing (I couldn’t help it) “Stabbed through the heart, and you’re to blame.  You give love a bad name.”  And a little voice pipes up from over at the table, “It’s shot through the heart.  Not stabbed.”  I looked over to see why in the world my 6 year old would be correcting me on a Bon Jovi song.  “How do you know that?”  I asked her.  “Brittan told me.”  So, her little friend is teaching her Bon Jovi songs?  I may have to talk to her mother about that.


  1. Melissa

    Been there, done that with the underwire thing more times than I care to remember! Even when they don’t come out, I’m afraid that if I hug my daughter the wrong way she’ll get “poked.”

  2. Janice from Book Club

    Wish I had “enough” to need an underwire. Toothsome #2 (age 5) sings a lot of Gwen Stefani lately.

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