The Trials of a Busy Mom

And don’t forget the sunscreen

What kind of mother takes her kids to swimming lessons when it’s 49 degrees outside?

One who paid $160 for her 5 children to have swimming lessons these first two weeks of June, not knowing that it would be winter-like weather.  Yesterday, when it was still NICE weather (although a bit rainy), we showed up at 5:00 only to be turned away because they saw some lightening.  The kids were very disappointed, after the fun of Monday’s lesson, so I had to take them to Wendy’s for dinner as a consolation.  Today I kept calling the REC center, and finally at 4:30, I got an actual person who would tell me a definite yes or no, and they said that yes, they were having lessons this evening.  Since most of the other parents did not bring their kids, they had private or semi-private lessons.  And the water was very warm.  They all (even John and Jenna) enjoyed the swimming part; it was the running in wet clothes wrapped up in towels to the car that wasn’t all that much fun.

Here’s hoping that tomorrow  really does warm up, so we can all ENJOY our time at the pool.

1 Comment

  1. Janice from Book Club

    I did water aerobics (in an in-door pool) one winter. The class started at nine pm. There was a bank right next to the pool that would post the temperature outside every two minutes. One night, as my friend and I were climbing into her car, with wet hair and a still wet swimming suit under our clothes, it said 19 degrees! I feel you and your kids pain. It better be warmer next week because our swim/tennis combo starts on Monday.

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