The Trials of a Busy Mom

Our “mini-vacation” at home

Where have I been? I’ve been wondering the same thing about a few of you. Where have YOU been? Well, I’ll tell you where I’ve been and what we’ve been up to. We’re in the middle of a “stay-at-home-vacation” around here, I tell you. Can you guess by these pictures where we went on Friday?

We saw Alphonse the white aligator, climbed Rhinos,

and did some monkeying around, that’s for sure. You’re right! We went to the Zoo on Friday. Many thanks to my mom and dad for coming with us, it made it much more fun.

We went from the zoo directly to our next activity, which was nice and warm for once.

The kids loved having a warm swimming lesson, and didn’t want to leave. But we had to hurry home so that Mom and Dad could leave on their date to go and see our favorite local band in concert. We went with Julene and Italo and had a great time! There was that small problem with Cafe Rio not having received our on line order and having to wait for it, but since they only charged us $20 for a dinner for 4 of us, we won’t complain about that. It was a great concert and lots of fun!

On Saturday we did some jobs around the house until late afternoon, when we went to a fun party. We called it “Moms work party”, since it was with the bell choir. It was worth the drive up to Kaysville and everyone had a great time!

Today, our day of rest, I am supposed to be preparing my lesson for RS this aftenoon. It’s this lesson and I don’t really have any ideas for making it fun.  I know not every lesson has to be fun, but I’d sure like it to be.  I’m thinking of making cookies for the treat, with chocolate chips or raisins, and bringing them out when we talk about how “most of us have vulnerable spots through which disaster can overtake us unless we are properly safeguarded and immunized….” and make some kind of comparison that we are all like the cookie.  We all have these “chips”.  And we need to know where our weaknesses are and safeguard against temptations there.  Yeah, kind of weak, but I’m at a loss here.  I hope it goes well.  (No pressure or anything, but the stake people are just going to be there today. For this lesson.  Ugh.)

Tomorrow we will continue our fun mini vacation at home with a day at Lagoon.  There will be a great amount of picture taking there, I’m sure.  It should be nice weather, too.  I hope.  And Tuesday, Ryan’s taking another day off work for my cousin Sarah’s wedding.  So we’ll be busy busy busy having fun fun fun.


  1. Lisa Adams

    You are a good mom to get your family out for these activities.
    Is it your stake lagoon day by chance?

  2. Ryan

    Yep. Stake Lagoon Day.

    Also, I heard multiple people comment that Paige’s lesson was good. Of course, I think anytime an instructor brings cookies is a good lesson.

  3. Kristy

    Paige you are ever the fun mom! Your kids are so lucky!

  4. Superpaige

    Why, yes, I am a fun mom. I’m hoping I don’t burn out and do nothing fun for the rest of the summer, though.

    The lesson went well. At the last minute I thought about using the story of Pinnochio to illustrate the tempting and straying away a little at a time, until they are turned into donkeys. I didn’t show a clip (no time!), but told a little bit of the story, and it tied it in well. And everyone likes it when you feed them, so of course they liked the lesson.

    And I’m not sure if the Aligator was named Alphonse. I’m wracking my brain trying to remember if that was his name or not. Does anyone know his name?

  5. Ryan

    Antoine is his name…,1249,660217489,00.html

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