The Trials of a Busy Mom

Potty training. Or reason number 23 of why being a mother is the hardest job I know

I had a friend ask me last night how the potty training with John was going. She probably expected to me tell her that it’s GREAT. He willingly and voluntarily uses the potty and we are a happy family. I mean, it has been about 3 months since we’ve been working on this.

Well, it is going great.

That is, if your idea of great is a kicking and screaming battle 3 or 4 times a day to get him to actually use the potty. We have rewards, threats, time outs, sweet understanding mommy, tired grumpy mommy, and reasoning mommy working on this here. And then there’s the changing of the poopy pants at least once a day, since there’s no way he’s actually going to poop in the potty of all places. Frankly, I’m worn down and worn out. Why must I put myself (and him) through this? So he’ll have more emotional scarring to fuel his therapy later in life? So that I can beat myself up daily because I must be a terrible mother because I can’t figure out a way to make this work? Why? Why? Why? (banging head against the desk)

And if you tell me how your child was potty trained in 3 days, so help me, I will hunt you down and attack you in your sleep. I’m just saying.


  1. Janice from Book Club

    Take a break from potty training! I am sure once he starts high school, he will be embarrassed enough to start using the potty. Until then, go back to diapers.

  2. Christina

    Okay, I won’t tell you…………..

  3. Amy

    Boy, our kids were definitely NOT potty trained in two days! I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I am grateful to be changing diapers at this moment.

  4. Amy

    Hey there…just ran across your blog and this post hit me like a ton of bricks! Our 2 year old was a pain in the you know what to train! This child will not allow help for anything. When learning to walk if you held her hand she would sit down immediately, and good lord a walking toy was unheard of for her. Talking has come in her own time…I think she says things wrong on purpose Now the potty training thing. Months and months we tried…she actually started screaming the first time she tinkled in the potty! I finally threw in the towel bought a huge pack of diapers and the very next freakin day she decided she was going to use the potty!!!!!!! I could just hear her thoughts in the store….if Mommy and Daddy buy these I will not use them…but if they don’t I will continue to crap in my pants!
    So sorry for the length of my post!
    I will go read more of your blog now!

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