The Trials of a Busy Mom

What the heck?

As I was walking out of church on Sunday, I took my sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. In doing this, the frame cracked and one of the lenses fell to the ground. What the heck? Those glasses aren’t even that old!

As a fair skinned person of the blue eyed persuasion, I do not leave the house without sunglasses. I keep a pair in my purse, a pair in the car, and I have multiple pairs of glasses at home. I buy them whenever I can find them on sale. Kohl’s often has sunglasses on clearance, so when I can find them for $5 or less, I will buy a few pairs. I do not buy expensive, fancy, designer sunglasses. What would be the point? I would just scratch, break or lose them within two months, and then I would be out $30-$50 bucks instead of $5-$10. Although if you wanted to send me some really nice shades, I would promise to do my best to take care of them.

Irritated with my dumb glasses and wondering if I could somehow fix them and make them wearable again, I put them on anyway.

My kids thought that was the FUNNIEST thing ever, and that I was wearing them merely to entertain them. Right. I wore them home. Because otherwise I would squinting like a…like a something that squints. The kids roared with laughter all the way home. I wore the glasses inside.
“Hey, these are GREAT!” I said, ” I can wear them inside AND outside, and my eyes just adjust!”
Busting up with laughter, the kids said it looked more like I was a pirate wearing an eye patch. They even HAD to tell Dad all about it when he got home later that day. Ha, Ha, very funny.

So I resigned myself to giving these ones up and wearing my next back-up pair.

Linking up to Jenny Matlock Alphabee Thursday.


  1. Tess

    That picture cracks me up … and I can totally envision this interaction between you and your kiddos. Silly mom, you.

  2. Dawn

    You have always had such a great sense of humor!! Love the pic!!

  3. Donna Heber

    This is too funny! Who needs transition lenses when you have these! I don’t blame you for not buying expensive sunglasses. If you are anything like me they just get thrown around and stuffed in my purse. Wonderful post for Ms. Jenny’s Alphabe-Thursday.

  4. Rocky Mountain Woman

    I think you look cute in them….


  5. Vicki

    WHATTHEHECK! Love it:)

  6. JDaniel4's Mom

    Your children are so blessed to have someone who can find fun and not frustration in broken glasses.

  7. Dana @ Bungalow'56

    A great post. I had to check it out, as I often use the term “what the heck” Your kids will likely remember this day for the rest of their lives. Laughter has that effect on us! I too cannot fathom spending money on glasses. Scratches and losing them are definitely what would happen at the Bungalow.

  8. Tracy

    Love the look we know that if Victoria Beckham takes up its a hit

  9. Ames

    I think this is funny too. I too have a bunch of inexpensive glasses. They are all damaged in one way or another. This year I got prescription sunglasses at one of those two fer sales and they were expensive but I have not damaged them one bit. I am not into wearing designer name things. I find it humorous that someone would pay $200 or more and forget them in a restaurant or sit on them.~Ames

  10. Laura Lofgreen

    I love kids reactions to our silly quirks. Cute.

  11. Tracy

    I’m the same- cheap sunglasses after about 2 pairs of expensive ones were broken or lost withen the first 48 hrs.

  12. Jenny Matlock

    This sounds just like me With sunglasses… And I love this photo of you…

    I am glad your kids got a chuckle out of it!

    Wonderful post for the letter W.

    Thanks for linking.


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