The Trials of a Busy Mom

If you were in my house today

If you were in my house today…You would have heard me singing out latest version of the the song “Poop goes in the potty, not in pants! Where does the poop go? In the Pott-eeeeee!” It’s a lovely rendition that was sung with such enthusiasm and joy. Totally lost on the child, though, who instead of getting the message of the song, just says, “Mom, don’t sing.”

If you were in my house today…You would have heard me grumbling and complaining about the ticket I got yesterday for not coming to a full stop at a stop sign. Do they even GIVE tickets for That?! Nobody on the street, yet somehow this nice motorcycle cop appears OUT OF NOWHERE to pull me over for not coming to a complete stop at the stop sign before turning right onto an empty street. WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THAT, people. I’ll have you know that I have not received even a warning in over 11 years, and now to be pulled over! I’m NOT HAPPY! The only good thing is that I had already dropped off the three little boys at preschool and was exiting the neighborhood, so neither the boys, the preschool teacher or any other parents saw my embarrassing slip up.

If you were in my house today…You could see me come home with sticky hands from scooping 5 gallons of vanilla ice cream into little bowls for the kids at school. They earned the ice cream sundaes by walking so many miles in their walk-a-thon. Their good natured principal also got made into a human sundae. They put ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and sprinkles on him. Poor man. It was fun, but now I’m sticky.

If you were in my house today…You would hear me groaning in pain from the torturous workout I was put through this morning. My friend is starting up an exercise class at our church, and she was the teacher this morning. Tons of crunches and ab work, lunges, squats and cardio, all with our big, but underinflated exercise balls. And our little boys were in the gym pointing at laughing at all the funny mommies sweating it out. It hurts to laugh, people.

If you were outside my house today…You might have seen me outside like a crazy person attacking the weeds, overgrown perennials and annuals with a vengeance. I only got three of the flower beds cleaned out, but we also planted 60 tulip bulbs. Why did it have to be done today? I have no idea. It was a nice day, and it’s got to be done. Who knows how many more nice days we’re going to have before we have (gasp) snow around here, so I overdid it today.

But if you were in my house today, I would have offered you a piece of the yummy European chocolate that Ryan’s parent’s brought us back from their vacation. No, not a whole bar, are you crazy? I wouldn’t want you to feel THAT welcome.


  1. Kristy

    Gotta love the celebration of exercise with an ice cream sundae. “May it nourish and strengthen us….”

  2. Janice from Book Club

    I have to agree with Kristy on that one. Also, I need to attack my beds but i just don’t want to. So, take that universe.

  3. Christina

    I miss tulips:sad:

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