The Trials of a Busy Mom

wrong number

The other night, the phone was ringing. I was asleep already, but from the depths of my grogginess, I heard it ring a couple of times before my non asleep husband who was working downstairs answered it. Then I heard it ring again. Hmmm. I went back to sleep. When it rang again at around midnight, I knew something was wrong. Someone is hurt. Someone MUST be in the hospital or dieing, right? I stumbled downstairs to ask Ryan what was going on.
WRong number, he said. What? Then why does he keep calling once he knows it’s a wrong number? Ryan said he didn’t speak English and he kept telling the guy that this is the wrong number and to Please stop calling, but he kept on calling us. And he’s called again the next day! And the next! I’m wondering how I can block just that one number so he can’t call us again. Do any of you phone savvy people know how to do that?
I’ve also been receiving calls from the Census Bureau. They sent me that huge packet to fill out, and of course I didn’t get to it right away. Then they started calling and asking if I could just spend a half an hour and answer the questions over the phone. Well, that motivated me to just fill out the packet and send it in, so that they would stop calling me. But then even AFTER I sent it in, they kept calling. We haven’t received your information, and it’s getting close to the deadline, they would say. BUT I sent it IN!

1 Comment

  1. kristy

    how annoying!

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