The Trials of a Busy Mom

Works for me–post it notes

While looking at my son’s grades on powerschool and realizing all the assignments he has not turned in, I came upon an idea.  Instead of printing out assignment lists for each class, which is yet more paper for him to lose in his backpack, I grabbed a stack of post it notes and just jotted down each missing assignment on each post-it.  He is then able to take those notes and when he finds  the assignment buried deep in his backpack, he sticks the note on that assignment and can show it to me, so I can check it out.  It seemed somehow easier for him to manage those little notes, and he has a visual reminder of what still needed to be done.  The assignments that he couldn’t find, he stuck the reminders on his binder.

I also love post-it notes for leaving reminder messages for the kids in the mornings.  “Take a shower”, “don’t forget to wear warm clothes today” or even “I love you”.

So, that’s my works for me idea for today. For more great ideas, visit Rocks in my Dryer.


  1. Tess

    That is a really good idea – we might give it a try. The other Sat. I left a post it on the TV (so they’d be sure to see it) that said ‘went to the gym’. I left before anyone was awake and David was off at work already. Meg slept in and Eli and Claire got the note but couldn’t figure out what the g-y-m was. (gum? game?) you know, that word is spelled really, really wierd.

  2. Angie

    I love this! I have used post it notes to leave love notes for my kids. However, I haven’t used it to remind them of anything. We have a wipe off board in the kitchen that they look at.

    I like the idea of the post it notes to remind them to do things like turn off lights, brush teeth, pick up their shoes, etc. This coincides with the tip offered by Missy wrote about.

  3. Kathy Gillen/ lessons from the laundry

    Yeah, I’m an addict to the post it note. I really like those little ones that mark pages. We all use them for book marks.

  4. Tanya

    Oh, where would we be with out the wonders of post it notes? I love them.
    Great tip! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Janice from Book Club

    My freshman year, my roommate and I used post-it notes constantly. I LOVE them. You can buy this great skinny kind, that I use as bookmarks for my books and when I come to a passage that I like, I put it there and just leave it, so I can find it later.

  6. Vail

    Great Idea!

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