The Trials of a Busy Mom

Changes. I think they call it progress

Since we have moved here to the small community of Highland, it’s continued to grow, much to our disappointment. I’m sure it’s like that with all hidden gems. It’s ok for US to move here, but we don’t really want anyone ELSE to move in. When we moved here, there was one stopsign, now there are at least 10 stop lights at busy intersections. We have a Wendy’s, Little Ceasar’s, a flower shop, Pizza Pie Cafe, two gyms, and several other businesses. We’ve lost that small farming community feel, that’s for sure.

There’s been a field behind our house since we moved in. First there were sheep there, then horses. On the map, it said the land was owned by Alpine School District, so we figured there may be a school there eventually. Then the property changed hands, and we got a notice that they were developing that land, and even saw the potential plot maps. We weren’t thrilled about that, but what can you do? Buy the land ourselves? Not possible. Right after that, the housing market took a dive, and I guess that developer couldn’t follow through, so we have lived a few more years with the happy field behind us, with no back door neighbors to worry about.

Until this year. We got another notice in the mail about the lots being developed and all that blah, blah, blah. We didn’t see a sign, though, so we didn’t know when the lots were going to for sale. A friend from our ward told us that his brother really wanted to build back there. Then the trucks started coming. Lots of trucks and back hoes digging and digging and stirring up the dust and making lots of noise.

A couple of weeks ago one of the developers came by to tell us they were going to put in a fence, and did we want them to leave up the existing fence (barbed wire? I don’t think so) and did we care if they ripped out those big ugly junk trees? Don’t need the silly fence, but I would kind of miss those trees. Yes, I know they are big ugly junk trees that cause my husband to sneeze (Russian Olives), but they are BIG trees, and provide us some shade. But since they are actually on the other side of the property line, they don’t technically belong to us, so I told them to go ahead and rip those out, too.

Sure enough, a few days later we see this monstrosity out in the back and hear a horrible noise of crunching.

I was afraid they were just going to plow down our chicken coop! But, no, they were just after the trees and fence.

And just like that, the landscape of our backyard was changed. I wasn’t prepared for how empty things would look and feel without those big trees. WE realize that we need to get planting. We need to get that back area finished, with a way to water, and plant some trees back there! But hubby tells me we can’t plant anything until the fence goes in, so we’ll know exactly where that is.

First it’s the trees, then it’ll be neighbors.




  1. Janice

    So sorry.

  2. Robin

    Well…at least you’ll get a fence and Rysn will sneeze less.

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