The Trials of a Busy Mom

Valentine’s day wrap up

Well, yesterday was a fun day. Valentine’s day, while not a big one in my mind, is one that is still important for the kids. The kids didn’t do elaborate valentines for friends, but they chose from what we had and chose some candy or pencils to tape on there. Megan made her own box, and Natalie used the one that Megan and Cole made last year. But I was in charge of the 6th grade class party for Megan’s class. I thought I had it all planned out, with three moms coming to help, and one brining treats, and one bringing drinks. I planned a game and a craft, and my friend had an activity, as well. But I guess I forgot the most important rule of party planning–follow-up. Because when we got there, it was just the two of us moms. I set up the craft and the game, and had to ask Megan to explain the craft while I started explaining the game. After about 10 minutes, one of the other moms came, and she said she had brought the drinks. I put her in charge of the game, and we continued in our festivity. But when it came time to have our treat, there was no treat. I saw some boxes on the counter that looked like bakery boxes, and I peeked in. Oh, Donuts! I asked the boy whose mom I had called to bring treats if he had brought those.
“No, I brought those,” said Sabrina, “it’s my birthday.”
“Oh, can we use them for our party snack?”
“Sure,” she said.
So, the party wasn’t a total disaster, but it seemed very disorganized to me, and I’m the one who planned it!

In the afternoon, there was a knock on the door and it was a delivery guy standing there with flowers! OH! Hooray, My hubby loves me, I thought.
“Um, they aren’t home,” said the guy, “can I leave these with you?”
Oh. They aren’t for me. Oh well, I can enjoy them for the day, I guess. Not that I WANT my husband to send me flowers. If he did, I would probably get on his case for all the money wasted on delivery, when he could just stop by Costco on the way home and pick up more flowers for less money, right? But every woman loves to get flowers, whether she admits it or not. This neighbor sent 3 flower arrangements! One for his wife (with a box of chocolates), and two for his daughters (with little teddy bears attached). Or at least I think it was from the husband. But he also has a son, I hope he didn’t leave him out!

We had a fun dinner of heart shaped meatloaf, stuffed potato skins, grapes and green beans. Everyone got a fun gift from mom and dad, too. Each of us got a new book, and then another little something. I gave Ryan the book, 1000 places to see before you die. book He was checking off the places we’ve already seen. I got a lovely red purse, because we all know a girl can never have too many purses, right?

And yes, I ate some sugar yesterday. I didn’t go crazy, but still I did eat. So did Robin. We started over again today.

Today I got my hair cut in Provo, and experienced a small shock as I drove by Deseret Towers at BYU. Um, where are they? There’s only one tower left. Well, one and a half, I guess. I had heard that they were tearing them down, but—Wow! Where are all those students living, I wonder. And speaking of Provo, do you guys remember that restaurant on University Parkway, and it used to have that old car coming out the front of it? What was that called? Caddies? It was one of our favorite places to go. Now it’s a jewelry store. Go figure.


  1. kristy

    Caddy’s was all the rage! And I used to live in those towers. How sad.

  2. Melissa

    I was glad I went to Anna Marie’s party, because there was only one other mom there – the one who was in charge. And it was a sundae party, which meant that she scooped the ice cream and I put the toppings on. And then later during the games, it sure would’ve been helpful to have at least one more set of hands around!

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