The Trials of a Busy Mom

To sleep, perchance to dream, ay there’s the rub

Why is it that in a dream all things make perfect sense, and it’s only when you wake up and try to explain it to someone that you realize you are sounding like an idiot.

Take, for example, the dream I had last night. I was with some friends in a cabin, and there was one friend in particular who was a combination of three people I know in real life–a semi-needy friend from High School, a semi-neurotic roommate from BYU, and another friend from High school who had a major crush on a certain guy (Well, let’s face it, we all had major crushes on certain guys at one time or another from High school, so that could be any one of you).

This combo friend was very worried about the behavior of her boyfriend, who may or may not have also been her brother. He had gone somewhere without telling anyone and for some reason that was very bad, and she was upset. In comforting said “combo friend” (in my pajamas with holes in them), I knocked over and spilled a very large scrapbook, thus upsetting the other girl friends at the cabin.

There was also a concern about a certain spider problem, and some kind of moth larvae. See, when you are awake, it makes no sense at all, and you must be thinking that I’m on some kind of funky drugs! (Actually I just took a Clortrimiton or something of that ilk because I’m having some kind of major allergy problem at the moment, but I promise I wasn’t taking any such allergy medication last night!) But when I woke up, I was worried and concerned about not only the boyfriend/brother, but also the combo friend. And which of the 3 people should I be concerned about?

Should I give them all a call and see if they are doing ok? Oh the pressure! and what are we going to do about those blasted spiders?


  1. Mich

    I just KNEW Tina was the third friend! KNEW

  2. Christina

    Admit it, I am the third friend!

  3. Mel

    I just love your wacky dreams. You are just as colorful asleep as you are awake!

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