The Trials of a Busy Mom

Goofy? This is just our normal

Natalie needed new glasses, so when I took her to get them, there was a LOT of trying on of glasses.


And not just by Natalie.


I might just have to get myself a pair, because I think I look cute in glasses.


Natalie just kept laughing at me and said I looked like mushroom hat girl from the MERLIN show I did in the fall.


Come ON. I don’t look THAT silly. I was TRYING to look goofy in those glasses.


Anther day, the kids were looking for jerseys for our ward’s youth conference. The theme was “Same team, different Jersey”. Megan decided to put ALL of her sports jerseys on. At the same time.

She then took each of those shirts off. Talk about goofy.

Then there’s the time Megan said “I need something RANDOM to use in an art project.” After suggesting a few random things around the house, I pulled out these copper pans I have been saving forever. I bought a few random copper bakeware things that I thought I would use in decorating. But didn’t.

But they could make great DEVO hats.


Or princess buns?


Or a Madonna bra.


They didn’t know what I was even talking about on that one. I tried to explain it.

Or there was the time I ripped off a shirt Natalie was wearing. It was falling apart. I just helped it along.

We might sometimes do goofy things, like when I made everyone at the family party draw on paper plates on their heads.

And then there’s the crazy boys. But they are always goofy.

Am I right?

We even have goofy pets. Since it’s been cold, the chickens seem to think it’s cool to hang out on the porch. Maybe they like the sun, or maybe they just like to watch the humans, I don’t know.

So, yeah. We’re goofy. We like to take silly pictures, and love to have fun.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Adams

    We love goofy!

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