Yesterday I went to yoga. I have known this yoga teacher for about five years, as I’ve gone to yoga off and on for about that long. I haven’t been able to go during the school year because it’s been at 8 am, but now that it’s summer, that’s how I plan to spend many a Tuesday and Thursday morning.

One of the things I love about yoga with this teacher is that it’s not just a work out. This teacher also gives us little bits of widsom as we’re challenging our minds and bodies. At the end, we were sitting cross-legged, and she said, “Now lean down and give your left leg a hug. Think of how thankful you are for your left knee. We do some pretty mean things to our knees during the day, and let’s just have a moment to be thankful.” Then we did the same for the right knee. And, really, I do appreciate my knees.

Last night at play rehearsal, I was really mindful of those knees. We spent three hours learning blocking and dances. Ugh. At one point in the dance, we’ve got three lines of people. The first line is little kids, who all do a backward sommersault (I’m glad I’m not in that group!), the seond and third lines get up off the floor (yes, we were down on the floor), and the second row (still kids, mind you) grabs hands to make “windows” for the back row (which is all grown ups and tall people) to go under. You know, “go in and out the windows”? But these are little kids, so we are really crouching down to go under their arms. Then we grab hands and go backwards and the little kids go under our “windows”. And then we do it again. And repeat. Until we get it right.

Oh, yeah, I’m feeling those knees.