The Trials of a Busy Mom

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Banter (with my hair)

Every once in a while I have a really good hair day. When I glance in the mirror throughout the day, I can’t help thinking, “Hey, my hair STILL looks good! Wow!” Because you know how it is–you do your hair in the morning and it looks nice and fluffy and great for about the same amount of time that you are in the house, and then as soon as you go to work or school or wherever it is you are going, the frizzies or the flyaways or the flatsies take over. For me, it’s the flatsies. I have fine, thin hair, and it’s just terrible to try and keep it looking full and fluffy.

So, yesterday, the hair was looking all fabulous for the whole day! Amazing.

So, I was like, “Hey, girlfriend, you are lookin’ fine today.”

and my hair was like, “You got that right, girlfriend!” spouting some attitude and snapping her fingers in a z.

And I was like, “Any chance you can look this good two weeks from now when I have that big old concert in the conference center?”

and my hair was all, “Oh heck to the no, girl. Do you know how much work it is to keep up this look? I’m exhausted just thinking about it. This is a one time deal! And just because you gettin all snippy looking you will be getting some FLAT hair for the next two weeks. And get me some of that conditioner that I like, will ya?”

And so then I slink off and don’t bring it up again.

Sigh. Yep. That’s how it is.

Linking up to Alphabee Thursday with Jenny Matlock

If I was going for scary..

I decorated my front door!

I LOVE how cute it looked! Yes, it took me a while to do, but there’s almost no cost, since it was basically just two rolls of white crepe paper.

But then it snowed, and the humidity did something to that crepe paper.]

It now looks like this.



Ryan has been talking about building a new and improved chicken coop for the fluffy girls before winter. He’s never liked the pink coop we have. While it’s cute, it’s not designed well, and there’s definitely not room for all 9 chickens. Since it’s getting cold, those girls aren’t really laying, and we are only getting about 12 eggs a week. But he’s SO busy, and he’s been gone so much, so I didn’t know if that was going to happen anytime soon.

When the girls and I came home from a horrible movie premier on Saturday (DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT SEEING ‘FUN SIZE’, by the way) and a trip to Costco, Ryan and John were hard at work in the clean garage (remember when we cleaned it out a few weeks ago? SO GLAD we did that, as I LOVE parking my car in a clean garage!)

We’ve been talking about plans, and he had modified plans he found online for his own plan that he thought was even better.
After John’s flag football game, they had gotten started on this project. They grabbed a lot of the leftover wood that we’ve been tripping over in the basement and put it to good use.

Soon, the base of the structure was getting so heavy, we decided we’d better move it out of the garage, or there would be no moving it later.

Five of us each grabbed a corner and hefted. It doesn’t look like it should be that heavy, but it WAS.

Isn’t it nice that we had John to take pictures of us?

Sadly, Ryan got tired and had other things to do, and without a proper staple gun, the hammering was taking him a long time. Little did we know that we wouldn’t have any more nice days to work outside, and since we had already moved it out of the garage…

He’s worked on it this week after work when he could, but it’s been cold, and yesterday it started snowing on us. Ugh.

So now it looks like this. You can see that it will be bigger and sturdier than the silly pink playhouse turned chicken coop, and it will be nicer for our birds. Here’s hoping for a few NICE hours tomorrow so he can get the rest of the walls up.


In Kindergarten class, one little boy asked where his teacher was that day.

“I don’t know exactly. She might have a meeting, or maybe she had a dentist appointment,” I said.

“Yeah,” he said, “she has lots of meetings. Or maybe she had to work,” he said.

“Well, this Is her work,” I explained, “She works here with you.”

“No, she’s here because she really likes us.”

Oh. While I’m sure she really DOES like them, I’m also pretty sure she wouldn’t be there if she weren’t being paid. But how nice that he thinks she likes him enough to come teach him even if he weren’t getting paid.


Hubby is in Korea right now, and he just emailed me that this week is apparently Thanksgiving week in Korea. Who knew? He’s worried that all his favorite places to eat might be closed, but he can probably muddle through.

I’m just thankful that Amazing race started on Sunday. Who’s with me?

Jenny Matlock


It’s pirate time, me mateys! Not only is tomorrow TALK LIKE A PIRATE DAY, but we are having our fundraiser at the school, and it’s Pirate themed. We did a fun assembly a week ago, and I have to say it went well.

Here’s me with the principal, who we are going to make walk the plank, by the way.

The big walk a thon is Friday, and I’m just trying to make sure I have everything taken care of. Even though I did this job last year, there are SO MANY volunteers and SO many details, I just don’t want to forget anything.

We’ve got some bugs here, as well. I seem to have the cold that Megan and Ryan had last week, and John’s got a stomach bug that keeps him running to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes. He’s on his second day home from school, poor kid!

Larissa had fun at homecoming on Saturday.

All those hours of dress shopping paid off, because she was SO happy with her dress. I did her hair up in hot curlers for her so she could have curly hair, and she was super excited. Her date was a polite, nice young man, and he got her home one time.

Sunday we went up Provo Canyon for a drive.

We wanted to see some pretty fall leaves and have some fun before it gets cold. We stopped at Bridal Veil Falls and did some splashing around. It was mighty cold water, I tell you.

It’s too bad Megan and John couldn’t come, but John couldn’t be away from a bathroom that long, so Megan stayed with him and did her homework while we enjoyed the drive.

Things to do today

1-Fix my dang tooth so that I won’t scratch my face off. Yes, you did read that right. I got a temporary crown on my tooth last week, and I think I must be allergic to the cement or something, because once the numbness wore off, I broke out in a full blown allergy attack, with sneezing, runny nose and all that. I’ve tried to manage this with allergy meds, because it’s probably just something else, right? Who is allergic to their dental work? But anything I take to manage the allergy makes me so sleepy I just want to sleep for a few days. If I go half a day sans the meds, my mouth feels so itchy, my throat gets scratchy, my eyes are itchy, and I seriously want to scratch my face off. I broke down and made an appointment for today. Crossing my fingers!

2-Plan out my skit for my schoolwide assembly on Thursday. Do I have the skit planned out or even know who is going to help me? No. Do I have pirate stuff? Yes.

3-Find out if my slide show for the same assembly has been done. If not, START SEVERE PANIC.

4-Clean up at least some of the house so it doesn’t look like the bomb squad has been here. Over the weekend, it was John’s birthday, so we had a little family gathering, we broke our couch (again), we fixed our couch, but in the process, had to take the whole thing apart and it was sitting upside down in the living room for a while. Ryan also had to pack and leave town. So, things are a bit of a mess.

5-Go and buy LARGE amounts of cheese. Our new German daughter may even eat more ham and cheese sandwiches than Cole, and that’s saying something. I keep buying cheese, and then it’s gone. MORE CHEESE, GROMMIT!

I could go on, but I think that’s enough for my list right now.

What are YOU going to do today?

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