The Trials of a Busy Mom

Banter (with my hair)

Every once in a while I have a really good hair day. When I glance in the mirror throughout the day, I can’t help thinking, “Hey, my hair STILL looks good! Wow!” Because you know how it is–you do your hair in the morning and it looks nice and fluffy and great for about the same amount of time that you are in the house, and then as soon as you go to work or school or wherever it is you are going, the frizzies or the flyaways or the flatsies take over. For me, it’s the flatsies. I have fine, thin hair, and it’s just terrible to try and keep it looking full and fluffy.

So, yesterday, the hair was looking all fabulous for the whole day! Amazing.

So, I was like, “Hey, girlfriend, you are lookin’ fine today.”

and my hair was like, “You got that right, girlfriend!” spouting some attitude and snapping her fingers in a z.

And I was like, “Any chance you can look this good two weeks from now when I have that big old concert in the conference center?”

and my hair was all, “Oh heck to the no, girl. Do you know how much work it is to keep up this look? I’m exhausted just thinking about it. This is a one time deal! And just because you gettin all snippy looking you will be getting some FLAT hair for the next two weeks. And get me some of that conditioner that I like, will ya?”

And so then I slink off and don’t bring it up again.

Sigh. Yep. That’s how it is.

Linking up to Alphabee Thursday with Jenny Matlock


  1. Mom

    That was so cute, and clever. Where’d you learn to talk like that, girl?

  2. Laurie Picklesimer

    “Oh no it din’t!” (fingers snappin in z).

  3. Sarah ~ Magnolia Surprise

    Yup, I gave up talking to my hair long ago. It just sasses me right back 😀

  4. storybeader

    Thanks funny. I usually tie my hair down, since it doesn’t behave. So what happened? Was it the weather, or maybe the hair conditioner? LOL {:-Deb

  5. Jesh StG

    When I was a teen I let my hair rule my moods (because I had very many bad hair days) – no more, it sits how it sits, and I don’t look in the mirror, lol!

  6. Jen

    I really hate fine thin hair. I’m just glad two of my girls got beautiful thick hair. Don’t think Evie will be so lucky . . . .

  7. Erin

    This is great! So funny and very clever. You made me laugh! Thank you! 🙂

  8. Tess

    heheheheheheeeeeeeeeee. silly you.

  9. Jenny Matlock

    Brilliant post for the letter B….

    Really cute and clever Banter…

    Thanks for linking.


  10. Jenny Matlock

    …and I’m still giggling over your post!

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