The Trials of a Busy Mom

Oh, Thursday, don’t let me down

I used to LOVE Thursdays. It’s the night of all my favorite tv shows and they are all on the same night! So, actually, that means I really like FRIDAY, because that’s when I get to watch all my recorded shows. But still, just knowing that there’s some Office love or some Gray’s Anatomy broadcasting on the air and I can watch them as soon as I have time brings me joy. And I’ve been a faithful ER fan for all these years. So even if I don’t watch every episode of ER this season, just knowing that Abby and Dr. Kovach and the others are around brings me a comfort.

But I’ve grown to hate Thursdays. Because of my kids. And all the stuff they have going on. I guess people don’t want to schedule things on Fridays because, well, it’s Friday. Mondays are FHE, so that’s not the best day, so Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday are fair game. And on Thursdays we have it all. We’ve got:
3:00-3:30 piano lesson
4:00-4:30 piano lesson
4:00-5:00-ish activity day
5:30-7:30 soccer
6:00-7:00 volleyball practice
6:00-9:00 marching band
Since none of my children are of driving age, that means that either I or one of my carpool moms gets to drive these children to all of these activities. And sometimes, like last Thursday, we also have parent teacher conference and band fundraisers to attend.

And sometime in there I’m supposed to feed them all dinner? Oh, yes, and they are all supposed to do their homework between activities, too.

So, tonight I’m handing the baton off to my sweet and capable husband. I’ve got to go to a rehearsal of my own, and he will get to drop off and pick up and feed dinner and supervise the piano practicing. So, I guess, in a way, my Thursday is looking up just a bit.

Well, tonight, I hand it over to Ryan


  1. Amy

    Hope it went well!

  2. Melissa

    We have to rush around on Wednesdays, because Anna Marie has dance from right after school until 5 p.m., then she has to change clothes, eat dinner, and do her homework by 6 p.m. so we can leave for church. I use my crock pot an awful lot on those days!

  3. Kimberly

    Thursday night TV is the greatest! That is our Friday night date night at home–watching the recordings of the week. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to watch ER & the Office!! Reruns of ER at the gym at 9:00am keeps me working out for an hour–season premire totally caught me off guard! Have you seen it? What would we do without recording? Now Pushing Up Daisies is coming back on and Chuck, Prisonbreak, My Name is Earl (brings out the redneck in me), Heroes, and an occasional Terminator.

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