The Trials of a Busy Mom

Happy Birthday, old man

Happy Birthday to my sweet hubby!

In rip roaring birthday fashion, we are celebrating up a storm around here. The kids made him breakfast in bed and even made him cards this morning. Jenna was meticulously drawing all 41 candles for the birthday card cake. John decided to give dad a car and a batman, even though 4 minutes earlier he was all set to give him two of his stuffed animals. Me? What did I give my loving husband of 16 years? Well, I approved the purchase of a VERY LARGE flat screen monitor. And we “gave it to him” on Sunday, when my parents were here celebrating Natalie and Ryan’s birthdays with us. It had been hiding away since it came a few days earlier. In anticipation of the grand new monitor, he’s been cleaning his office desk for the past few days, and I must say the HUGE thing looks quite nice in there. I think he can scoot his desk about a foot closer to the wall now.

I also bought him a pair of shoes that he said he needed. But when I brought them home I discovered he already HAD a pair of shoes in the closet that he wasn’t wearing, and threatened to return them. He likes the new shoes better. And I GUESS it’s ok if he has say, more than three pairs of shoes at a time. I mean, I only have a few more pairs than that, right? (Cough, cough)

I also presented him with a birthday pie. Pumpkin. But I forgot the whipped cream in a can. Don’t worry, honey, I’ll pick some up when I’m out today.

And to celebrate, he gets to take the kids out tonight. In between soccer and volleyball practice and a possible wedding reception. And I stay home. Because I’m hosting a little clothing party tonight, and need them out of the house. (Although I seriously don’t know if a single person is coming tonight, since I inadvertently scheduled this the same night as our ward’s quarterly enrichment night. I didn’t know! They don’t publicize these things months in advance or anything. I just hope I don’t clean my house for nothing, you know?) Isn’t that great for a birthday? Yep, we know how to celebrate them around here.

Happy Birthday, Ryan. You are a wonderful husband, a fabulous dad, a great neighbor, brilliant in every way, and I love you! Thank you for sharing your life with me.


  1. Robin


  2. Ryan

    Jenna was saying her prayers tonight, she said something like:

    We’re thankful that we could celebrate Dad’s Birthday… Sort of.


    I guess some years, you only get ‘sort of’ celebrations. OK by me.

  3. Amber

    Pumpkin pie is the new birthday cake? I’m moving in. 🙂 Happy birthday to hubby!

  4. Amy

    I’d have pie over cake any day! How LARGE of a monitor? And what’s a clothing party?

    Happy Birthday Ryan!

  5. Ryan

    Yeah, and I’ve been the only one eating my birthday Pumpkin Pie!

    The monitor is 24″ widescreen. And it’s sweet. Not an unaffordable Apple 30″, but still… This one:

    A clothing party is like a Pampered Chef party, except you have a person in your house selling overpriced clothes instead of overpriced kitchen gadgets.


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