Yesterday was the funeral for Tennille. It was nice. But let me backtrack a little bit.

On Monday, after I found out and was pretty much in shock and crying all day, Maranda, one of my friends from Bells, called and said that the Utah Valley Handbell Choir had been asked to play for the funeral, but needed a few people to sub, and would I be willing to play. Of course, I said, Anything I can do.

On Tuesday, I didn’t cry so much, and felt much more peaceful and calm from the Holy Ghost.

On Wednesday, I was dreading going to Bell Choir and not having her standing next to me laughing with me. But Brother Waldron and Brother Willmore said some very nice words, we all cried for a few minutes and then we got on with our rehearsal. It went better than I thought it would go, but was still rough. I brought a card for everyone to sign and took up a collection for flowers.

On Thursday, I ordered the flowers. I ordered a nice basket of plants and flowering plants for their home, and a nice colorful standing arrangement for the funeral and gravesite. Then Thursday night, I met at the 7th day adventist Church, where the Utah Valley Handbell choir practice, and was thrown into a totally new part, and we ran through about 5 or 6 songs. There are only two speakers, she told us, and we’re doing the rest. EEk! I’m not even used to reading the bass cleff, and wasn’t getting all the notes. I came home with a prayer in my heart that Heavenly Father would help me play to the best of my ability even though I’d not had time to practice, so that the spirit could be felt through our music.

So, that brings us to Friday. Ryan “worked” from home (although he told me he didn’t get much done) and watched John and Jenna so I could leave at 11:30. We got up to Kaysville early enough to run through two songs and go to the viewing. Then the funeral started, and although I hadn’t cried earlier that day, I was crying when her brother spoke. I had Kleenex, though, and I was ok. So, we got up and played two songs (I couldn’t even tell you what they were called!) and I did ok. I messed up a couple of times, and forgot a few notes, but overall did ok. Then we sat down and there was another speaker, then we got up and played three more songs (one was how great thou art). I made it through the songs, and then when I sat down I felt I could cry, so I did. It was a very nice service, and there were over 40 flower arrangements there. There was a big one from the Tab choir, and the two from the Bell choir, and a whole bunch of others. There was hardly room to put them all up. She was a very special person and I feel blessed to have had her as a friend.

So, now I need to switch gears and get ready for a baby shower that we’re hosting tomorrow (at someone else’s house—I’m doing food and a game). After that I’ll be taking some kids to the Gingerbread House Festival at Thanksgiving point.

So, I made it through the week. Thanks again for all the love and support.