The Trials of a Busy Mom

We were having a lovely evening reconnecting with old friends, just about to leave, when the cell phone rings.
It’s home.
It’s the 9 year old daughter with words you never want to hear. “People are throwing up here.”
Panic! “Which people? Where? Where’s the babysitter?”
After talking to the babysitter (her first time to tend for us, and more than likely, the last), I found out the horrible details–Natalie threw up on the wood floor, and Jenna made it to the bathroom. I told her to have the kids change their clothes if they needed to, and just put towels down on the floor and we’d clean it up when we got home.
So, then we drive home in white knuckle snow, watching one car fish tail repeatedly (either he was doing it on purpose–and why would anyone do that on the freeway, or he had really really bad tires), and one car spin around a couple of times on I-15, wondering what the scene will be when we get home.
Well, apparantly, John slipped in the throw up on the floor, so he was disgusting, too, so two kids had baths. Needless to say, we paid the poor babysitter VERY well, and we hope to see her again sometime.
Then, in the night, Megan complained of a headache, which Cole also had this morning. Cole and I went to church for sacrament meeting, but then he wanted to come home, complaining of the headache.

So, it’s a wonderful end to a great holiday weekend!


  1. Mel

    Ah, the slipping in barf is a true test of a toddler’s balance. Hope you’re all feeling better. And, glad it’s your house and not mine!

  2. Superpaige

    Just to update, ALL of the kids have now had it, and Ryan and I, although not throwing up, are not feeling great. Send us your good thoughts.

  3. Christina

    So sorry for you, feel better!

  4. lisa

    So sorry about the sickness. What a nightmare. I just dread that at our house.

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