The Trials of a Busy Mom

It was that kind of day

Oh, yesterday was a bit of a hard day for me. Not like my family was diagnosed with some kind of horrible disease or I was in a car accident hard day kind of day, just the busy two year old kind of day.


(Even though he’s a troublemaker, he’s still cute as the dickens!)

Let’s start by saying that Dad replaced his crib with his cool toddler car bed over the weekend, and I don’t think he was quite ready for the change. So now my boy, who was easy to put down for his nap and bedtime, is now a non-sleeper. Ugh.

We were in the car at lunchtime again, and he fell asleep in the car. I tried to do the transfer from car to bed, but he woke up screaming, as usual. So, I tried to do what Supernanny would do. I told him to stay in his bed, and just sat there by his bed not looking at him. He eventually stopped crying and lay down, wimpering and calling out the occasional “Mommy” and I think he would have gone to sleep, had Jenna not been singing close by. She then came in and asked if she could have a sucker (the sucker was already in her hand). All thoughts of a nap (his or mine) flew out the window. He started screaming, I left the room, and pretty soon he was downstairs pretending nothing had happened. Ugh. Since he hadn’t had any lunch, I figured I’d better at least feed him.

For the rest of the day, he felt it was his duty to help me clean out the pantry. Only I wasn’t cleaning out the pantry, I was trying to get my house cleaned up for a party on Saturday. He kept bringing out cereal, sitting at the table and eating as much as he wanted. He also chose to bring that cereal into the family room (a big no no!). He got himself a juice box, and asked Cole’s friend to open it for him. Once the little one had a juice box, everyone else figured they deserved juice boxes, too, so we had a juice box festival here for a while.

About 5:00, John comes and brings me a CD and a DVD with a proud look on his face. “Where did you get those?” I asked. “Presents,” he says. OH NO!!! I run to the front room to see the Christmas tree, and sure enough, there’s a bunch of wrapping paper. “John! What did you do?!” I said, even though that was a dumb thing to say, I know what he did–he opened presents!! “I made a mess,” he told me. We had to quickly rewrap a present for Dad, who was coming home shortly, John helped throw away the wrapping paper, and I later rewrapped those presents for Grandpa and Italo. Ugh. Thankfully he didn’t unwrap any kid presents, as that would really have messed up my day! We had a talk about how it’s not time to open presents, and we need to wait until Christmas, but I don’t think I really got through to him. I may have to gate off that room.

The thing that pushed me over the edge was when my baked potato exploded in the oven. As far as exploding food goes, I guess potatoes are a good choice (I mean compared to eggs or spaghetti sauce), but it was just too much for my poor little self. I felt like running screaming from the room. Luckily, Dad was here by then and he was able to help save my sanity.

We were able to watch the end of the Amazing Race (thank goodness that one is over) and Ryan was especially happy that the non-Weavers won. Enough said about that.

Tonight I get to wear my fancy dress that I bought on sale at Coldwater Creek for an unheard of $39 and go to the Grand America Hotel for the Tabernacle Choir Christmas Party. I’m so excited! ! I’ve got my babysitter all arranged, a pizza in the freezer, and hopefully things will go smoothly.

What are you excited about today?

1 Comment

  1. Susannah

    Max jumped out of his crib last month and it scared him so bad that I think we bought ourselves at least 4 more months before he tries again! I can’t imagine having him in a bed yet. Too much freedom! Good luck!

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