The Trials of a Busy Mom

Listen…Do you hear that?

Listen closely. What is it? you may ask. I’ll tell you, my friends….it’s the sound of silence. Yes–blissful, silent solitude. And it’s mine! All mine! For 1.5 entire hours! I get the house to myself.

Yes, the kids have enjoyed a wonderful two week vacation from school and all things responsibility related.

We’ve had our cousins for a week

and played all kinds of games and puzzles.

After Christmas we excelled in video games and rock band.

We have eaten every unhealthy thing we can imagine.

We played in the snow,

we shot at things,

raced on motorcycles,


and threw parties.

We’ve seriously funned ourselves out,

and pretty much driven Mom to the edge of crazy and back.

Yesterday we switched to the 9 am church time, which is fine, except when you have no plans for the rest of the day. Ryan went to sacrament meeting with us, and then drove the highly packed with electronics and all things expensive Suburban down to Las Vegas. Seriously. I’ll bet the stuff in that car cost more than the cost of the car itself. He’s off to the consumer electronics show for a week plus. Have fun with that, sweetie.

I was left with the tiny two seater piece of junk truck to transport my family. I had to ask people at church if they would give one or two or my children a ride home, less they have to walk home in the 12 degree weather. Ugh. notefromryan
ANYWAY, going anywhere together is now out of the question, so we had the rest of the day to lay around and NOT play video games. We watched Wall-E and a couple of Monks that we had recorded. I sent them to bed and matched up a basket full of socks.

So, back to the quiet. The kids left for school this morning. Yes, we had some “WHERE IS MY BAND NOTEBOOK?” drama, and we will have to find that band notebook sometime today, for heaven’s sake. But at least they all made it out the door and on their way to school. John also goes back to preschool today–Hooray for Mrs. Net! So, for a blessed hour and a half from 12:15-1:45, I have the house to myself. It’s something I’ve not had in over two weeks, a quiet house. And I’m not sure what I’m going to be doing with my abundance of quietitude, but I’m not going to be spending it on the computer.

I can’t seem to get the words and images to line up properly, but here’s the note that Ryan left me, saying “Thanks for letting me take the car. I hope you have a great WALK.” When I questioned him about it, he swears that he wrote ‘have a nice week’, but that sure looks like he wrote ‘walk’ to me. I’ll let you be the judge–did he write ‘walk’ or ‘week’? Help me sort this out.notefromryan1 Here’s a bigger look, just in case you are on the fence. Walk? Week? I think it’s pretty sarcastic of him to tell me to have a good walk, but that’s just me.

So, I hope you enjoy the quiet in your house today, too. The Christmas break was wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but it was just a bit noisy. I’m off to enjoy the sound of a quiet house.


  1. Mom

    I sure thought it was “walk” but as I look at it again I guess you could say it was a poorly written “week.” That’s funny, though, if he really wrote “walk.” That’s really what some of the family could be doing this week.

    You surely do deserve your 1-1/2 hours of rest from people’s demands. Actually, I think you deserve at least a whole day.

  2. Amy

    When I first read it, I thought it said “week.” You’re right, though, it looks more like “walk.” No offense, Ryan, but your handwriting’s a little sloppy, which makes me tend to believe he really meant to write “week” and just put an extra jog in the first “e.” But what’s this thing about the Christmas tree?

    Just let me know when you’ve had enough and want to borrow the van. Right this second, I hear Brian making plans for tomorrow morning, but it’s not until 11:30, so if you wanted to borrow the van before that, it’ll be home after 9:30.

  3. Emily

    …and I’m afraid it looks like walk.

    probably a mis-writing. 🙂

  4. Ryan

    It is TOTALLY week.

    I had not a sarcastic bone in my body when I wrote that note.

  5. Melissa

    In his defense, I thought it said “week” the first time I looked – but upon a second inspection, it could go either way!

  6. Kristy

    At least he started out well!

  7. Lisa Adams

    on first reading, I agree it looked like “walk” but on the blown up version you can see where it might say “week”. Either way, hopefully you both survive.

  8. Jen - Queen of Poo

    We are funned out too! But we’re lovin’ the Rock Band! Looked like walk to me, but if I look twice I can see week.

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