The Trials of a Busy Mom

A debit card? You’re 10!

Yesterday I tried to make the most of my visit to the school. I had to do playground duty for an hour and a half. Not wanting to be watching my own kids climb all over the playground for that entire time, I got a babysitter for them (yes, sometimes I’m with-it enough to actually plan ahead).
–So, I went a few minutes early and got all of Jenna’s Kindergarten Registration papers, which I filled out on the playground.
–I also dropped off my note for Dads and Donuts (which is this Friday-ugh) at the office to be copied.
–While I was doing my playground duty, I stepped in to the Lunchroom to say hi to each of my kids, and to embarrass them in front of their friends (not really, I’ve been there enough that their friends know who I am, even if I don’t remember who they all are).
–And I walked around watching kids play. When’s the last time you ran around screaming just for fun? I can’t remember ever running around just for fun, but I probably did run Ramona style and play tag and all that when I was in elementary school. I do remember playing “Charlie’s Angels”, though. Now that was fun. I only had a few kids come up and tattle on other kids, and I had to go and talk to one girl about being nice and not hurting people’s feelings. Wearing the lovely orange vest and fanny pack, and being oh, so stylish, I walked around in awe of those kids and their energy. Why don’t we have energy like that? Oh, yeah, pregnancy, childbirth and raising children. That’s right.
–When my sentence, I mean volunteer time, was over, I went with Megan quickly to the Book Fair, which was going on in the library. Megan’s friend, who had been trying to hand out money at the lunch table, was there with her debit card. When I asked her why she had a debit card, she said, “Oh, my stepdad gave it to me and said to spend it on anything I want.” Does anyone else see the problem here, or am I just being extremely old fashioned in my thinking that 10 year olds are not old enough to manage a debit card?


  1. christina

    I remember that duirng recess we all would go to the back grass and build human pyramids with the girls and Ron Christensen. During first and second grade Melinda and I would watch Bryan J. and Robin B. play tetherball, we would kiss a rock and throw it at them, if we nailed them with the rock we kissed them.
    Doozy of a dream last night, I somehow ended up breast feeding one of Melinda’s children, not sure if it was one of her actual children, or a “new” one. Top that!!

  2. Mel

    I remember those playground escapades, too! Remember playing spaceship on that jungle gym in back with that really nice boy (what was his name? Green?). And I remember a period of time when we all had condiments for nicknames… pickles anyone?

  3. christina

    Chris Green, still in love with him. Where did he go??

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