Oh, and in other great news from my house, I served my friends moldy muffins for our Relief Society meeting. Because I’m such a great cook and all. Yeah, I’ve got skillz. Some of the muffins didn’t get all the way cooked, and then when they sat around in the tupperware, the moisture in the muffins just went to work. So, I served them some muffins. I wondered why they were just picking at them, and not eating the whole thing. I didn’t eat one myself, because I’d just had one (mine was cooked). When I was cleaning up, I looked closely, and it looked like there was some blue in there. I’d seen enough. Into the trash went every last muffin. I was so embarrassed, I hurried and sent off apology emails to the ladies who I had tried to poison. I thought about calling, but was just too embarrassed. I did get one response that “they weren’t moldy, just not cooked all the way through”. Thanks, but I think she was just being nice.

So, what awaits us today? Maybe we’ll go to Target.