There’s nothing more frustrating than losing a library book–OK, there are a few things more frustrating, like whining kids, cancer, world huger, and that sort of thing, I’ll admit. But I’ve had this lost library book thing looming over my head for a month now. And it’s ok if it’s my own library book, but when a friend checked it out for me, and I’ll be racking up fines on HER library account does not sit well with me. I’ve combed the house and looked under all the seats in the car, asked the kids repeatedly if they’ve seen my book, and still not found it. So, last night, Ryan looks under the bed, reaches down, and pulls out–the missing book! How is that possible? Of course I looked under the bed, do you think I’m stupid? It was one of the first places I looked! Well, whatever. I’m just very pleased that the book was found, and now we can return it and get the lost library book Karma out of our house!
Oh, and Melinda, I’m good for the fine money–really.
What a relief!
You have to have one “finder” in the family. My go-to gal is Dorothy — if she can’t find it, no one can and it is TRULY lost. So, be thankful for Ryan!
I guess Paige will have to owe Melinda $.30. I returned the book today to the Riverton City Library, and since the book is officially ‘In Transit’ until it arrives at the Park Library, the fine can’t be paid.
(The fine won’t accrue, but you can’t pay it until the book actually arives)