The Trials of a Busy Mom

The last donut

Today marked the last time I am in charge of Dads and Donuts–Forever! Well, maybe not forever, but for the near future, at least. And it’s not like it’s such a hard thing, either. But I’ve done…let me count…6 sessions times 2 (for am and pm) this year, and 8 sessions times 2 last year, and 1 for each grade the year before that in the spring. So, that’s ….carry the one…34. Thirty four times I’ve gotten to hand out donuts. And very few of those times have I had anyone offer to help. Why is that? It’s the same moms doing all the programs on the old PTA. We just switch jobs each year. We need to recruit some new blood!

But anyway, I’m glad that I’m done with the donuts for now. My kids are sad, because I’ve usually taken them with me to help, and if not that, I always bring them home a donut each time. Today, since I wasn’t feeling all that well and didn’t want to breathe whatever stomache ache germs I’ve got brewing in myself on donuts of unsuspecting readers, I let Megan and Natalie wear the plastic gloves and hand out all the donuts. I sat nearby and watched, and they did a great job. Cole was off reading a book, which is the point of the whole Dads and Donuts thing, so I didn’t mind him not helping me.

Today I’m trying to get my house clean so we can have a bridal shower for Ryan’s sister Julene! on Saturday. So, I’ll go and get back to vacuuming.


  1. christina

    Wait until you get to high school, and it’s only 4 or 5 parents doing EVERYTHING!

  2. Mel

    It is always the same parents. I’m switching back to middle school to elementary school this coming year, but I’ll still be in PTA. Why is that? Hmmm.

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