The Trials of a Busy Mom

My Grandma

My Grandma died on Saturday night. She was a very hardworking lady and she lived a good long life. We just got together a couple weeks ago to celebrate her birthday. She wasn’t very much with us. Dementia had taken over.

When I was a kid, my brother Scott and I used to go and spend a week at my grandma’s house every summer. I’m not sure how my mom and dad were so lucky, but it was a great thing for everyone. I have an aunt who’s only about 7 years older than me, and only 5 years older than Scott, so she looked forward to having us come every summer. We didn’t have anything fancy or go anywhere special, we just played. I remember making zucchini boats, hiking up the hills of Springville to get clay and making clay creations. We would ride bikes to the fish hatchery, or even go to Park Ro-she. Lisa had a bike with two baskets on the back, and I remember riding on the back of her bike. We would camp out in the backyard, play with the fox (yes, my grandparents had a pet fox when I was little), and just be regular members of the family. Grandpa was grumpy and crotchety, but he still loved us. Grandma was fun and loving, although very busy.

When I was at BYU, I would visit my Grandparents often. My brother lived there for a bit while he went to school, and it was close. I even brought my roommates to pick cherries or rake leaves. My grandma made me a camping quilt that we lovingly refer to as “monster blanket”. It’s pieced polyester on the top, and inside it’s filled with not one, but two wool army blankets. As she was making the blanket, the story is that my grandpa said, “One blanket? That won’t be warm enough for Paige. You’d better put two in there.” Well, it’s warm enough all right, and it weighs about 50 pounds.

My grandpa died shortly before Cole was born, so none of my kids knew either of their great grandpas. In later years, I remember how Grandma ‘s home was always plastered with pictures. It seems every grandchild and great grandchild HAD to make pictures for Grandma, including my own kids. She didn’t like living alone, but she made the best of it, and bought all the books and dolls (or anything else that Grandpa would have considered frivolous) she wanted. Always wanting company, she would invite the grown grandkids to come and visit, and she’d take them out to dinner or lunch. My kids would LOVE to go visit Grandma and go to McDonald’s.

For the past few years, she hasn’t been with us mentally so much, which has been hard for all of us. But I’m glad my kids have memories of her when she still lived in her own house, and when she knew all their names. I’m sure she’s happy to have all her memories back.

Although I will miss my sweet grandma, I’m glad that she’s gone on to be with my grandpa again. It will be a nice day to connect with family and those that I love in remembering one that we love. I love you, Grandma. I’ll miss you.


  1. Maranda

    I am sorry to hear about your grandma. I remember you briefly talking about her in the carpool. I read her obituary, and I wonder if she knew my grandma from the State hospital. I will have to remember to ask her. Those are such sweet memories you have of her. She sounds like she was a wonderful lady.

  2. Amy

    I’m so glad we have so many memories of her. She was such a great woman–I want to be as kind and grateful and generous and loving as she was!

  3. Sharmyn

    Oh Paige. I remember your Grandma. I remember going to her house when we were at the Y. I’m sorry you lost her. I know that loss is hard, even when they already had one foot sort of on the other side. Thoughts, prayers, and love, winging your way.

  4. Tess

    I am so sorry for you loss, Paige. The picture of her in the post is beautiful. Really, a very nice tribute.

  5. jenny denton

    I lost my Grandma last December. And it’s never easy, even when you know it’s best.
    And BTW, if you want your kid to swim, just move to AZ for a summer. No one over the age of 5 CAN’T swim.

  6. Melissa

    I am so sorry for your loss. I saw you had posted this on Facebook, and wanted to stop by and read your post. Such sweet memories, I know you’re thankful for them!

  7. Christina Carbone

    Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a grandparent is a tough thing to go through, no matter what age we are. I know you take comfort knowing you’ll see her again. xoxoox

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