The Trials of a Busy Mom

Let me bat my eyes at you

A few weeks back, a friend asked if I’d like eyelash extensions as part of her training. Sure! We got a time worked out eventually, and I became one of her eyelash guinea pigs. She had to do a so many sets for practice before she took her certification test, and she wouldn’t charge me anything for the experience.

It’s ended up being a nice little experiment. Being blonde as I am, and not having long lush eyelashes, it was kind of nice to wake up with actual dark lashes. I could go out without mascara, even. The timing was perfect, as I had long lashes for the play. I would just apply mascara as usual and my lashes looked long and full, and I didn’t have to put on fake eyelashes like I did last year.

Since this wasn’t a real set of lashes (with the real glue), I was told they would only last two weeks or so. Well, it’s now been just short of three weeks and I still have some long lashes. I take note now whenever I lose an eyelash. Oh, there goes a nice long full eyelash, I think. Did you know that your eyelashes grow out completely and replace themselves in about 60-90 days? So, obviously, a set of eyelash extensions won’t last forever, even if they are glued on there with permanent glue.

I was funny when I went up to girls camp to do some activities with the girls. I was all clean and showered, and even though I hadn’t done much with my hair or makeup that day (since we had a dress rehearsal that night and I didn’t want to do all the hair and makeup AGAIN), the ladies there acted like I was just a picture of loveliness. “Look at you, you’re so clean! And did you get your eyelashes done?” Pretty soon all the girls are clamoring to get a look at my long and lush eyelashes. Wow.

Every once in a while I get a last that’s all skewampus, pointing East when it should be point west or some other such nonsense. I just give it a little swipe with the mascara wand and it goes back where it should.

Would I do this on a regular basis? Oh, heck no. I’ve been told it costs around $200 for a full set of lashes that last around four weeks. That’s roughly $50 a week, so I don’t think so. But for a fun experiment and to let my friend practice on me, you bet. Now I need to find someone in massage therapy school who also needs to practice on me, or someone who’s studying to be a personal chef who needs families to try out. Or an apprentice housekeeper? Anyone?

1 Comment

  1. Melissa

    Maybe you could just get that new medicine I’ve seen advertised, that grows longer lashes? I’ve often wanted to try the fake ones, but never had the guts!

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