The Trials of a Busy Mom

Not ready

School starts this Thursday. Why on a Thursday? I don’t know. I don’t make the rules. While I’m now ready for the kids to go back to school, I’m not ready myself for them to be back in school. You know what I mean, don’t you? The carpools, the schedules, the soccer season, the piano lessons, the after school activities, the lunches, the permission slips, the homework checks, the lost papers, the daily checking of powerschool, the forgotten band instruments, the PTA jobs, the lunch money checks, and all that.

I am feeling particularly overwhelmed having kids in three different schools. How does one mom keep a handle on ALL that? Tomorrow night is back to school night for three schools! How? How is this possible? I’m only one person!!!

I’m sure once we get into the routine, it will somehow be manageable, but today–Right now–I’m scared.



  1. Tess

    I am soooo torn! On one hand, I want them OUT of the house and AWAY from each other. I want time to go to the gym and the store and write and just THINK, for heavens sake. On the other hand, it is so much work having them in school. This year I’ve got to be up w/ Meg at 6am. It hurts just thinking about it.

    You can do it!!! I know you can!! And, when you can’t, then call me and I’ll help 🙂

  2. Tess

    Oh, I just love those little smiley faces!!! I’m gonna try some in this comment (nevermind me, I’m just playing here)

    smile 🙂

    wink 😉

    surprise :0

    talking out side of mouth/sarcastic 😛

    now I’m clicking submit to see them….here I go…..

  3. Tess

    Okay, so surprise doesn’t register but the others did. Very nice. Oh, I forgot laughing. Will it be different from the ‘p’ I used in the above sarcastic one?

    let’s see….. 😀

  4. Tess

    Yes, it has a white big smile insted of a red one.

    Okay, I’m done. Thanks, that was fun!

  5. Amy

    All of Tess’s smiles were encouraging. I feel the same way–this year, due to the two schools, four students, and three younguns, we have to formulate a new plan every day to get the kids all to school without driving illegally or leaving someone alone illegally. So far we’ve managed it for three days. (Cross fingers) Hopefully we’ll get into a routine.

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