The Trials of a Busy Mom

Brady Bunch

My kids enjoy watching the occasional episode of the Brady Bunch. It’s a fun show to watch while making dinner, and I love quoting episodes I must have seen 10 times. What? There was not much on when I was a kid besides Brady Bunch, Gilligan’s Island, Electric Company and Zoom. Anyway, as we were setting the table, Jenna said, “We’re just like the Brady bunch!” (because there are three girls. Only two boys, but who needs Peter, anyway?)

Megan, the oldest, said, “I’m Marsha.”
Natalie, the middle daughter, said, “I’m Jan.”
Jenna, the youngest daughter, said, “I’m Susan!”

Um… ok.


  1. Ryan

    Who really would *want* to be Cindy anyway?

  2. Jen

    Ha ha ha! Cute.

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